My Wife Hela (2)

When the Tier 11 Taesci man saw me releasing my aura, I swore that I saw that he took one or two steps back, in fear or whatever.

Unfortunately for them, even if they surrendered to the Chthonian Empire, they would be killed for sure.

Husband gave an order to not take any survivors from any race of the Ancient Eternal Star Region, mainly because they didn't have that worth as slaves.

However, that stemmed from the fact that soon enough, the latest plan for the Baator would be initiated and we can't have that many slaves.

And integration of those races was out of the question.

Even though some of them would be good additions to the Empire, especially the Three-Eyed Race, even despite their human-like origins, their potential with the Psionic Energy was something fascinating.

But in the end, those old races, with even a fraction of their history longer than the entire existence of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator, probably many of them are far, far, far, far older than even Dresden Arcanum Empire, so integrating them into the Empire would be mission impossible.

Not worth the resources invested into it.

Thus death was the only solution.

Not to mention, even their death is profitable, be it corpses could be used as food to increase the population of the Magical Beasts in the Baator or for Necromancers to raise Undead Armies.

As the pitch-black flames flamed around my Necroswords, I teleported in front of Tier 11 Taesci man, slashing at him with my two swords with the cross-like pattern at full force, forcing him to raise his lance to defend against my attacks.

'Hmm... his physical strength is a bit higher than my own without supplementing it with my Godhood directly.'

I thought, sending one powerful kick at the Taesci man's stomach, sending him flying, crashing several hundreds of meters away into some random military building.

Seconds later, after he clashed there, an enormous explosion was seen through the entire asteroid.

"That sucks... crashing into the storage building of something explosive."

I commented, but soon enough, I noticed another of the javelins shooting through the space directly at me; as I dodged to the right side, outstretched my right, catching the javelin with my hand I threw it directly at the Taesci expert, boosted up with my Divine Power for the extra kick.

Contrary to my expectations, he withstood the kick relatively well; something appreciated because a strong foe was always welcomed. Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said about the rest of the Taesci and their vassals.

With each passing second, countless of them were being killed by hordes of my Astral Necrotic Undeads, and I could sense that even the last major defensive trenches and measure that the Taescis had, were being breached by my Astral Necrotic Undead.

Not even moments later, the Tier 11 Taesci man burst out with tremendous levels of energy as I immediately grew alerted at the transformation, and I started increasing the output I was using, essentially utilizing my Godhood.

Divine Power surged through my entire being; I rushed at Tier 11 Taesci man, attacking him with my Necroswords, forcing the Tier 11 man to dodge each of my attacks, as he was keeping with me, probably whatever he did which caused his energy level tremendously increase, allowed him to keep up with me effortlessly.

But in the end, the borrowed power was never for the free and side effects. I could see that he was using some sort of technique, which was forcibly converting his vitality in a much more subtle way than the simple burning of the Lifeforce.

The effects were very visible that the method that the Tier 11 man was using was not the complete one and had some sort of severe side-effects, judging purely by the black veins appearing all around the man's body.

While I was not following the Path of Laws, the Godhood Method my beloved gave me was in no way inferior to the Path of Laws; in some cases, in terms of the combat prowess and destructive capabilities, it may be even higher.

And due to that, I naturally far outclassed most power systems, which followed a simple structure of energy gathering and nothing more and nothing less.

The Godhood I had was far more superior and powerful to the Divine Path of the Astral Boundary, especially in the aspect of destructive prowess, even though the auxiliary capabilities were lagging behind.

When I used my Godhood to the maximum of its power, appearing instantly in front of the Tier 11 Taesci Man, and before he could react to anything, I pierced his heart with one of my Necrosword, mainly because I was beginning to get bored with this fight.

Mainly because I already saw everything that my opponent had to offer me, and when it already crossed the line, I quickly lost my interest.

After I killed the man, I looked around the military outpost, seeing that my Astral Necrotic Undeads had completely overrun the entire asteroid and finished killing everything that was alive until nothing remained from the military outpost.



I was calmly observing Hela having her fun, but as I knew my beloved wife very well as an attentive husband would, I knew that she would be soon enough bored out of this because her opponent was weak and, at the same time, stupid.

A deadly combination.

And exactly as I thought, several tens of minutes later, Hela killed the Taesci protector of this concrete military outpost, releasing even more Astral Necrotic Undeads to finish the ongoing slaughter before she returned back to the Blackstone Fortress.

"Have you enjoyed your little fun?"

I asked her with a smirk as she lunged at me, hugging me like a koala.

"Not enough... maybe we can continue with our previous activities."

Hela whispered into my ears seductively; as I could just nod my head, thus we departed to my chambers. It appears that all that fights, killing and slaughter made her very aroused, and I was no different, even though a little bit lesser.