Father of All Devils vs. Great Serpent (1)

Currently, it is one of the worst days for the entire Taesci Race because just a few days ago, they learned that the Baatorian Expeditionary Fleets had breached their last lines of defense and that all of their people had been brutally killed one by one.

Such was the cruelty of the Planar War, the same one which the Taescis brought up on the thousands if not tens of thousands, of civilizations and planes themselves.

This time, they just appeared on the other end of the blade and were clearly losing.

The higher-ups of the Taesci Race had long since come to the realization that their situation could not be saved. Their last hope was to ask the other two hegemons of the Ancient Eternal Star Region for assistance, but even they were not in a better position.

Three-Eyed Race was literarily being decimated by the armadas of the Dresden Arcanum Empire, and even the Ancestor of the Three-Eyed Race was on the verge of death after the confrontation with the Arcane Ancestor.

So the Three-Eyed Race was out of the equation because they had their own problems.

Venan Race was a bit better on it; while they were not on the verge of extinction like them or being pushed back such as the Three-Eyed Race, they were stopped by one of the expeditionary fleets of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator, which the current Emperor led.

While they were not taking a lot of territories, they were doing a splendid job at playing a turtle and blocking the Venans from helping their "allies".

It comes to the end of the day and the only thing left for the Taesci Race to do, with all of their defenses in place, is to fight to the death since nothing else remained but to fight to the death.

"Activate all defenses over the entire Serpent Plane; we are not going down without the fight."

As a result of their current situation, they did not need any more words from the Taesci Race Ancestor at the last meeting, so he spoke only those words.

The first defensive measure, which was already nearby the Serpent Plane, started receiving signals several hours later from the expeditionary fleet of the Chthonian Empire.

"They are already here."

As he gazed upon the incoming Chthonian Expeditionary Fleet, the Taesci Ancestor Sirren spoke with a grim expression.


MC POV, Blackstone Fortress, the commanding center of the Blackstone Fortress.

"They already know that we are coming."

I commented on the development; clearly, the Taescis put everything to the defense, albeit already aware of the inevitable end that awaited them. The pure and cold extermination, nothing more and nothing less.

At the same time, I would be dealing with the Ancestor of the Taesci Race, Sirren, and unfortunately for him and me, he was severely injured.

It was a sad thing for me because I wanted to test out my power; this would be the first I would be fighting someone at Tier 12, however irrational it sounded.

In Sirren's case, it was a miserable situation because even if he were at his peak, I would be able to dispose of him in a very short amount of time.

Suddenly, as I was about to leave the Blackstone Fortress, I suddenly felt something coming from the Serpent Plane, and I was deeply disturbed at the sight because I knew what the Sirren was doing.

"We need to evacuate immediately! That madman is sacrificing the entire Grade 1 Plane along with all of its inhabitants in order to heal his injuries and reaches even higher Tiers, probably aiming to ascend as Tier 13."

I ordered, as everyone instantly went to carry out my orders. Not even several seconds later, the entire Expeditionary Fleet from the Chthonian Empire started retreating as far as possible while I exited the Blackstone Fortress to fight against Sirren.

Meanwhile, the Expeditionary Fleet of the Chthonian Empire has retreated.

I could sense that the entire population of trillions were being sacrificed by the Ancestor Sirren, who was getting stronger and stronger with each passing second as I sensed his existence becoming more and more powerful, eventually reaching the peak of Tier 12.

He didn't stop there; then, soon enough, his existence and power reached some sort of a semi-state, where he reached the half-step of Tier 13, but despite the fact that he couldn't ascend as a Tier 13 as a result of the method he used, he wasn't able to ascend as such.

In order to reach Tier 13, it was basically a matter of approaching the Conceptual Entity, no matter who the Power System was or what it was.

No matter who and what the Power System was, the approach was always the same. Getting to Tier 13 was like transcending and becoming more than just an average powerhouse in some universe.

In other words, the method was breaking through just by accumulating tremendous energy levels.

Even when reaching Tier 12, this method was generally frowned upon and considered as being short-sighted and extremely dangerous to use.

Upon the completion of the entire process, I felt that Sirren's energy levels had calmed down, and at the same time, I summoned Atiesh to my right hand and prepared to engage him in combat.

Even though I doubted that Sirren was a threat to me, I could sense that his energy levels are absolutely frightening, and in the war of attrition, I would be at a severe disadvantage, probably.

Several moments later, tremendous pressure shot out from the empty husks of the Serpent Plane, a once vibrant and powerful civilization, where only a post-apocalyptic wasteland remained as the entire plane was slowly falling apart.

The Half-Step Tier 13 powerhouse appeared before me in his full glory; just the pressure he was emitting would put even people like Weissmann to shame.

Hopefully, his combat capabilities and destructive abilities won't be anyway less.

And I had to admit that this was becoming interesting, and hopefully, it would fulfill my expectations.