Interlude: Vali VIII. - Reformation (1)

Earth, the Year 1968, Europe, Great Britain, Wiltshire, Malfoy Manor, several days later after the summoning ritual.

Several days have passed since Tom Riddle summoned a devil to Earth.

During this time, the only thing that they have been doing was Vali teaching his new pawn how to use the basics of the Human Calculation Magic and a basic grasp of the Magic Circles.

From the effects, he saw that right now, the power of the human has increased from the intermediate Tier 2 to the peak of Tier 2 in terms of pure Mana Reserves.

Probably having some sort of training system has helped him to regulate the Magic Core that each of the Wizards had in their body.

Similarly to Devils and Dragons, the Wizards had their own specific "Magic Organ" where all of their Magical Power was stored. It was a small crystal located in their heart called Magic Core.

Even Vali was surprised at how fast the human wizard was absorbing the knowledge before him; it was rather fascinating.

After some time of observation, Vali scanned Tom Riddle for his Soul Aptitude, finding out that he had Soul Aptitude Level 6 Superior... which was fascinating that someone in such a backwater and magically dying world could have so high Soul Aptitude.

This prompted Vali to find more information about this world and see if someone was worthy of recruiting for the Baator.

The Evil Pieces were still fair game and after centuries of perfection and research, they reached an entirely new level of heights when it came to reincarnating other species into another species.

After some research, he learned that aside from Tom Riddle, there were publicly known other famous and powerful Wizards.

One of them was Nicolas Flamel, an Alchemist who managed to create a Philosopher's Stone, though Vali seriously doubted that aspect; probably he created some imitation of the real thing, as the Philosopher's Stone was considered peerless treasure even for a civilization as advanced as the Chthonian Empire of the Baator.

Then there were two other publicly famous people.

One of them was Albus Dumbledore and another one was Gellert Grindelwald.

When it came to these two, Vali immediately put Dumbledore off of his list because the person's ideology about peace, second chances, and twisted concept of Good and Evil would never fit well with the Empire.

Meanwhile, Grindelwald was someone who could be useful in the long run. He was a magical genius even bigger than Riddle and on the same level as Dumbledore. Not to mention, he was charismatic, intelligent and a good military commander.

Aside from that, he was right now in some sort of magical prison because he led a revolution against the governing body o Wizardkin that failed.

Another point why Vali wanted the man is because he actually saw the threat of the non-magical and even employed some smart means of destroying them by pitting them against each other, though it was not enough.

And contrary to Tom Marvolo Riddle, who just wanted to conquer the world to cure his own complex of self-inferiority, Grindelwald had something greater in his vision.

"We will stop now... you should call here the most loyal of your followers and force them to sign all of the Geass Contracts."

Vali said to Tom Riddle, who pressed on the snake-skull tattoo on his left forearm, sending a call to his followers, while Vali watched this with curiosity. From the few days, he had spent studying the Wizardcraft Magic System that was the dominant Magic System in this world.

The Runic System that was in this world was indeed fascinating and even though it was not that powerful, it had the potential to be developed further.

Though Vali had one thought when he was learning the Ancient Runes, and that was the fact that while they were not powerful right now, he felt that if they were implemented in a world where Magic was very dense, their effect would be be...

Strong would be an underestimation of the effect.


Drawing Room, half an hour later.

The people that Tom Riddle summoned to meet him here were his first followers and the ones who were truly loyal to his cause, seeing beyond their personal benefits. The first ones to arrive were Augustus Rockwood and Antonin Dolohov.

Rockwood was an Unspeakable and he was very well aware of the threat of no-magicals to the Wizarding World and if they left them to develop even more, than a full-scale war was inevitable between the two species that inhabited planet Earth.

Dolohov was a mercenary from Eastern Europe and fanatically loyal to Tom Riddle. He was one of those who didn't particularly care about ideologies or anything; he only cared about the will of his master, which was his order.

The next ones to arrive after them were Thomas Avery I. and Jasper Lestrange, who had been his followers since the establishment of the Knight of Walpurgis and were loyal to a fault.

Jasper Lestrange was a younger brother of the current Lord Lestrange, Randolph Lestrange.

And contrary to his elder brother, Jasper Lestrange had some good head on his head and was magically way more powerful than his older brother.

Thomas Avery I. was the current Lord of the Avery Family, one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight Families of Magical Britain. After two of them arrived, Thadeus Nott arrived another Lord from the Sacred Twenty-Eight Families together with Francoise Rosier, a member of the Rosier Family.

All of them gathered in the drawing room of the Malfoy Manor, while Lord Abraxas Malfoy wasn't at home.

Tom Riddle didn't really believe Malfoy because he always took him for a crafty fox that was just using him and his cause for his own betterment and gains... though even that will end sooner or later.

"My most loyal friends, welcome to this small gathering and thank you that you arrived as soon as possible."

Tom Riddle welcomed all six of them as all of them sat in chairs around a long table while he himself sat on the end of the table.