Interlude: Vali IX. - Reformation (2)

"Some of you may be wondering why I have called you here..."

Tom Riddle stated as he waved his hand and conjured a small magic circle as all of his followers watched in wonder. It was clear that all of them recognized it was some kind of magic, while only Rockwood realized what was going on.

"Magic Circles..."

Muttered Rockwood as he was woken from his shock.

As an Unspeakable and someone who was relatively high in the organization of the Unseapakbles, he was aware of some more sensitive topics, one of them being the existence of something called Magic Circles.

Appreatnely Magic Circles once existed in the ancient past, but they were forgotten with the passage of time, with the last person who could use the Magic Circles to cast magic died more than one thousand and two hundreds year ago.


As an Unspeakable, Rockwood was absolutely enthralled by the sight of Magic Circles.

"I don't want to be presumptuous, but where did you obtain it, My Lord?"

Rockwood threaded carefully on this because the short tempter of Lord Voldemort was relatively famous among his followers, as was his fearsome power and magical prowess.

Among the current state of the Wizarding World, he was already on the level of legendary wizards because the current generation of Wizards was weak; they had been getting weaker and weaker since the death of Merlin and the fall of Camelot.

"I obtained it from my new benefactor, a being of great powers above everything that this world has ever seen."

Tom Riddle stated causally, as this piqued the interest of several people who were sitting there.

Only Rockwood gasped in shock because he was aware of the devil summoning ritual that their Lord was going to carry out in the Malfoy Manor several days ago, and from the looks, it didn't go as initially planned, but it was still salvaged to something usable.

"And who may be that benefactor, my lord?"

Asked Thadeus Nott carefully, but right now, everyone was curious about who the benefactor was before he could answer; suddenly, everyone felt overwhelming pressure dropping on everyone.

Neither of the people who were sitting in the room could move and some of the weaker ones had even problems breathing.

"Vali Lucifer and I can introduce myself... human."

Sounded a voice out of the darkness as a new person came into the room, as everyone looked at the newcomer with slight fear due to the aura he was releasing.

It was clear to anybody that he was very dangerous, seeing that not even their Lord could move an inch. That pressure he was releasing was absolutely suffocating and if Vali didn't control it properly, then he would have killed these weak humans like squashing bugs.

Meanwhile, those who heard his name were shocked and, at the same time, felt incredible fear.

Contrary to the no-magicals, Wizards were aware of the existence of beings outside of their reality and world, though there were not many who attempted to travel to other worlds and dimensions.

Most usually, it ended very badly for anyone who attempted to travel to another dimension, where quick death was considered a good outcome of it.

"Lucifer... you are the one from Bible."

Vali heard one of the men talking, whom he recognized as Augustus Rockwood, who was working as Unseapkable, basically people who dabbled into dangerous magic. So they were like the madmen from Magisterium of Magic and Arcane.

Usually, the spooks from the Magisterium of Magic and Arcane were just problems and Vali didn't really like dealing with them, as they were not okey in their heads.

He still remembered the day when he was supposed to guard one of the spooks, who was a reincarnated devil from the Japan of Earth.

That idiot almost exploded the entire Grade 4 Plane in some crazy ritual that would have killed them all if it went wrong.

"That was actually my ancestor, the original... now the Lucifer is the Imperial House of the Chthonian Empire and I am one of many bearing the surname of Lucifer."

Vali explained, especially proud of his heritage and his family. When he was a kid, he hated his paternal grandfather Rizevim Livan Lucifer and everything that was connected to the House of Lucifer; it was relatively ironic how things changed.

"And now, we should move to the more important things. I have entered into a contract with the devil and I have obtained far more power than someone could even dream of. And during that, I have realized that we need to rework many of our plans seriously."

Tom Riddle stated as six of his most loyal followers looked at him, then at the devil who just sat on one of the chairs with his legs on the table and was tapping something on a weird device that neither of them recognized.

While they were having their meeting, Vali started playing games on his Holo-Brain, because he was already getting bored.

"The first thing we need to do is to reorganize Death Eaters into something new and more efficient than they are now. Right now, all of them are weak, inefficient and most of them don't even know how to fight."

This caught the attention of both Rockwood and Dolohov as they were typically in charge of training the new recruits and both of them knew that it was the truth.

The quality of the Death Eaters was shit; they didn't even know how to duel properly and most of them were armed only with a basic repertoire of spells.

Anything more advanced than a few basic Charms and Curses was already beyond them.

So this decision was an especially welcomed one; this would significantly bolster and strengthen their forces altogether several times over.

"Another thing would be a complete reorganization of the Death Eaters into Knights of Walpurgis; the six of you, who are right here and right now, would be the founding members of the Knights of Walpurgis."