Interlude: Vali XII. - Knights of the Walpurgis Order (2)

The tensions between the Pure-Bloods and the rest of the Wizarding World were something that was already a centuries-long problem that was never solved and if anyone had to guess, with the current precedents, it would never be solved.

Pure-Blood Wizards didn't like the influence that the muggle-borns were bringing to the Wizarding World, not respecting their traditions and even, in some cases, even changing them.

Though the real reason was far more simple and more straightforward than that... it was all about power.

Noble Families of the Pure-Blood Wizards or those who had some heritage of the Magical Creatures that didn't really matter, all that mattered was the fact that the ruling families in power feared that the growing influence of the muggle-borns in their world would strip them of the power, something that countless of them dreaded.

Thus they opted for the simplest yet the most stupid solution, which was discrimination and eradication.

Presently in a small meeting room, all seven Grand Knights of the Walpurgis Order were seated as they were discussing the most recent problem on what to do with the Blood Supremacy Issues, as that would cause them a lot of problems in the long run.

Out of them all, Dolohov and Rockwood didn't really care; Lestrange and Nott were pure examples of Blood Supremacists that were practically pressing the agenda.

Shockingly, it was Malfoy who was of the opinion that the muggle-borns should be inducted into the society as servants or something like that.

In the current situation, this was probably the best solution as the heated discussion was going on between them, though mainly it was just Abraxas Malfoy and Jasper Lestrange arguing and dropping various arguments while the rest of them just listened, including Tom Riddle and Vali.

To Vali, the issue of the Blood Supremenacy was something old and new because in the times before the establishment of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator, it was a big issue with the devils too.

The common devils were severely outnumbering the Noble Devils by a great margin, but it were the Noble Devils who were several times more powerful than the common devils to their Clan Traits and bigger Demonic Energy Reserves from their birth.

The tension in the society were bad and his father told him that if he didn't prevent the Evil Pieces from being introduced to the broader devil society as a whole, it would become far worse...

Yeh, because another discriminated party would appear, which would be the Reincarnated Devils.

"Lord Lucifer, If I remember correctly, didn't your Empire face the same predicament as we are, in the past?"

When this question was raised by the Abraxas Malfoy, everyone looked at the silver-haired devil, who tilted his head in surprise.

Vali had to admit that the old Malfoy was one scheming old fox; he really reminded him of Zekram Bael.

"Yes, we had... several thousand years ago when the Chthonian Empire was not established and we were still living in the plane of existence known as the Underworld, devils were the only species. We were divided into Common Devils and Noble Devils... something like Pure-Blood Wizards and the other. The greatest difference was that the Nobles have something we call Clan Traits, basically inborn abilities which allow us to have superior power compared to those of the same Tier as us. Now, the tension between the Common Devils and the Noble Devils were something that lasted for millennia until it finally started breaking down. Immediately after the Great War, the Common Devils started getting a bigger pull in the society because many of the Noble Devils were killed and many of the Pillar Houses were weakened by one reason or another."

Vali started explaining while everyone listed attentively because this was indeed relatively similar to the situation of the Pure-Bloodded Wizards, who were on the decline for a long time already.

"The conclusion was like this... the Common Devils could live without the Nobles, but the Nobles couldn't live without the Common Devils. If you take the muggle-borns and even some of the more unfortunate Half-Blood out of the equation, then your society will collapse. The number of Pure-Blooded Wizards is too small to sustain all of their lifestyle and proper functioning without the working force of the Muggle-Borns who are a deep integral part of the Wizarding World."

Vali finished the explanation as the Wizards were digesting his words while elderly Malfoy was grinning with pride that he essentially won the argument, as he went further like a hawk after his prey.

"And how you solve it, or rather, how can we solve it?"

He then asked the next question.

"The deeper integration of them is necessary. Basically, the first mistake that you Wizards are doing is that you are essentially not integrating those who came from the non-magical world into the Wizarding World. Also, I would suggest that you do what the Nobles of the Chthoniuan Empire are doing for entire centuries. Take the most talented or strongest of the Muggle-Born and Half-Bloods as your vassals. Ideally, from the time they are introduced to the Wizarding World as the children are much easier to brainwash."

Vali explained as he saw that all of the humans seemed to be thinking about his words, like they had some merits in them, which he knew that they had.

It was something that the Chthonian Empire's Nobility had been doing for countless centuries and through this way, they were able to increase their own powers far more effectively and faster.

"Indeed, your words have high merit in them, Lord Lucifer."

Stated Abraxas Malfoy as the rest of the people nodded in the room nodded.

Some of the Noble Wizarding Families were once practicing this, but most of them, if not all, stopped over time. Now it would probably be the time to start practicing it once more as they would obtain more power and at the same time weaker their enemies.