Interlude: Vali XIII. - Knights of the Walpurgis Order (3)

Indeed many of them saw merits in the action that Vali Lucifer proposed. In this way, they would be killing several flies in one hit.

The Noble Families would obtain servants who would be working to empower them; thus they would be able to increase their powers with minimal input of resources, as they would be cultivating the newcomers from the time they entered the Wizarding World.

In the Chthonian Empire, this strategy worked spectacularly for countless centuries to benefit both sides.

Yes, the Common Devils were pulling for the shorter end of the stick, but fairness didn't exist and due to the support from the Noble Houses, countless of the Common Devils were able to reach Tiers that they would never be able to rise.

The government of the Empire worked on the same principle, unquestionable loyalty in exchange for resources. It was as simple as that, nothing complicated or complex, just a law of equivalent exchange.

Abraxas Malfoy as someone who was a tycoon in the Wizarding World as he was very good with money... having invested in countless businesses in the Wizarding World and even, surprisingly, in the Muggle world.

Money was money, and the muggle world was full of opportunities to make money.

He was aware that without the muggle-borns, the entire economy of the Wizarding World would slowly collapse because there would be no people to sustain it.

Aside from that, if the muggle-borns and half-bloods were taken out of the equation, then there would be a shortage of people for relatively inferior jobs or manual jobs that no Pure-Blood Wizard wanted to do.

"Now that we have this solved for now... Dolohov, how is the training with the Calculation Magic System going?"

Tom Riddle asked now-named Grand Knight Antonin Dolohov, who was in charge of training all members of the Knights of the Walpurgis into a proper coherent fighting force.

This was something even Vali actively participated in because... why else... Vali Lucifer was a soldier with body and mind; there were not many things more pleasurable than training a new squad of magicians.

"Progress is slow... to fully comprehend and use the Calculation Magic System and Magic CIrcles, extensive knowledge of muggle mathematics is needed to calculate the wished phenomenon... something that many of the Wizards struggle as our education is far inferior in this aspect compared to the muggles, so our progress in this aspect is relatively slow for now."

His answer didn't really surprise anyone.

The educational system in the Wizarding World has been last reformed more than a century ago if one didn't count some minor reforms in Magical Britain where they started taking down subjects like Alchemy and Dueling to weaken the general populace as the Ministry paranoidly feared another Grindelwald.

"That is to be expected... due to revision of our next steps we have time, for now, we need to cultivate our forces. Rockwood, Rosier how is the development of the Mana Core Enhancement Potion going?"

One of the greatest weaknesses of the Wizards was their capacity to store Magic. Normally, their Core would be holding all of the Magic inside the Wizard's body and would be increased through each Magical Maturity that the Wizard experienced.

Unfortunately, most, if not almost all, Wizards could reach maximum peak Tier 1 strength according to the Classification that Vali gave them.

Only a very few could reach Tier 2 naturally, and with the help of some rituals, so, they could reach peak Tier 2.

So, Vali gave them a few ideas on how to create Magic Core Enhancement Potion... something that was pretty common in the Chthonian Empire.

Though one of the great weaknesses of Vali in this aspect was that he was no Alchemist, the only thing he could do was give them some basic principles of how such things worked.

On top of that, he was aware that only some of the more high-tiered ones worked because he didn't bother himself with the lower-tiered potions as they were not of his concern. Naturally, the rest was up to the Wizards to figure out by themselves.

"We are nearing the breakthrough soon... though it would be more prudent to convince some more experienced potion master to work with us on this project. In this situation, the addition of Snape to the project would speed it up at least by several months."

Answered Rosier while Tom grimaced at the thought. While Severus Snape was a master potioneer, probably one of the best in Europe right now, that man was too close to Dumbledore for his tastes.

And even though he would be under the Geass...

Vali warned him that there existed ways how to bypass the restrictions of the Geass and they didn't contain any magic or force... just pure manipulation and observation, something that the old Dumbledore was master of.

"No... Snape is too chummy with that old goat and the last thing we need right now is attention from the meddling old fool. Rockwood... go and hire someone from Germany or China. One is too distant and another should have enough Grindelwald loyalists who would gladly help us in our endeavor."

Tom stated to Rockwood who nodded as both countries were a suitable choice. ,

Even to this day, in Germany, there were many who venerated Gellert Grindelwald as a hero and there were countless people loyal to his cause.

Meanwhile, China had long traditions of Potioneering and many of their clans were dedicated to the art... and the best thing was that they didn't care about anything else as long as they were paid and wouldn't have a problem with working with them.

Not to mention this would be a great opportunity to spread the influence into both Germany and China, getting them on his side for his goals.

"My Lord, there is another thing. After the reformation into the Knights of the Walpurgis, Lord Black is willing to meet and discuss the support."

Stated Abraxas Malfoy as this mildly surprised Tom Riddle because he knew that Lord Black, Arcuturs III.

Lord Black originally didn't want to have anything to do with the Death Eater movement, probably seeing it as a failed project... now even he could see it that way.