The Final Part of the Astral Boundary

It was interesting watching the passage of time actually; sometimes, I actually enjoyed it... seeing how things changed, evolved, declined or perished over time.

The constant...

Nobody could escape the cycle; even the ageless beings would one day die if they were unlucky, as True Immortality was something that was almost impossible to achieve.

How many times have passed since the Final War of the Astral Boundary?

Thousand, two thousand...

It has been five thousand years since the moment I killed the Hivemind that invaded the Universe and right now, the Chthonian Empire of the Baator was beginning to feel constrained by being in the Astral Boundary because its growth was becoming limited.

Unfortunately, as the truth was often cruel and cold, the Astral Boundary was a low-level universe that didn't have many precious rescues or even very high energy density overall, meaning its uses for factions like the Chthonian Empire were limited.

Soon enough, it would be time for the final act... the ultimate jest against Mercurius.

Right now, the Chthonian Empire had several Tier 12 aside from Hela and me; all Five Elders plus Architect and Diablo reached the Tier as well.

We also had a bunch of Half-Steps, who needed the final push and tens of Tier 11 entities, but at a price; the entire Astral Boundary was essentially plundered and all resources were drained...

Not to mention I think that we have managed to damage Unvierse Core, thus causing some indirect injuries to Mercurius, something which was an unseen yet welcomed surprise.

Slowly but steadily, I was poisoning Mercurius, who was yet to step onto the Divine Throne, which wasn't even birthed by the Universe, but at the same time, Mercurius bind himself to the Universe Core to he could fuse with the Divine Throne as soon as possible.

Right now, I was standing on the balcony of my chambers in the Imperial Palace of Sanctus Imperialis while I observed the Holy Imperial Captial of the Anor Londo.

Venelana, Grayfia, Hela and Bibi Dong were still soundly sleeping in an enormous bed in my chambers as we were up the whole night having sex.

[Name: Zeoticus Gremory-Lucifer

Proper Name: Dizmason (Devil Talent), Sythis (Mental Protection), Savant (Prideguard), Isaiah (Nirvana), Archeron (Full Counter), Zerius (Prime Evil), Satanistoria (Purgatory Furnace), Antares (???)

Race: God Devil (Trans-Devil-Fiend / God)

Bloodline: Devil (Gremory, Lucifer), Golden-Horned Fiend, Void Leviathan

Age: 8,987 Years


Class: Exarch / Annulled

Combat Prowess: Half-Step Tier 13

Lifeform Level: 3

Origin: Ruination

Soul Aptitude: Level 10 - Superior

Arcane Crest: Imperial of End and Ruin (Beyond)

Path: The End

Laws: Devour (100% - Origin), Darklight (100% - Origin), Slaughter (100% - Supreme), Destruction (100% - Supreme), Lightning (100% - Supreme), Space (100% - Supreme)

Magic Rules: Starfall, Decomposition, Nuclear

Godhood: Father of All Devils, Ruination, God of the Baator

Aspect: Ruination

Concept: Void (11%)

Demonic-God Force: 24,9

Godhood Index: Annulled

Body: Peak Exarch-Grade (Magic Resistance)

Constitution: Fateless One

Baator Command Sequence: 100%


Clan Trait:

Dark Light - Law

The Devour - Law

Holy Flame - Law


Magic Systems:

Tier Magic - Origin

Arcane Runes - Origin

Devil Magic - Origin

Aesir Runic Magic - Origin

Abyssal Runic Magic - Origin

Human Magic - Origin

Mysticism - Origin


Secret Method: Fate Algorithm - (6/6)



Scythe - Grandmaster

Dagger - Grandmaster

Hand-to-Hand - Grandmaster

Bladestaff - Forbidden]

I skimmed this through my own calculations together with the Architect, who has evolved to the point of reaching the Tier 12 entities. During these few thousand years, I have advanced tremendously in several of aspects.

Right now, I reached the tremendous Demonic-God Force; based on the raw power alone, I was approximately 24,9 times stronger than the average Tier 12 expert.

Naturally, I was already near Tier 13, but what made my situation more complicated in this aspect was that I needed to fuse both of my Paths together perfectly.

The Law Godhood was very close to me, as I was only one step away from perfect fusion, as everything was prepared for that.

Normally speaking, to reach Tier 13 in the Law System, one needed to fuse with Sefirot, upgrade Path to Aspect, which was something above the Law and was the result of the fusion of the Path and Origin, and one needed to obtain a Higher Form of Energy.

In truth, I already long ago fused with the Sefirot, with my weapon Atiesh long ago, which gained some sort of primal sentience and evolved to the point of Sefirot when I left it to devour the Universe Core of one of the empty universes that we found the near the Astral Boundary.

I already obtained my Aspect, which proved to be Ruination and about the Higher Energy... that was something that was still out of my reach because such things couldn't be created artificially, but one needed to find them in the vastness of the Endless Void.

I already comprehended 3% of the Concept of Void, which may seem like nothing for 5,000 years or so, but actually, it was a pretty lot and only proved that I am a genius... totally do not want to sound narcissistic, but it was like this.

Somehow I sensed that all I needed was in the Shao Universe, where I was soon preparing to go...

Due to Void Storm that was around the Shao Universe dispersing and the Shroud around the Astral Boundary Universe getting weaker with each year.

The connection between the Shao Universe and Astral Boundary started getting stronger and stronger a few hundred years ago, to the point where both universes had extremely stable pathways, which stabilized the time-flow to 1:1.

Right now, my plan was simple...

Reaching Tier 13 in the Shao Universe, then creating the Baatorian Universe and becoming Universe Master, killing Mercurius and officially taking over the Longinus Dreizhen Orden.

Afterward, I could start my plans of exploring the other Universe and searching my path to become Paragon and alter on the final endgame of everything in existence... Singularity.

'Immaterius Universe proved to be much stronger... they probably have several Tier 13 individuals who have thought that the Empyrean-Class Psychic Entities in the Warp would actually be that strong... it was a severe miscalculation on my part, but at the same time, this only wants me to enter that world even more and uncover its secrets.'

I thought about the birth Universe that I called Immaterius Universe, which I tried to enter a few centuries ago, only to be repulsed away by the Universe's Will.