My Power After Millenias

I was almost nine thousand years old at this point...

Sometimes it seemed like yesterday when I was still in the Terran Science and Technology University of the Solar Federation and was aspiring to become a weapon designer...

So many years have passed since then and so many things have changed since then.

Though soon enough, I would return to the Immaterius because I was very close to devising a safe method on how to not only enter the Immaterius Universe but also to profit from it far more than I originally should.

Frankly speaking, I originally wanted only two things from the Immaterius Universe.

The first one was to obtain knowledge of the Necrons and their technology and the second was to find the fabled Black Library of the Aeldari Empire.

Even though the Chthonian Empire of the Baator was fundamentally different from the nature of the Immaterius Universe, in there, there were some things and weapons whose fearsome power would be able to wipe out entire Universes and it was something that I wanted to get my hands on...

It would be a path to create a Tier 13 weapons...

But before that, the Baatorian Universe must be completed and I needed to reach Tier 13 to have even a bit small success probability of completing the mission that I envision for the Immaterius Universe.

Unfortunately, the four Empyrean-Class Entities that were living in the Warp have been proven to be all Tier 13 entities in terms of their psychic presence alone.

The only good thing about them was the fact that they could not enter the realspace there and even if they entered it, then their power would be accordingly suppressed because their entire existence was connected to the Warp.

This meant that not only they would drop a Tier or two, probably to the Tier 12 or Tier 11, but they could also exist only for a very limited time in the realspace.

Naturally, during these past millenias, I have been training as hell and doing everything to prepare for my ascendancy towards Tier 13.

Yet, unfortunately, even with my heaven-defying talent and resources available to me, due to my fundamental nature, I couldn't reach the Tier 13 through the conventional means.

Still, I would be able to fight some weak Tier 13 even in my current state with all of the power that I managed to amass during the past five millenias.

My own control over the Laws has been pushed to the extreme; in the case of the Law of Devour and Darklight, it even reached the Origin Status, which would be considered impossible.

While all other Laws were at the Supreme Control Status.

Aside from that, my Godhood was at the pinnacle of what it could be as Annulled Level Powerhouse and I had absolute control over my three Domains: Father of All Devils, Ruination and God of the Baator.

Aside from that... with my newly found ton of free time, I was studying every Magic System that I could get my hands and pushed all of their masteries to the Origin.

I managed even to learn something that I was pushing for a long time, which was the Arcane Rune System, essentially a Magic System used by the Aracansits of the Astral Boundary, but surprisingly or not, it was not them who created that Magic System, but rather apparently they found it from some kind of ruins with originating out of this Universe.

Now my next stop was the Shao Universe, where I couldn't, unfortunately, go with my true body because, as it was found out...

The Universe Will of the Shao Universe was rather hostile towards me because it could see that I was on my path to becoming a Universe Master instantly after I ascended to Tier 13 and created the Baatorian Universe.

Universe Wills were also living organisms and had a high degree of consciousness...

When someone became a Universe Master, the person essentially killed the Universe Will and usurped its place in the Universe and the Universe Will of the Shao Univere could sense that I had that aura when I severely damaged the Universe Will of the Astral Boundary and did something to the Planar Will of the Baator which was basically my extension.

Fortunately, to counter this, Bibi Dong will use the Summoning Ritual to summon my peak Tier 11 Avatar into the Shao Universe and then she and my daughter Renxue will start their ascension as the Goddesses.

Naturally, their ascension to Godhood will be pretty problematic because neither of them was using the method of the Shao Universe and they won't be tied to it, which would mean that the Universe Will of the Shao Universe will send everything it has in its disposal at my wife and daughter to kill them, while I would be standing guard.

Aside from me, Hela's Avatar would also be going together with Venelana and Grayfia would be coming with their true bodies as all of them were still at the peak of Tier 11, so the most they would face would be some mild impression from the Universe Will.

If everything goes well, I will reach Tier 13 in the Shao Universe by devouring the Universe Will of the Shao Universe and at the same time, I will be establishing the Baatorian Universe by fusing Shao Universe together with the Baator and a whole bunch of planes of the Astral Boundary, essentially one-fourth of the Astral Boundary will be used for this little project.

It will be the crescendo of my work lasting for several thousand years; just thinking about that was sending shivers through my spine in anticipation of the power that I would soon obtain because becoming Tier 13 was essentially becoming a powerhouse on the Endless Void Scale overall...

Not talking about becoming the Universe Master.

As I was observing the Holy Imperial Capital of Anor Londo, I greatly enjoyed the view of my hard work, how the Empire thrived, how the citizens of the Empire prospered under my rule, the rule that of my son and right now the rule under that of my grandson.

While it seemed that with Abrasax's, the line would be disrupted because neither of Abraxas's children showed any interest in ruling... though what was almost shocking to me, at least, the current Crown Prince and next Heir to the Eternal Throne was my grandson from the Vali's lineage.