On the Shao Universe

Shao Universe, Douluo Galaxy, Douluo Planet, Douluo Continent, Spirit Empire, Spirit City, Spirit Hall, The Throne Room of the Supreme Pontiff

Similarly to the Chthonian Empire of the Baator, the Spirit Empire of the Douzluo Planet prospered greatly, and hundreds of years passed since the unification of the entire planet under the sole banner of the Spirit Empire and Spirit Hall, under the Supreme Pontiff.

The technological development allowed the Spirit Empire to reach to the stars as they started harvesting resources from the nearby asteroid, building great fleets and establishing colonies on the planets in their Solar System and beyond.

It took them a few decades before they established a true interstellar empire from the Spirit Empire and had countless powerhouses; many people attained the Wild God standard because they lacked the God Position.

Bibi Dong was still the Supreme Pontiff of the Spirit Hall because she enjoyed her job... and it was necessary that she continued to have an absolute over the Spirit Empire for their further purposes and machinations of the Father of All Devils.

She was one of a few people who were aware of the upcoming Baatorian Universe Project and the ambition to create a new universe by fusing the Shao Universe, the Universe where they were living, with the Baator to create something entirely new.

Aside from that, her husband also planned to reach the Tier 13 entity and become Universe Master all in one go.

Aside from that, she herself, together with her daughter and a few loyal and old members of the Spirit Hall, were preparing to ascend as Gods through the special method that her husband created for them.

The greatest weakness of the Shao Universe's Godhood and the further path was the fact that the Gods that ascended through this method were tied to the Universe Will and were technically speaking some kind of semi-servants of the Universe Will, they couldn't go against its reasons and orders if the Universe Will said so.

And that was a very big no-no for Bibi Dong; thus she asked her husband to create a new form of Godhood, which he did.

By combining his own Godhood Method together with that of the Shao Universe and the Divinity of the Astral Boudanry a bit, he managed to create something new and perfectly suitable for the Spirit Masters.

Not to mention, for those who already were God Candidates and were eyeing a God Position, which were something like a Universal Treasure in the Shao Universe birthed by the Universe itself, it allowed them to devour and assimilate the God Position into their Godhood.

For that reason, they were planning to summon the Avatar of her husband to descend to the Shao Universe because this would be the starting point for the entire plan.

She already gave the order for the Spirit Hall to start preparations for the summoning ritual of the Avatar of the Father of All Devils.

Preparing such a huge ritual required a tremendous amount of preparation and resources, so the Spirit Hall, even with its current capabilities, was preparing everything was several months already.

"Chrysanthemum, what is the status of that thing?"

Bibi Dong asked one of her Arch-Cardinals and the one who was her most loyal retainer even from the times before the unification, Chrysanthemum Douluo, Yue Guan, who was Wild God, Spirit Rank: 130 with combat prowess comparable to peak 2nd Class God even though he was a Wild God.

Wild Gods in the Douluo and, by extension, the entire Shao Universe were much weaker than their counterparts with the God Seats in terms of combat prowess, and it was a shard thing to meld it.

Even though Yue Guan had a Spirit Rank the same as the 1st Class God, his combat prowess was comparable only to the peak 2nd Class God or maximally newly advanced 1st Class God with a Spirit Rank around 121 or 122.

Naturally, this would be solved with the new Godhood Method that her beloved created.

"Only the final touches are needed, and the sacrificial ritual could start; we have raised our defenses to the maximum, and they should be able to hold even against Tier 11 experts for a limited amount of time, according to our calculations. Also, we have got the message from the Baator that Empresses Dowager Venelana Gremory and Grayfia Lucifuge would arrive to oversee the ritual."

Answered the Chrysanthemum Douluo because, in this ritual, they would not only summon the Avatar of the Father of All Devils, the God of Baator and Ruination but also that of the Black Empress of Death and War to gain two pinnacle Tier 11 experts on their side when several of their key members will undergo the Ascension.

Bibi Dong knew that both Zeo and Hela could exert even Tier 12 power temporarily, even in their Avatar Forms, so they were like assurance that nothing would go wrong during the Ascension and they would be ready against whatever the Universe Will will throw against them.

"Excellent, then start the ritual right away; also let everyone who will be ascending gather in the Throne Room in one hour to finalize the things."

There were only a handful of people who would be ascending at the same time; most of them were carefully chosen with their loyalty towards the Spirit Hall above everything else, and all of them had the God Seats already chosen.

Some of them were for example, Jin Eyu or Qian Daoliu, were also the ones who were suitable to become Gods through the new method that the Father of All Devils created.

"Also, increase the defensive alert to the maximum and activate the protections around the Planet; I suspect that the enemies won't be coming alone."

Bibi Dong ordered because right now, the Spirit Empire, as it was stretched across the stars, it was aware of the fact that they were not alone and there were countless civilizations out there.

Fortunately enough, their galaxy, which they named Douluo Galaxy, was largely uninhabited, and those civilizations that existed here were mainly pretty much primitive and weak.