Descent of Gods In Progress

Creating such a large-scale summoning ritual was an arduous thing and the Spirit Empire invested a lot of resources into its creation.

The Spirit Empire decided to make an entire planet into one huge summoning ritual, as countless spaceships were orbiting around the planet that the Spirit Empire chose for this purpose.

Countless Wild Gods were doing the final preparations under the leadership of Venelana Lucifer and Grayfia Lucifer, who arrived at the Shao Universe through conventional means only yesterday.

Still, they didn't waste any moment and immediately went to work.

This summoning ritual was not only summoning the Avatar of the Father of All Devils but also that of the Black Empress of Death and War. Bibi Dong was also personally overseeing the operations for everything to go smoothly.

When the Avatars of the two Tier 12 powerhouses were summoned to the Shao Universe, the plan's second phase could begin.

Bibi Dong watched together with her sister-wives, Venelana and Grayfia, how countless lines over the planet shined blue as the ritual was activated over the planet.

Several of the Magitek Towers were spread over the leylines of the planet, shot out a pure beam of energy into the atmosphere, and soon interconnected with each other as they started siphoning energy from the planetary core of the world.

Soon enough, an enormous portal started opening high above the planet as the space itself was being destabilized, and both Venelana and Grayfia could feel the uncanny presence of the Universe Will approaching this place as it tried to make its power to stop the ritual, but that was something for which they were perfectly prepared.

When they designed the ritual, they prepared for the eventuality of the Universe Will intervening, and thus, instantly after sensing the possible interference of the Universe Will in this matter, Venelana typed something on her Holo-Brain.

Instantly afterward disruption field appeared in the entire solar system, which blocked the power of the Universe Will out of this as the portal above the planet started enlargening with each passing minute, while the planet itself was getting devoid of any life, as everything was sucked by the spell formation and the Magitek Towers that were draining the planet of its essence.

"Support the formation with more energy; interconnect the reserves!"

Bibi Dong shouted one order after another, seeing that the summoning spell formation for the avatar descent needed more power, as summoning two Avatars of pinnacle Tier 12 beings proved to be much harder in reality than on paper.

As she commenced the order, almost immediately, countless spaceships started sending power to the Magitek Towers from the reserves that were prepared and even siphoning some of it from the local sun, but not that much because they didn't want the sun to explode and create a supernova.

In that case, everyone under Tier 9 would be essentially obliterated to dust, not to mention if, subsequently, a Black Hole was created.

It could kill even powerful Tier 9 entities, so playing with that thing was pretty dangerous.

Still, fortunately, there was no need for that because the portal was getting stabilized with the additional injection of power from the spaceship fleet and some from the local sun.

Soon enough, a wave of overwhelming power burst out from the portal.

At the same time, all three of them recognized the overwhelming power of their husband, who had descended down onto the Shao Universe in his avatar form, as the power of Ruination erupted from his body, directly attacking the Universe Will of the Shao Universe.

"Scrame from the depths of the universe, spirit!"

It sounded from the portal as everyone who heard the voice shivered at its sheer power and dominance, as the familiar visage of the Father of All Devils descended.

It was an intimidating look and some weaker-willed individuals would be scared shitless because Zeoticus Lucifer looked like a demon incarnate from the fairy tales.

Bibi Dong looked from the commanding spaceship ass crimson-haired man with silver streaks flapped his sixteen wings while descending from the portal and his tails were playfully interviewing with each other.

"And with this, phase one is completed..."

She smiled, seeing that her husband banished the remnants of the Universe Will far away the second he descended down; apparently, his power grew once more and was even more powerful than she initially anticipated.



Indeed, going to the Shao Universe, even in my avatar form, wasn't that easy because the IUniverse Will wouldn't even allow my Avatar to descend in a piece, as it sensed that it belonged to the half-step Tier 13 Being...

Not talking about the fact that even in my Avatar, which was capped at peak Tier 11, I had combat prowess of extremely weak Tier 12 but Tier 12 nevertheless.

Still, the Shao Universe was a place that didn't have any Tier 12 being due to intervention and restrictions placed on the Universe by the Universe Will itself.

Probably, the Universe Will developed here to an extreme where it became a fully sentient being and it feared that if someone became Tier 12, it would be only a matter of time until somebody became Tier 13 and tried to become Universe Master...

Something that the Universe Will wanted to prevent at any cost.

While I did understand it partially, but at the same time, it was utterly foolish because the Universe Will has directly crippled its Universe in terms of powerhouses and they were ripe for invasion.

In the Endless Void, Universes without Tier 12 are not even considered worthy of being listed as "powers" because ordinary Tier 11s were common as clouds in the Endless Void's common area.

Still, it was pretty interesting to experience it on my own because I was aware that cases like Shao Universe were actually very, very rare.

That made me pity the Universe Will a bit because I would end up destroying it due to my plans, as I would love to study it...

Maybe I should capture at least some samples if possible.

Usually the Universe Wills were only semi-sentient beings that acted mainly on their instincts and did everything in their power to create as many powerhouses as possible because, in the long run, it was beneficial to the Universe itself.

To be protected by mighty experts, not talking about possibilities for evolution and expansion.