The Bloodline Monarch

Central Continent, Phosphorescence Swamp, Main Headquarters of the Ouroboros Clan

The Ouroboros Clan was a clan of Serpent-type Bloodline Warlocks. They only accepted the Warlock of Giant Kemoyin Serpent and its subspecies.

Right now, the dominant Bloodline within the Ouroboros Clan was called Targaryen Winged Serpent, as it was the Bloodline of the Bloodline Monarch.

Naturally, the destruction of the Düz spread as far as possible, and it didn't take long until the news of the destruction of the Düz City and the death of the Blazing Flame Monarch reached the ears of the Ouroboros City.

Many within the Ouroboros Clan, as well as within the warlock Union, wanted to use this opportunity to strike against several Magi Organizations that were acting against the interests of the Warlocks.

The warlocks were pretty much resentful against these Magi organizations, especially towards the ones that were supported directly by the Blazing Flame Monarch or were organizations under her personally.

So, the voice of the attack was getting stronger and stronger with each passing hour.

In the depth of the headquarters of the Ouroboros Clan, the newest Rank 6 Breaking Dawn Magus, the Bloodline Monarch Leylin Farlier, was sitting cross-legged in a meditative position while contemplating about various things.

Especially the latest news about the demise of the Blazing Flame Monarch was something that was greatly troubling because it signified that somebody very powerful had appeared on the Central Continent of the Magus World.

Most, if not all, of the people, were not aware that the Rank 6 Breaking Dawn Magi were not the strongest existences in the Magus World, and after reaching the peak and becoming essentially Half-Step Rank 7, the Being of Law Leylin saw that it was not that so...

In the Subterranean World, deep within the Magus Word, countless Rank 7 Magi and a whole bunch of Rank 8 Magi, including some who reached the peak of the Rank 8, still existed.

Silently survived since the Ancient War against the World of Gods.

War of annihilation against the Magi was not possible... these Beings of Law would never allow such a thing to happen because it would seriously hurt the foundation and the power of the Magus World, which was crucial for them.

Still, he was rather curious about the person who, in one day, managed to destroy the entire Düz City, kill the Blazing Flame Monarch and destroy the entire foundation of once fabled Rank 6 Breaking Dawn Magi.

From the time he dealt with Melinda, who got back her original body, which was that of the Blazing Flame Monarch, he was aware that she recuperated to a certain degree and her strength, while not at her peak, should still be very powerful.

While he was contemplating, he suddenly felt a heavy aura approaching the Phosphorescence Swamp...

It was overbearing, very close to the Being of Law and its power was losing to the Rank 7 Magus Ignox he met some time ago.

"But there is no malice... and it feels like a dragon..."

There were no dragons in the Magus World as they were hunted to extinction a long, long time ago, even before the Ancient War against the World of Gods. Apparently, the only Dragons that remained were those in the Subterranean World and nobody was mad to enter their territories.

The Ancient Dragon was peak Tier 8, who was slumbering down there in the dragon nest where the remaining dragons of the Magus World concentrated.

"So this was the one who destroyed the Düz City and killed the Blazing Flame Monarch and right now it is heading here... most curious..."

Leylin muttered as he disappeared from the laboratory and appeared on the surface of the Phosphorescence Swamp. He looked at the incoming figure of an enormous dragon that was descending down from the sky directly at the Phosphorescence Swamp.

He was able to sense the power of the dragon that it nearly reached Rank 7, level of Beings of Law... suddenly as the enormous dragon was landing down, his humongous body started morphing and assuming a human form.

As the dragon finished morphing into the human form of a silver-haired man with shining silver eyes, both of them were only observing each other without saying a word. They were gauging their strength and analyzing each other weaknesses and strong sides.

Naturally, they were also waiting for each other to make a move in case this devolved into a fight, but as it seemed that it would end peacefully. Even Gu Long was surprised when he looked at the dark-haired man before him, because he could sense the Law of Devour from him...

And even though he wasn't a Being of Law, his mastery over the Law of Devour was very high... not to mention the Law of Devour felt very different from that in the Hall of Kadath... it felt way more primal and powerful.

Both of them were extremely powerful and equally wary of each other to that...

"What is bringing you here, Your Excellency?"

Gu Long heard the man's rather soft voice as he assumed the same station.

"Only to give you something, Your Excellency... everything else will depend on Fate."

The dragon only gave a small laugh as he took out the small Tarot Card from his spatial storage and passed it to Bloodline Monarch, who eyed the object with curiosity.

For Gu Long, the concept of Fate was a ridiculous thing that shackled every living being and nobody could escape it... there were only a few across the Endless Void that managed to escape Fate and became truly "free".

Meanwhile, Gu Long was standing there; Bloodline Monarch Leylin Farlier was contemplating about the crystal card that he got from the newcomer because the crystal card radiated a mysterious yet captivating aura.

No matter the method he used to analyze the crystal card, nothing yielded any kind of result, so in the end he was forced to accept the connection that the crystal card was attempting to establish with him.

He didn't feel anything malicious from the card, but that didn't mean that it was safe, but his inquisitive magus mind and greed for power outweighed any possible dangers.