Meeting of two Fated Ones

High above reality, in the world of white fog, the Bloodline Monarch appeared as he looked around the unfamiliar environment. When he looked around, at first, it was very similar to the Dreamscape Realm.

But contrary to the Dreamscape Realm, it felt a bit different because it wasn't a world but rather some kind of spatial artifact. From afar, another person was observing the Bloodline Monarch of the Magus World.

"So my son has successfully completed the mission... as expected from Gu Long."

Suddenly, the Bloodline Monarch Leylin Farlier heard the voice of a man, but surprisingly, when he looked over, he saw a crimson-haired man with silver strings and shining purple eyes...

On the top of his head, he had three pairs of horns, and two tails were swinging behind him.

But there was a very wrong feeling about the man, aside from his clear demonic appearance, like an incarnation of the literal Devil from the bible.

He felt entirely like an ordinary average mortal who didn't even have a bit of any kind of energy inside his body.

This only made him warier about the man because with his current strength and comprehension of Laws and aid of the A.I. Chip, he, not even the Beings of Law, were able to hide from him completely.

"Greetings, my name is Zeoticus Gremory-Lucifer, Father of All-Devils, God of Kadath and the Master of the Kadath Universe."

The man introduced himself with several of his titles to the booth, which confirmed Bloodline Monarch's suspicion that the entity before him was someone from outside of the Magus World, World of God or probably their entirety Dimension as a whole.

"Leylin Farlier, Bloodline Monarch, Patriarch of the Farlier Family and Ouroboros Clan."

After Leylin introduced himself carefully, the other man motioned for him to sit down; a long white marbled table appeared from the white fog together with several seats. Both of them sat behind the table as they continued their game of observing each other.

"It is nice to meet another seeker of the most profound arcane truth and uncover the deepest mysteries and secrets of our existence."

Zeoticus stated mildly as they were staring at each other while both of them were calculating the next move. Naturally, the one who was more wary and nervous about the situation was Leylin Farlier, as he could see that compared to the devil before him, he was far weaker...

"That pleasure is on both sides, though I must ask, Your Excellency, what do you need from someone like me who has not even fully become a Being of Law?"

He asked the question for all money, because it was too weird for him.

"Naturally, there is something that I need from you... allow me to explain."

As Zeoticus stated, he waved his hand, and a holographic projection of Magus World and World of Gods appeared. Contrary to the Magus World, which looked like the standard world, the World of Gods was enveloped by some sort of crystal-like protective wall.

"As you see, this is the mirror world to your own world and within that world is the specific plane of existence called Baator... native species of the Baator are Devils and I need their Bloodline Source for my own devises. For that, I only have one thing to ask is to cooperate with my son to summon my avatar to this world... naturally I can pay you for this and also invite you to an organization called Longinus Dreizhen Orden, which consists of multiple members from multiple Universes across the Endless Void."

Zeoticus Lucifer explained as the Bloodline Monarch was in deep thought and weighing his options. At the same time, the idea of letting the avatar of somebody as strong as him into the World of Gods didn't seem like the best idea.

In the end, he decided on it because the potential gains were too huge for him to ignore and the power that he could obtain was literarily unimaginable.

"I agree with your proposal... though what is the payment?"

Leylin said slowly as the Devil clapped his hands happily.

"Splendid... and for your payment, you could have this."

The Father of All Devils said as he passed him a spatial ring filled with countless Magic Crystals, some of them were even for the Beings of Law and among tens of thousands of Magic Crystals, there was a sole book.

It was a special kind of Grimoire, which contained some notes about the Arcanist Law System and Devil Law System, together about some other Magic-based Power Systems that the Father of All Devils encountered and documented.

It was enough to move even some very powerful Beings of Law and the notes about the various Law Comprehension-based Magic Power System was enough to move even peak Rank 8 Magi due to the profound secrets it contained.

Even Leylin was aware that the book contained the deepest mysteries of the arcane and it was a peerless treasure; he was aware that if the man before him could give him something like this as payment, it meant that his might was unfathomable.

"Now take this... this is a special artifact called Tarot Card, based on the Major Arcana; this one is Tarot Card The World. Your code within the Longinus Dreizhen Orden shall be Zarathustra."

Zeoticus stated as he passed the newest member of the Longinus Dreizhen Orden the Tarot Class Card belonging to The World.

"If you successfully complete the Quest, I will pay you with even something way more valuable."

Zeoticus stated as he dispersed into countless particles and disappeared from the world above the white fog within several seconds.