Have You Heard About Our Lord and Savior, Nāgarāja? (1)

"What's going on?"

Tiff raised his head, stunned. He immediately saw that the milky white lights from the altar had turned a demonic dark red.

"Foreign force!"

Tiff felt his neck being grasped, and his entire body was yanked into the air.

The old Bishop in front of him now looked incomparably sinister. He could faintly see his father wailing before he was struck to the ground. Now, even the villagers isolated his family members, keeping away from them like they had the plague.

"No! Once more please try it once more! My Tiff definitely would not blaspheme against the Goddess!"

The cries lingered in Tiff's ears, but the grasp on his neck was becoming increasingly tight, to the point that he was feeling suffocated.

At this moment, the palm released its hold on him, and long-awaited fresh air poured into his windpipe. Tears and mucus flowed out of him.

"Say it, Heretic! How did you go against the teachings of the Goddess?"

The Bishop's brows furrowed slightly at the sight of this heretic.

This heretic's strength was much too weak and was incomparable to the powerful blasphemers from before. Such a small threat would not have warranted the Goddess descending and commanding them to act.

"Truth Spell!"

A dot of golden light flew from the Bishop's hands, disappearing into Tiff's forehead.

Following which, Tiff found his mouth beginning to move involuntarily, answering all of the Bishop's questions.

Tiff's life had been very normal to the point that it was boring. When he was asked about the exploration earlier in the day, the Bishop's breathing evidently became rougher.

"Quick, surround the kitchen at the back of this home!"

A tremendous force flew out, and Tiff felt like his body was floating high up in the clouds before falling into a gigantic iron hoop, making his whole body ache everywhere.

With the escort of many soldiers, Tiff and his family members arrived in front of their house.

Immediately after, waves of knights rushed forward as if meeting with some great enemy, finding a mottled iron sword.

"Lord Bishop!"

The leading knight respectfully offered up the sword with both hands.

The powerful, sinister strength from the iron sword caused the Bishop to frown.

"A demonic item, or a temptation from the devils? Even appraisal techniques are useless on it."

Though he had no idea what the characteristics of this item was, the BBishop had already decided what would be his current target.

"If I purify this item, the favour and care I get from the goddess should be able to raise my ranking as a priest by a whole grade, right?"

The Bishop's eyes showed how bewitched he was by this notion before he repented piously.

"Oh mighty Spring Water Goddess, please forgive your servant for his greed…"

For some reason, there were no strange changes to the iron sword that Leylin's soul seed was residing in. It docilely allowed the Bishop to add all sorts of seals to it, and with numerous knights escorting it, they arrived at the altar in the village.

"This child's soul has already been polluted by the power of the foreign force…"

The Bishop stood before the altar, stating his final judgment on Tiff.

"Burn him to death!"

"Burn him to death!"

"Burn him to death!"

Before Tiff could react, the many villagers began to howl maliciously.

Such a zealous atmosphere and the large difference from what Tiff was used to seeing caused him to break out in tears.

Even his family were bound by the infuriated villagers on wooden crosses that had been made on the spot.

Tiff had a very bad of feeling of what was going to happen.

"No! Please forgive them. I… I did nothing! I only brought an iron sword back. I'm willing to repent for that!"

Tiff wailed and pleaded for the last time.

"For the goddess' sake, you can punish me, but please let my family off!"

"The family of the heretic must also be purified!"

What answered him was the Bishop's grave expression.

Immediately after, amidst large amounts of flames and the cries of children, Tiff fainted in his fear.

"Mighty goddess, your servant piously invites you to descend…"

After burning Tiff's family at the stake, the Bishop began to pray in front of the altar devoutly with his other sacrifices.

As the chief offender, Tiff and that iron sword contaminated by evil needed to be personally dealt with by the Goddess herself.

"Hm… is this the path of faith?"

The soul seed in the iron sword was watching all that the Bishop was doing.

"Using religious ceremonies to spread fanatic behavior, while gathering the extreme emotions and soul force emanated from the followers, essentially increasing the output of the Faith generated by their followers several times over."

Leylin analyzed the situation as he looked at the young man tied to the stake.

"Time to act."

He said as he used a Spell and the remaining power that he had stored before coming to the World of God to project his Semi-Physical Body of Nāgarāja, the King of all Nāgas, to Tiff.

"Hey, kid, do you want to take revenge?"

Many flames shot out all of a sudden, converging into a huge face that stared at Tiff.

"Of course! No matter what you are, whether a demon or devil, it's fine even if you want my soul. Please give me the strength to take revenge!"

Tiff began to weep in his dreams as he knelt.

"How astute. I like it!"

The flaming human face smiled evilly before it dispersed into nothingness. Suddenly, a huge image of Nāgarāja appeared in front of everyone as its cold voice penetrated the souls of every living being in the village.

"Remember, mortal; my name is Nāgarāja, the King of all Nāgas, the God of Devouring and Bloodlines, Master of Serpents. Your very own soul, blood, flesh and everything shall from here belong to me!"

Leylin said in his projection of Nāgarāja as none of the humans could move while some of the weaker shit their pants out of fear while looking at the imposing figure of the King of all Nāgas.

As he said that, the imposing visage of Nāgarāja shattered into thousands of shards of light that were all fused into Tiff's body.