Have You Heard About Our Lord And Savior, Nāgarāja? (2)

At this moment, the Bishop and knights were startled by Tiff's appearance. From their point of view, he had suddenly been enveloped by a layer of light, turning into some demonic thing that had come from hell.

"Kill him!"

Holy radiance flickered from the bodies of a few knights as they brandished their large swords and charged toward him.

In a split of second, as they charged towards him, red light beams shot from his body towards the incoming knights, as their bodies fissured, with blood and innards flying everywhere alongside the horrified cries of the villagers.

"His life rays have gotten more powerful. He's at least comparable to a Level 19 Professional!"

"Goddess Bynx, how is this possible?"

"Goddess, please bless us!"

The many knights and deity officials yelled in a fury.

However, Tiff cared nothing at all for things like this. His mind had already been filled with the thirst for revenge.

One after another, the enemies were destroyed under his bloody red field of vision, which then focused on the bishop.

"Mm! Let's end this with a final experiment. Innate ability: Devour!"

With Leylin's will, Tiff's arm grabbed onto the bishop's shoulders.

Following this, his flesh began to melt at a visible rate.

"The Goddess… will not let you off!"

The Bishop said as he put up his final struggle. His face was filled with the fanatic expression of someone who had died for a good cause.

"You… You actually have the cheek to profane my soul?"

The excruciating pain from somewhere deep within his soul made the bishop come to his senses. A mix of despair and resolution surfaced on his face.

"Almighty Goddess! Your devotee sincerely offers his own life and longs for your arrival! Divine art— Deity's Descent!"

The powerful counter-attack made Tiff take many steps back in succession. The summoning ceremony that had been interrupted resumed, now moving very quickly.

After all, the bishop had been working himself before, but now the Goddess only needed to take the initiative to descend.

"Indeed… The soul of a devotee is a forbidden zone."

Leylin gave a forced laugh, but at the same time, he had some energy left and considering the fact that the Goddess of Spring Waters was just a newly ascended God and he had prepared something for this situation.

"Innate Divine Spell - Devour the Heavens!"

Suddenly, the projection of an enormous Nāga appeared behind Tiff and gulped down the projection of the Goddess of the Spring Waters in one go.

[Host has devoured a high amount of Divine Force.]

[The Godhood of Devouring and Bloodline is assimilating and cleansing the Divine Force.]

The Goddess of Spring Waters was just the Lesser God of Divine Rank 4.

She was pretty weak and when she used the Divine Descent Spell, her consciousness descended into the Material World; she was technically very vulnerable against this kind of attack.

This was immediately exploited by the Magus, who decided to devour her consciousness and assimilate the Divine Force that had descended onto the Material Plane.

He was aware that it wouldn't be enough to kill her, but this act would send the Goddess of Spring Waters into slumber for a few tens of millennia, considering the number of her worshippers was very low.

[Host Demigod-ranked Godhood has reached the limit.]

[Godhood Index has reached Rating 10.]

[Comprehension of Law of Devour has been increased by 0,5%.]

[Comprenenshion of Law of Devour is 99,5%.]

[Host can Ascend to the Lesser God.]

Leylin nodded, satisfied because, with this move, his power had increased at least by another 50%, not to mention his projection in the World of Gods had, once again, far more power left and he could do more than he initially anticipated.

In the entire Kahn Village, not a single soul survived except for Tiff.

Leylin looked at Tiff, who was still conscious as he transferred some knowledge of basic Magic. From devouring the consciousness of the Goddess of Spring Waters, he found out a lot about the World of Gods and its Power Ranking.

Right now, Tiff was Rank 19 Priest Professional, which was around the same as Rank 3 Magus... which was pitifully weak. But he understood that the Gods wanted the mortals to be as weak as possible.

The highest possible Rank that one could reach on his own was, technically speaking, Rank 25 High-Rank Legend, which was the same as Rank 5 Magus. However, most people who reached such a Rank have reached it with the help of their respective Gods.

"You are still too weak."

Leylin muttered as he then inserted some of his Divine Force into Tiff's body; this would let him easily reach High-Ranking Legendary if he remained devout to the God of Devouring, Bloodlines and Serpents Nāgarāja.

"You should go and spread the name of my Church... and go fast; soon enough, the Gods will investigate what has happened here."

Leylin said as the huge door of the astral gate disintegrated inch by inch and he returned back to the Magus World.

"A.I. Chip, show my current statistics."

Leylin commanded.

[Leylin Farlier, Demigod, Rank 6 Bloodline Warlock: Nāga (Semi-Rank 7). Strength: 265.64. Agility: 198.21. Vitality: 401.11. Spirit: 648.77. State of the Soul: Semi Law God Soul. Comprehension of Laws: 99,5% (Law of Devour). Godhood: Devouring, Bloodlines, Serpents. Godhood Index: 10. Host body has already been saturated with the original power of the Magus World and is unable to be raised further.]

The A.I. Chip gathered and displayed Leylin's latest data.

His power was comparable to average Rank 7 Beings of Law; if he fought some normal Rank 7 Magi, then his chances of victory were very high and he calculated that he could kill some weaker ones easily.

"I obtained a lot from this trip... just devouring part of Goddess of Spring Waters allowed me to advance my Godhood to the peak of Demigod Rank in one go and that was not even the True Body."

Now, he wanted to devour all of the Gods... how much power could he obtain from Devouring them all?