Invasion of Debansk Islands (2)

"Based on our usual practices, I call this newly-discovered island the Debanks Island. It is now known that there is a native empire at the very center, which they call Sakartes, which means the sun that never falls. That takes up most of the plains on the island. The population is about 1.5 million people, and around the Sakartes Empire, there are a few tribes. Most are subservient to the Sakartes, and amongst them, there are some wars. Altogether, there should be about five or six hundred thousand people there…"

Isabel evidently valued this intel-gathering job and had even been able to gain such definite numbers about the Sakartes Empire, which was pretty good. Considering the size of the Debanks Ilsands, the population of the landmass was absolutely pitiful.

While already mentally prepared, some still gasped after hearing that they would be declaring war on about two million people.

"Hehe… that's nothing, you brainless things! Didn't you hear how big the land is? How much do you think it will be urbanized and how the dense population is? Most of these people are not even in the same place."

Isabel explained the situation.

"Those aren't two million enemies but, in my opinion, two million healthy slaves! There's also countless treasures and fertile land!"

The pirate captain smirked at how her subordinates were acting and exclaimed coldly, sounding condescending.

"It doesn't matter if there are ten times more natives than us, but… Has Master ever thought about the possibility of them being protected by gods?"

Tiff looked solemnly as he asked.

This was also what Leylin had been trying his best to avoid because their information wasn't completely about the state of religions and Gods in the Debanks Islands, so it was rather a problematic topic for him and it would be best left unexplained.

Sometimes, ignorance was bliss.

"Mm, I also wanted to warn you about this. In the few native tribes of the outer seas, they have something like Faith Totems they are worshipping, basically their objects of Faith and worship... some of them are even comparable to High-Rank Legends and there are rumors of even Demigod Faith Totems."

Isabel spoke seriously.

From their point of view, no matter how useless the natives could be, they could still have one or two true Gods.

That would be terrible.

After all, Leylin was now merely a divine being! The cruelty of divine battles can be experienced in many historical poems and poetic sagas.

"You don't have to worry about this. The Debanks Island does have a few native religions and Divine Beings, but at most, there's only a Half-God and not a true one… On top of that, the Gods of the continent have no interest in the Faith of the natives…"

Leylin guaranteed. For some reason, the Debanks Islands remained unexplored and unknown land for the people on the continent, though Leylin could think of the reason why the Gods decided to ignore the Debanks Islands.

Mainly because the population here was so low, it was a dangerous place and altogether, it wasn't that much worth to the Gods. They wouldn't do something this troublesome, like invading the Debanks Islands, which could go wrong in many ways.

Not to mention if one God and his religion decided to invade the Debanks Islands, then the other religions would use it to attack the Church, which was invading the Debanks Islands.

Even though the Gods were officially all allies, that was only for the Gods; their mortal worshippers and Religions danced how their masters ordered them to.

When it came to Gods, he obviously was the one with the most right to say this.

Upon hearing this, Isabel and Tiff relaxed.

True Gods were a large gap from him, but the difference between a divine being and Half-God was not so big. If the difference was not so large, they would still have the courage to risk their lives.

'And the Debanks Islands are the perfect place to create a ritual to summon Gu Long into the World of Gods... this place is hidden from the sight of the Gosd, factions on the main continent are ignoring this place or rather, they are unaware of it... We can even transport some people from the Ouroboros Clan here if possible.'

In his mind, Leylin was already calculating the possible plans that could happen and what he could do...

If possible, he wanted to summon or transport some powerhouses of the Ouroboros Clan because the Clan got tremendously strong and had countless powerhouses on the Rank 5 Radiant Moon Magus or Rank 6 Breaking Dawn Magus.

Even if they were useless in front of Gods, on the material plane, they would prove tremendously useful...

Leylin knew that the moment he started ascending as a God or ascended as God, there was a high possibility of other Religions acting against the Church of the Heavenly Serpent God and that would be the time when he needed to be sure that the Church would win.

"Continue the course towards the Debanks Islands... the natives are not any serious threat even if their numbers were ten times more, the sole obstacle would be local powerhouses and if the variation will happen, then other Religions and Nations."

Other people, especially the more educated ones, were aware that the true threat to the plan came from outside of the Debanks Islands.

Depending on how the situation evolved, then the attacking force on the Debanks Islands could be overwhelming even for the Church of the Heavenly Serpent God.


Some time later, on the deck of the commander battleship, Leylin was observing the Ancestral Spirit of one of the tribes that were living in this area. This was another way of creating of Divine Beings for the natives, as they also worshipped their Ancestors and Ancestral Animals.

The Chihuahua Islands were close to Debanks Island. The tribe that resided here were vassals of the Sakartes Empire, but because of the ocean supporting them, they were quite independent.

"Hmph, what a pigheaded idiot! You haven't even ignited your Godfire yet and have the gall to go against me?"

Leylin snorted, and the flames immediately went out.