Invasion of Debanks Islands (3)

After obtaining Divinity, he no longer saw anything in regular Divine Beings.

This Divine Creature in front of him was just a small ant that came forward his own death and nothing more and nothing less.

At this thought, Leylin looked through the results of the A.I. Chip's scan.

[Totem Spirit (Flaming Bird) Divine Being. Strength: 15 (+5) Agility: 17 (+5) Vitality: 19 (+5) Spirit: 20 (+5) Possessed feats: 1. Domain: In the range of the followers' prayers, the totem spirit will obtain a boost to properties. All stats will increase by 5. 2. Affinity with flames. 3. Holy form: Immune to all spells below rank 5. 4: Unknown ???]

"Hmm... maybe there would be a better use for you than just death..."

Leylin muttered as he looked at the Totem Spirit of the native tribe that was cultivated to the Diving Bqeing level, as he had already decided on what to do with it.

"My followers!"

At this moment, all the pirates who followed the Winged Serpent God Kukulkan heard a low and solemn voice in their years.

"I give you my blessing. You shall obtain power through slaughter; the fresh blood of your enemies shall give you courage, and the moans of terrified souls will restore your vitality!"

The words sounded like a divine order as a terrifying phantom, Nāgarāja, appeared in the sky.

"It's our Lord! Heavenly Serpent God Nāgarāja has shown himself!"

Unlike the regular worshippers, the acolytes Tiff had nurtured had a more profound reaction to this.

"Massacre domain, boost!"

Leylin's figure reached the skies above the battlefield. He willed a dark red light to move from his domain, having it appear by his followers.


Debansk Islands

After they conquered a few native tribes and subjugated them all, Leylin started laying down the summoning formation that he was ordered to do in order to summon Gu Long from the Magus World.

Because this would be a special method and they were summoning from the World of Gods, he wouldn't be blocked by the Crystal Barrier that was protecting the World of Gods. On top of that, as fuel, they were using thousands of sacrifices together with several Divine Beings.

Up now, every single Divine Being, High-Rank Legendary or Legendary Professional, or being that they encountered wasn't killed but rather sealed with the special method as they would be used in the summoning ritual.

They have temporarily halted their advance on the Debanks Islands as they were building the ritual circle around the several islands that they had already conquered. The next step was to summon Gu Long as they would obtain peerless experts under the Beings of Laws on their side.

That would be perfect; additionally, Gu Long may have some methods on how to defend even again the Gods of the World of Gods if needed. Unfortunately, Leylin couldn't summon his True Body to the World of Gods.

The progress on laying down the summon ritual circle was going very well; there were no major complications because Leylin had cultivated some Arcanists that were solely loyal to him and signed a Geass of Loyalty with him.

Arcanists were almost extinct Profession in the World of Gods; they were developed by extremely powerful Wizards in the ancient era, somewhere during the invasion of the World of Gods by the Magi or shortly after the end of the War of Two Worlds.

It was a Magic-related Profession that wasn't depending on the Weave as Wizards were when it came to the Spell Casting aspect of the Profession. Due to this, Leylin, who accidentally found an Arcanist Inheritance somewhere in the depths of the mountain ranges of the World of Gods, decided to be one here.

After he grew more and more power, he started slowly spreading the Profession among the most loyal members of the Church of the Heavenly Serpent because he planned to use this against the Goddess of Magic and Weave, Mrytra...

Who was the peak Rank 8 God and one of the strongest Gods in the World of Gods.

Naturally, he was doing this right as sneaky and stealthily as possible because the emergence of the Arcanists right now would only spell a certain doom for him...

Fortunately, it wasn't much of a problem for Arcanists to disguise themselves as Wizards, a common Profession in the World of Gods. Right now, the Church of the Heavenly Serpent had something around a few hundred Arcanists.

Unfortunately, most of them were totally useless as they belonged to the lowest end of the spectrum and were pretty weak. However, it is only a matter of time before they grow powerful enough to influence his plans.

Leylin gave all of them instructions on how to lay down the spell array for the ritual, as most of the Arcanists and Priests under the Church could handle such basic work, while he would finish the most important parts.

Within several days, the most problematic and menial tasks were done so right now, it was only on him to finish the summon ritual and summon Gu Long to the World of Gods.

When he finished the last inscription on the enormous runic stone, he ordered for the prisoners to be brought here, mainly all Spirit Totems, Ancestral Spirits and other high-ranking Professionals and Beigns that they caught or sealed when they were surrounding the Debanks Islands.

With their superior naval power, Leylin ordered the Scarlet Tigers to at first, sail around the entire Debanks Ilsands and conquer the tribes and people living on smaller islands around the Debanks landmass.

"Activate the sacrificial circle... we can start the summoning ritual."

Leylin ordered Tiff and Isabel, who were standing next to him.

Both of them were very powerful, High-Ranking Legendary Professionals and were helping him in this summoning ritual, as only they could handle it correctly. Tiff was, aside from Legendary Priest, also a Legendary Arcanist.

And Isabel had a Red Dragon Bloodline, so she was a Legendary Sorcerer from her Bloodline, so they were both qualified to participate directly in something like this.