Tomb of the Demon God (1)

"Wouldn't your breakthrough attract the attention of the Daemon Lords and everything that is actually slumbering in the Gaping Maw?"

Witch Queen Iggwilv asked her lover, the Dragon Prince Gu Long, as they were approaching the rumored Tomb of the Demon God that was in the 88th Layer of the Abyss, the Gaping Maw.

"Not really; as long as I keep the Embers of Silence active on my person, I can create an isolated domain where nobody could even dream of peeking inside, so we would be alright."

Gu Long was already prepared very well for his ascension to the Law Godhood and another reason why his father gave him the Embers of Silence was to hide his Apotheosis Ceremony that would otherwise attract the attention of everyone in the entire Layer and perhaps even other Layers close to the 88th Layer.

"It doesn't hurt to be careful... we can wait until there would be another convergence between Layers, it would provide another wave of protection in case something went wrong."

Converging between the layers was a rather rare occasion when two or more Abyssal Layers got very close to each other, with their energies overlapping with each other. The barrier between the Abyssal Layers grew so thin that they could be crossed over one leap.

It was typically used by most of the Demon Lords to expand their territory because, through the convergence, they didn't need to open the portals or do anything complicated; they just needed to cross over and fight.

As simple as that could get.

And Iggwilv found out that another convergence would be happening between the 88th Layer of the Abyss and a few surrounding Abyssal Layers in the near future.

This would present the perfect opportunity for his breakthrough because if something went wrong, then the tremendous energy released by the convergence between Abyssal Layers would cover up for his Apotheosis.

"We should hurry; when I successfully complete my Apotheosis, we can go to the Hollow's Heart and find the Seed of the First Flame."

Gu Long stated as Iggwilv nodded in agreement... though fortunately enough, the Tomb of the Demon God wasn't that far from their current location, and it took them only a few days to arrive at the place.

It was placed in the nearby mountain, on the top of one of the highest peaks of the Gaping Maw.

The entire area of the mountain, which Iggwilv found out was named Barad-Dúm, named after the fabled Demon God himself, was considered as one huge danger zone within the Gaping Maw.

There were countless powerful Demonic Beasts roaming around and calling this god-forsaken piece of land their home.

Like most of the parts of the Abyss, nothing really grew in these parts of the 88th Layer of the Abyss, aside from some poisonous trees and plants and everything had a gloomy dark purple or black color, including the soil and stones themselves.

"So this is the Barad-Dúm... even more imposing than I thought..."

Iggwilv was a very experienced and knowledgeable Demonologist and Archmage of Oerth, and Mount Barad-Dúm was one of the most famous places across the Abyss. It was a place where one of the few Demon Gods of the Abyss was probably buried, and it was also one of the forsaken realms of the Abyss.

And if something was labeled as a forbidden zone in the Abyss, then it must meant it was deathly as hell.

"I sense Demonic Divine Aura... from the depths of the Mountain and it is powerful... very powerful..."

Gu Long muttered when he looked at Mount Barad-Dúm with an intense glare; as someone who was very sensitive to such Aura, it didn't take him a second to confirm the truth. This place was indeed the burial ground of the Demon God.

The Aura he sent wasn't lying about that.

"So the rumors were truth..."

Iggwilv muttered as she grasped his right hand while they looked at the swarm of the Demonic Beasts that were running here and there, around the entire premises of the Barad-Dúm...

"That is one good number of Demonic Beasts there..."

Gu Long could sense that there were tens of thousands of Demon Beasts around the entire Barad-Dúm; many of them were at Tier 8. No wonder that even some of the most ferocious Demons didn't really dare to venture into these places.

"Whatever... with the Embers of Silence, we would be okey."

The Embers of Silence was one of the most powerful stealth-related artifacts that was in existence, something very rare even across the entirety of the Endless Void.

Gu Long was confident that as long as he had the Embers of Silence, he would be okey...

Naturally, something that he was given by his father wasn't anything ordinary...

"You seem to be pretty confident in your trinket."

Iggwilv stated as she looked at the Dragon Prince.

"Naturally... though, I want to ask, what do you want to do after obtaining the Seed of the First Flame?"

Gu Long asked as he looked at the Witch Queen because he actually wanted to bring her back with him to the Kadath Universe. Someone like her would be an invaluable asset to the entire Kadath Universe, as she could become even a Tier 12 entity if she had some luck in her journey.

Iggwilv looked rather unsure of what to do because she didn't really anticipate that she would obtain something so valuable, and she was aware that her lover wanted to bring her together with him back to his Universe.

"If it makes you happy, I will go together with you into the Kadath Universe... I always wondered what other Universes are like..."

In truth, Witch Queen Iggwilv wanted to leave the boundaries of her Universe because she wanted to pursue higher degrees of Magic. That was something that was her lifelong goal and the Kadath Universe was a place where Magic Research was one of the priorities.

"Splendid... you would surely thrive within the Kadath Universe."