Tomb of the Demon God (2)

The Kadath Universe became something akin to a Holy Ground for magic researchers and anyone who wanted to pursue the depths of the Arcane and profound mysteries of Magic.

In a place like that, the Kadath Universe, someone like Iggwilv would thrive and reach the greatest heights that were ever imaginable.

"Where would you start your Apotheosis?"

Iggwilv asked her dragon lover; he looked at the top of Mount Barad-Dúm because that was the place which he had chosen. He had already suppressed his breakthrough to Tier 9 for a long time.

Waiting for the perfect opportunity was a hassle; he had been tempted to reach Tier 9 for a long time already when he was still in the Magus World; he was ready and just waiting for this time to come.

"On the top of Mount Barad-Dúm where the Tomb itself, where the Aura is Divine and Demonic is the strongest."

Gu Long used his Dragon Slayer Halbert as he, together with Iggwilv, continued through the hordes of demonic beasts that swarmed the entire area of the Demon Tomb and Mount Barad-Dúm.

For several hours, they circled around Mount Barad-Dúm until they finally found a usable passage that seemed like some sort of carved pathway that was leading to the top of Mount Barad-Dúm and the Tomb of the Demon God.

It seemed like someone was rather meticulous when doing this because the stone pathway leading to the Tomb was well crafted, clearly a sign that it had been created by a very skilled artisan.

This was most unusual in the Abyss because this place didn't really have artisans or craftsmen aside from the slaves, but according to the Iggwilv, the patterns were similar to that of typical demon architecture of more civilized demon races.

"So, these savages actually have some sort of civilization or at least imitations of it?"

Gu Long was surprised hearing that because that was the last thing that he expected from the Abyss, truth to be told.

"Yes, they have... mostly on the deepest layers of the Abyss and only the most powerful species; they are rather similar in this aspect to the Fiends of the Infinite Abyss Universe, though logical assumptions as they are of similar origin."

The more powerful the demon race was, the more advanced it was and some of the most powerful ones were even civilized like any other civilization or species within the Endless Void.

"Judging on this, we can conclude that the Demon God that is buried here should be from one of the strongest Abyssal species, which is most intriguing... why is he buried here?"

Iggwilv looked at the murals that were around the stone-carved pathways; some were depicting the history of Mount Barad-Dúm, but most of them were retelling the story of the Demon God that was buried in this place.

"Probably either his wish or he wasn't really affiliated with the species... the second one would be the most welcomed, though."

Gu Long didn't want to have some extra powerful Demon species on his ass for sacrilege of pillaging the Tomb of one of their top-notch powerhouse. Some of them could be rather zealous in their pursuit, so that was an eventual that he wished to avoid.

Considering the fact that the Abyss would, or already is, a major player on the entire scale of the Endless Void.

"I agree... still, this place is a treasure trove for archeologists..."

Iggwilv was already running around the entire pathway, recording everything and making copies of the murals and stone-carved descriptions of things on the walls. Those things would be used for the research at a later date.

Gu Long gave her some time to do this, or else she would be pestering him about that for the entirety of their time in the Abyss. Iggwilv had an obsession with uncovering the history and exploring the archeological sites.

Due to this, their journey to the top of Mount Barad-Dúm was at least thrice longer than it should have been... but fortunately, there were no demon beasts within these pathways, something that Gu Long noticed.

Probably, there were some wards or some magic measures that were fending them off. If not for that, then the entire area would have been swarming with the demon beasts long ago, and they would need to tear their way through them.

"Are you finished already?"

The Dragon Prince asked with a great deal of irritation as he was looking at Iggwilv, who once stopped to examine some historical murals and sites.

"Hush, hush... this task requires a great deal of patience."

Iggwilv said as she was examining something that she had dug from the ground, which was a common occurrence for the past few hours. Every few hours, she found some artifact either in the ground or in the stone.

Some of those things were actually precious because they radiated an outrageous amount of Magic, but mostly, they were just worthless trinkets that served nothing more than decoration purposes.

Some may, though, serve some spiritual purpose because they found about a dozen totems of the Demon God that were buried here, together with his statues and other things.

"I am done... we can move forward."

She hummed happily as she stopped the object she was examining within the dimensional storage space, and they moved forward.

The same thing happened several times more until they finally arrived at the top of Mount Barad-Dúm. At the end of the pathway, there was only one thing that genuinely surprised both Gu Long and Witch Queen Iggwilv.

"It is only this?"

For someone strong as Demon God, he awaited something more than just one humble altar with an epitaph.

"It seems so..."

Even Iggwilv was surprised to see this because it was a relatively unusual burial style among the demons.

"Whatever... the corpse is here because I am sensing it... though looking at it from a close distance, I think that I will need to set up a ritual for this one."

Gu Long studied the altar of the Demon God more closely, and he learned a few things from it. The first one was that it was indeed a geniue thing and the second was that the person known as Demon God was indeed buried here.