[Friday, Morning - The following week]
A week had gone past and campaigning for the Head Students was still going. The younger years seemed really interested in this and didn't see it for the waste of time it was. Clearly, I needed to educate them.
To remind those that forgot, Ethan has his presentation today. In fact, it's right now. Literally right here. What a coincidence. It's almost like it was planned. As expected, Sean, Ruby, Kaylee, Lily and I are forced to watch our friend torture himself by presenting something he has no idea about.
"H-hello…" Ethan said testing the mic. "I'm Ethan… You've probably seen my posters. I hope you'll listen to what I have to say. If you want."
What is he doing? Has he practised this? It almost sounds like he is just making it all up.
"My main point… is um… to help students with any issues. I want students to be able to talk to each other and be open about anything they have. If it's issues at home or just worries about the future or exams. I want people here to be able to speak about them."
The room seemed impressed. The teachers didn't seem happy as they would probably be the ones to have to help the kids but it was a good idea. I know a few people that would have benefitted from such a scheme.
"It's ok to feel upset or down," Ethan continued. "I want you to be ok with it all. I understand your friends may think it's funny or 'not cool' but who cares about them. If they don't care about your mental health then they aren't your friend."
Yikes, I was on board with this but telling a bunch of 11 to 18 years old is like saying don't trust anyone. I mean it's technically true but they don't need to know that yet.
"Another thing I want to do is create more ways for students to ask for help. I want more after school clubs or lunchtime clubs hosted by Sixth Formers or Year 11 designed to help the younger years."
"Despite his lack of confidence, the stuff he is saying is great," Ruby said as she ground her shoe into my foot.
"You aren't wrong," I said.
"Who would have known he cared so much about that stuff," Kaylee said.
"I did." Sean and I added at the same time creating a high five over Kaylee and Ruby who sat in between us.
"If we can create an environment that people want to come to. A place where people will not hate for years to come, then we will have a greater future ahead. We need a place and a mindset that gets us all motivated. A place that will teach you the fun of learning. That's what we need."
It was clear that Ethan was gaining confidence, he even was starting to sound like a politician with all these impossible promises. It was great to see him up there and present his idea. He seems happy and passionate about it all. I guess his experiences are what guided him.
"I also want a place where you'll all be able to fall in love," Ethan said blasting with confidence.
"What is he on about?" Kaylee added.
"I think we all know," I said with my attention on full force.
Ethan continued his speech and talked about love or something boring like that. He had all the attention of the students and none of the teachers, but somehow he managed to turn it away from the students and attract all the single teachers.
The speech carried on for what felt like an hour. We were all hot and sweaty on this cold winter's day, that's how long we were here for. We always kept thinking he was finishing but he keeps turning the PowerPoint and introducing some new topics to talk about. You can even hear a very audible sigh from the audience every time it happens.
# # #
Several hours later, but not really, it was over. We all waited outside for Ethan to pack up his things and tell us how he thought he did. Of course, he was after feedback and I was going to give him it.
"So… How was it?" He came out asking.
"It was good," Kaylee said first, getting in fast.
"It was too long," Ruby said.
"Agreed," I added to which Ruby hit me and yelled something about how I'm not supposed to agree with her.
"I liked your ideas," Sean said. "It was very… you?"
Sean was right. It was very Ethan. A strong justice is how I would describe it. Whatever his justice may be.
"Now all we do is wait for the results."
As we were speaking the votes were going on. Ethan forced us to vote for him and of course, we didn't. We wanted to be fair and vote for who we believed in.
It took a few hours before the votes were completed and counted. We stood in the assembly hall and watched as they announced the vote.
"And the winner is…"
They announced the winner of the female representative. Some girl that isn't important to the story. We'll skip over her.
"And the Head Boy…"
Again, it was someone that didn't matter. It wasn't Ethan so it didn't matter. Sure it was obvious that he wasn't going to win, but he does seem kinda down about it.
"It's alright," he said smiling. "I hope my ideas will inspire the future generation."
Spoken like a true politician… or at least, that's what they should be saying.