[Tuesday, Morning]
"Hmm… What did you just say?" I asked Sean on this fine morning to see if I had heard him correctly.
"I said we aren't like that."
"Really?" Ethan joined in. "I thought you two were? Kinda like me and Kaylee."
"Ok, you two are not like that." I had to add just to make sure Ethan doesn't get into some weird illusion and do something bad.
"We are just friends. Nothing more."
"Are you sure she thinks that? What if she wants more?"
"She doesn't," Sean said before snapping his book shut. "Can we go to class?"
"We still have a few minutes."
"Damn." He said under his breath, sliding his chair as far as possible whilst still being part of our table.
"Psst…Owen…" Ethan said breathing down my ear.
"What is it?"
"Do you think he's lying?" he asked.
"Of course not. I mean, it only makes sense that Sean hasn't asked her out. Why would he? He isn't you."
"What's that supposed to mean? I'm just curious because we don't know much about Lily. What if she is in love with him?"
"That would be nice… if only that were the case."
"Well, let's find out."
Ethan dragged me out of the classroom only to pull me back into it. He must have forgotten that Lily is in our class now.
"Hey, Lily!" Ethan screamed.
"H-hey." She said hiding, as anyone would if they saw Ethan run up to them.
"Soooooo, Just wondering? What do you think about Sean?"
"H-he's a good friend."
"Friend? I see I see." Ethan's brain was working at full power. It had been working that way for a while. I can see that he is trying to hold back from shouting something out.
"Err. is that all?" Lily asked.
"Yeah, that's all," I said trying to drag Ethan away.
"WHY DON'T YOU DATE SEAN!?" Ethan blurted out.
"Wh-what?" Lily began to panic and hid her face behind her hood. She stood up and attempted to run out the door but hit several walls and chairs in the process.
"What did you do?" I said.
"What have I done?" Ethan said.
"WHAT DID YOU TWO DO!?" Sean said with an erupted face. I've never really seen him mad before.
"Don't you think you should have talked to me about this?"
"We did!" Ethan said in hopes to defend himself. "You weren't listening. Even Owen thought it was a good idea."
"Hey, man. Don't bring me into this. I said it was a bad idea. He's lying."
"Well, you two have to fix this," Sean said.
"WHAT?" Ethan said. "Why us?"
"Yeah, why me? I didn't do anything." I added.
"You too are forcing this on us," Sean added. "Can't you just let things happen naturally. Didn't you learn anything, Owen?"
"So you are saying you may have feelings for her?" Ethan said getting in his final words.
"Just get going."
It was pointless to argue with Sean. His face was extremely red and I could tell he was going to hit Ethan if we didn't leave soon. With that, Ethan and I have left to find Lily.
"Right," I said. "You go that way, I'll go this way."
"Got it. Good luck."
I kicked Ethan out of this party of two and went solo. It was easy to split up and find her but it didn't matter. What I was doing was getting Ethan to leave. I knew that Lily would be in the library and so that's where I headed first.
I entered the library scanning every inch of it. I stood awkwardly at the door looking for a small girl in a bubblegum hoodie. How hard can this be?
I mean, it wasn't hard at all. I found her within a few seconds. I walked up to the table she was sat on and awkwardly sat down opposite like some cool guy trying to flirt with a girl. Of course, considering the events that lead up to this, flirting here would be in bad taste.
"Hey… Lily?" I said approaching awkwardly. Can you blame me? Anyone would be awkward approaching someone they have upset. She might even be crying.
"H-hi…" She said not looking at me directly.
"I want to apologise for Ethan's behaviour. I understand that he was a bit too much. I have personally taken care of it and you will no longer be seeing him."
She looked at me with a face that spoke a thousand words. Most of those words seemed to be related to the word 'what?'.
"I..it's fine." She said. "I know you were just joking. It just shocked me."
Phew, she thinks it was a joke. Better not mention that it wasn't a joke.
"I understand that we shouldn't force anyone together," I said. "I shall take a step back and not get involved with you and Sean."
"It's ok," she said. "Like I said I was shocked. I've had people say stuff to me before but they always mean it as a way to insult me. I know you guys would never hurt me like that."
This girl is such an angel!
"Still, I feel bad for saying it. I'll make sure Ethan also apologises."
"It's ok. Really, it's fine. I don't want you two to feel guilty. It did feel nice to think about that sort of stuff. But I can't see myself like that. The me here and the me inside are different. That may never change."
"I… I see." It was all I could reply. I know the feeling. I understand what she is saying. It's difficult when you think the world is out to get you. She doesn't trust anyone and she has a good reason for that. I do wish she'd find someone that would make her happy. Even if it isn't Sean.
"There you are!" Ethan called out from the door to the library only to be shushed by everyone. "I want to say sorry!"
Wow, I wasn't expecting him to apologise. He must have reflected on the way.
"I-it's fine," Lily said with a smile on her face. At least it seemed real.
"No, I shall take my life as a way to repent."
"Please don't do that," she said stopping Ethan.
"Please do that." I quickly got in.
"Although, it was wrong of me to say that stuff I do wish you and Sean would be happy. Even if it was just friends."
"Haha." Lily laughed but it sounded kind of forced. "M-me too."
Luckily for us, Lily was good at dealing with things. Perhaps she is just this way because of everything that happened. Maybe she just doesn't want any problems. Either way, if there is one thing I've learnt from today, it's that Sean and Lily would make a cute couple. I must come up with a battle plan.