[Wednesday, Afternoon]
"MOCK EXAMS!!!!" Ethan let out a mighty roar that paralysed all his opponents. It was super effective and weakened the morale of the enemy team, they didn't stand a chance.
"Are you ready?" Sean asked.
"I think so…" I said.
"I'm not…" Kaylee said.
"You'll be fine." Ruby and Simon added simultaneously which caused Ruby to give him a strange look. Poor guy is probably going to get hit now.
"I'm sure we'll all do fine," Lily said as if she wasn't going to ace every exam.
It was that time of year. A time to do exams but not really do exams, or as they are called 'mock exams'. It was common to have mock exams a few months before the real things. They weren't as formal as actual exams as we did them in our classes instead of in one giant hall. They were just a way to see how well we would do. Except you can easily cheat. The exams were always past papers, meaning if you revise by doing past exams you've already probably done it. Which is a good thing? I guess?
The first exam was the computer science exam, Ethan, Sean and I. We all sat next to each other in silence as the teacher started the 2-hour timer. About 5 minutes in, we encountered a problem.
"I have a problem," Ethan said raising his hand.
"What is it?" The teacher asked.
"No, nevermind."
What was that? What is his problem? I'm too curious to focus on the exam. I need to know what problem he has so I can make fun of him later.
The exam continued for a while with no disruptions. The questions were surprisingly difficult and there were some strange wording issues. As if the exam wasn't written by an actual exam board.
"Psst, Owen," Ethan said whispering into my ear.
"What is it?" I replied.
"I need to go to the toilet."
"So? Just ask."
"I can't."
Oh? Is this what I think it is? Is this an opportunity to ridicule Ethan for the rest of his life? Has he got the thing everyone fears the most in these exams? A stomach problem.
"Lol, get rekt scrub."
That was all I needed to say. I got to finish the exam with a smile on my face knowing that mister 100% wouldn't be getting 100%. What a dream.
"I only got 85%," Ethan said outside the room, defeated by his stomach problems.
"Should have just skipped lunch like me," I said as my stomach grumbled further proving my point.
"I guess you are right."
In the Drama rooms, Kaylee and Ruby were performing in front of a camera and a small class of younger years. They put on the best show they could, only to be given mountains of feedback by the teachers. It seems like the drama teachers want to give all the A-level students a hard life.
Sean and I did the Media exam next to each other with nothing interesting happening. I faced out the window for most of it as I didn't care much. I saw two pigeons on the roof opposite. One of them was standing on the other. I don't know what to make of this. Is this how pigeons do the dirty? Is the one on top just pissed with the bottom one who seems like they don't want to be there? I was too focused on the pigeons to focus on my exams. I'd say the pigeons were definitely more interesting.
To bring Simon and Lily back into the chapter, the History exam was the most eventful. There was a fight right in the classroom.
It's common for students to be sent out of their classroom and into another when they are messing about. Sometimes this can end up with there being more sent out kids than actual kids in the Sixth form class, and that is what happened. The history teacher was strict in his class but didn't care that much about others unless it ruined his class. This being said, the kids that were sent out didn't like each other. They kept throwing things and eventually one of them started throwing punches but was taken out when the teacher threw his computer monitor at the back of the kids head, knocking him out cold.
I wish I was there to see it. I'd rather be seeing that then whatever the pigeons were doing.
The mock exam period quickly came to an end with everyone getting results they were happy with. I didn't care that I was a bit behind in Media because I knew I could catch up at some point. Ethan's stomach only got worse after the first exam and his other exams were affected. The teachers even called him in to ask if everything was alright at home when they saw the drastic drop in his grades. If only they knew the truth.