[Friday, Morning]
"I've got a fun idea for a game," Ethan said as he approached Owen from behind.
"What? I'm not afraid to hit you if you do something stupid."
"Don't worry don't worry." Ethan said lowering his fists "I won't hurt you… yet..."
"So what is it?"
"Oh right!" Ethan sat down opposite Owen and reached into his pocket throwing what appeared to be almost 100 tiny cubes with numbers on them.
"Dice?" Owen said inspecting them as if he was a police officer looking for drugs.
"Right! Dice!"
"Is this related to the game?" Owen asked picking up the ones that fell on the floor.
"Are you going to stop stalling and tell me?"
"Oh, sure!"
"So this is how it will work!" Ethan said. "We will put in you an end of the world scenario and you will tell me what you wish to do. I shall roll the dice and determine the outcome based on it. Seem like fun?"
Owen stopped and thought to himself about what could possibly be fun. It was a simple version of Dungeons and Dragons. It seemed like a giant waste of time, but what else is there to do on a Friday morning.
"Alright, I'm in."
# # #
Isolated and trapped between several buildings, Owen laid on the ground hoping to push his way out from the rubble that sat above him. He called for help but it was useless. Any survivors have already left and saved themselves.
"Help! Help!" he cried out.
"Are you ok?" A voice returned. It wasn't clear where the voice came from. Sirens and car alarms filled everyone's ears.
"I'm down here!" he cried out.
"Can you push your way out?" The voice called from wherever they were standing.
"I-I don't know."
-"Time for the first Roll!" Physic Ethan said. "High numbers are good and you just got a 20 out of 24. We are using 4 D6s"-
Owen lifted with whatever strength he had left, pushing away the rubble that pushed down on him.
"I did it!" He screamed. "I made it out!"
He stepped out from his past prison and stepping into the main city, or at least, what remains of it. The city was drowned in sand with buildings sunk. Skyscrapers that once touched the clouds now poked out able for people to climb on them.
"Where are you?" he called out, but there was no reply. "What happened here?" Owen thought to himself whilst exploring the sandy hellscape.
-"Let's go for a roll to see what danger happens next" Ghost Ethan interrupted. "A 12… not bad,"-
Out from the side of the buildings remains crawled several humanoid figures. Their faces were covered in tattoos and they were wielding several large rifles and knives.
"Oh shit," Owen said before running in the opposite direction before they began to open fire.
-"Roll to dodge!" Ghost Ethan added.
"Seriously?" Ghost Owen replied.
"Yup! You got a 16!"-
Owen ran with full speed and managed to hide behind some of the rubble as they walked past. He steadied his breathing just to be saved. He didn't know if they were really human so it was best to hide for now.
"Phew, that was close." He said to himself as he stood up. Only to find the face of one of them staring him down from centimetres away.
They both stared at each other without making a sound. Owen didn't know what to do, all he could attempt was to swing his fist as fast as he could. Hoping to knock out his opponent in one hit.
-Let's roll to see shall we?" Ghost Ethan returned.
"This won't end well." Ghost Owen said.
"Ouch, a 6, Unlucky."-
Owen swung his fist but missed, hitting nothing but air. His swing pulled himself along with it, causing him to trip in front of the guy. Laying there he looked up to the man who stood above him, pulling out a knife. He thought back to his last moments. He thought back to it all. He wanted to know what happened. Perhaps he will never find out.
# # #
"You rolled a 4. you are dead." Real-world Ethan said.
"Well, I didn't last long," Owen said.
"You made some weird choices."
"What else was I meant to do?" Owen asked. "They had guns and I was left alone. I never even found the person that helped me at the start. What a horrible world that was. Let's hope it doesn't happen."
Owen and Ethan sat in silence until the start of lessons. They didn't have anything to do now that the game was over. Ethan's one scenario was supposed to last much longer. Never underestimate how unlucky someone can be.
"Do you want to try something?" Ethan asked.
"Umm. I'm fine. I'd rather just rest. That was tiring and I'd rather not get weird looks from everyone as we did just then."
"They were looking at us?" Ethan said.
"Of course, you were too immersed in the role play. You didn't have to do sound effects for everything. It was fine for the characters speaking but you didn't have to attempt and replicate the sound of several men carry muskets running on dirt."
"Oh. But it was kinda fun though."
The bell rang several minutes later and the two of them left for lesson or library, depending on their schedule. They attempted to play the game at lunch with Sean except he ended up fighting everyone and winning easily. The lowest number he rolled was a 19 and that was when it came to drinking some water and hoping he didn't die from choking. Either way, this was one game that was fun to kill time with.