Casual drive

[Saturday, Afternoon]

"Check this baby out!" Ethan said as he pulled off the cover of an obviously car-shaped object.

"Wow… A car…" I said. I couldn't possibly be any more excited.

"Can you drive?" Sean asked.

"Of course! Right in my hand, I have my drivers license!" He showed us his license to which we were all amazed to see. There are a few people who take their driving tests around this age and Ethan was one of them. We looked at his license as it slipped out of his hand, we all watched it fall to the ground. It was like slow motion. Everything was moving so slowly. Ethan's face filled with panic whilst Sean and I attempted not to laugh.

"Phew. That was close." Ethan said scooping it up before it even hit the ground.

"Imagine losing it on the first day of getting it."

"Yeah… Well... Shut up, Owen."

Flawless argument, outstanding move.

"How about we go for a test drive?" Ethan asked.

"Sure," Sean replied.

"I'm fine," I said. "I'll pass."

"What why?" The others kept asking.

"It's not that I don't trust you behind the wheel. It's that I don't trust you behind the wheel."

"Don't worry," Ethan said as if he was about to brag. "I passed with no minors at all. Something very rare."

That sounds almost suspicious. Like he bribed the examiner with something.

"Please just a little drive?" he said with his ugly puppy dog eyes.

"Ew gross," I said pushing him away. "Whatever, let's just get it over with."

The three of us got in the car but didn't move until 10 minutes had passed. This was Ethan's first time driving this car so he had to make sure the seat and the mirrors were all set up properly. His chair kept moving back and forth and back and forth and back and forth before he even got anywhere near close to how it was best for him. He kept fiddling with his mirrors, cleaning every speck of dust that dared to land on them. At least the car was clean. Since it was new-ish it hadn't been used, at least by him. So it was clean.

"Are you all ready?" Ethan said despite starting the car and moving off his drive. "Let's go!"

He drove around some of the roads randomly in silence. Sean and I weren't sure if he was one of those drivers that like complete silence so we didn't say anything. We didn't want to crash and die. At least, I wouldn't want to crash and survive.

"Is everything alright back there?" He said to me as I was in the back seat.

"Ah, yes… it's all fine… I am fine… I am fine."

"That's good then."

I am not fine. I am not fine at all. I do not trust him one bit. He was heading to the fast roads, as I assume he lives by the danger. What if he crashes? What will happen if I end up in a coma? Actually, if I do end up in a coma I wonder what I will dream about, now I'm curious.

"Owen? Why are you staring at the steering wheel like that?" Ethan asked as he attempted to keep his eyes on both the road and my hand that slowly crept towards the steering wheel.

"No reason."

Despite my fears, Ethan was a good driver. He always made sure to respect the highway code and do everything as you should. He made zero errors and every time he got beeped at he only cried once. That was scary when the tears covered his eyes.

"So what did you guys think?" He said as he pulled his car back up to his house.

"It was fun," Sean said attempting to stand as his legs shock rapidly like a motor, he could create enough energy to power several houses with how his legs were moving.

"It was alright," I said not moving from my spot, unsure if I had died and this was heaven or if we made it back.

"That's good."

"Are you going to drive to school from now on?" I asked.

"Nope, I'll work like normal. I just wanted to learn how to drive now because it makes life easier."

"I see." I can understand his reasoning. There isn't anywhere to park at school unless you are a teacher, so it was pointless to drive in. I guess it has its uses. Normally, Sean's brother, Matt, would be the one to drive us places if we needed to go. I guess Matt can retire now and Ethan can take over. I hope he gets over the crying thing. I don't want to die and I don't want my last words being "Stop crying you fucking pussy."