Aadhirai's whereabout

To the surprise of shinra there were no news about aadhirai. He sent a search party again to vadara naadu but still he cannot find aadhirai. Now aadhithan also sent a search party to search all the villages in vadara naadu but it was no use. It was almost a month after nagulan's death but still they can't find aadhirai. They searched each and every house in vadara naadu but to their surprise it was of no use. Aadhithan was thinking deeply where would they be, where did he hid them that no one can find them.

The kingdom is without king now. There may be many consequences because of it. Aadhithan thought that shinra may come for a battle again so he started to prepare for an own army. He recruited people and started training them. Even the army started getting bigger but they cannot find vikrama raja to make him as a king. Other than that everything was going good in the kingdom.

Aadhirai went to the forest which was between vadara naadu and agacharim kingdom. Near a river she herself built a hut which was hidden in woods. No one cannot easily find it. So she thought that was the palace where she can hide her kids. Vikrama raja started playing in woods by himself. He was also caring his mother because she was pregnant and she couldn't able to work a lot. He helped her a lot in her works. He started growing a lot. Aadhirai was now 8 months and she couldn't even handle anything alone but still she didn't seek for help. She worked hard by herself.

Aadhithan got the news that she was living in agacharim were she spent her childhood. After hearing that Aadhithan ran himself there with a group of soldiers discuising as villagers. But he cannot find her. He asked the people around her house about her. They said that before 5 months aadhirai took her child and left. She was also pregnant by that time. Even though we helped her a lot she didn't even inform us before she went. We didn't know where she went. Aadhithan thought that again it was a dead end. It was 5 months now after the death of nagulan but still the kingdom is without king. He cannot find them either. They didn't know in what way actually they are. Where they live? How are they? Nothing is known as of now.

Aadhirai called her son as mugila and he was so active. Wherever he is in the forest when he hears her mother's voice mugila he will run over to her. He was matured a lot for his age. Even though aadhirai was sad a lot of times she didn't show it in front of mugila. They both were happy alone except when mugila asked for his father. Aadhirai will say that his father has gone for a battle and he will come soon. She said the same reason for almost 5 months. Though mugila asked lot of questions she didn't answer those. She was silent for all the time.

One day when mugila was playing near the river the travellers saw him. They asked him why he was alone here in the middle of the forest. He didn't answer the question but he ran as fast as he could and reached the home. When aadhirai asked why he ran here so fast, he said that he heard her voice so he came. She said that she didn't call him. He said that she called him and she should have forgetten that. Already she will shout at him to not to go alone in the woods and now if she said that a group of people saw him while he was there. She will jump up and down and never allow him to go again. So he didn't say that to her. From the next time he was careful to hide himself when he hears some sound.

Those group of people went in to the village in vadara naadu. They went to a house for food and they started speaking about the small boy who they met in the forest. The boy was handsome and he looked like he was from a rich family. Why were he alone in the woods and he ran fast that they can't find him where he went. The people from the village heard the news and started to spread it among other villages in vadara naadu. They were all in surprise that there were a small boy all alone in the forest. Whether it is real or the villagers saw a mythical being or something like ghost. The news spread that there was a ghost in the middle of the forest looking like a small boy which is handsome enough to be rich kid. The news started spreading near the palace.