Mugila's come back

The rumors of a small boy reached the palace and Aadhithan came to know about it. Now aadhirai was 9 months. After hearing the rumors Aadhithan sent a search party to search for the small boy in the forest but they didn't find him. Aadhithan couldn't control his curiosity and he himself went to the forest for next day. They searched them for almost a day but they couldn't find them. The sun was about to set and Aadhithan neared the river. He said them to take some rest and when they were resting he found a light in long distance. Aadhithan stood up and followed the light alone. When he went near the light he found a hut there. He thought of going in and at the same time rain started to pour down. He knocked the door and aadhirai was shocked. She didn't see anyone after leaving her house in agacharim. Now in the middle of the night someone is knocking the door. She didn't know what to do and at the same time the rain was pouring down and someone may ask for help so she opened it. She was shocked to see the Aadhithan in the door and Aadhithan was also shocked and at the same time he was happy. He went in and called them to the palace but aadhirai didn't accept it. Then he explained her about the ministers in jail and there is no problem for her to come there. The country is also without the king and they want a king now. So vikrama raja should take the throne now. After convincing aadhirai he took her and mugila with them. The soldiers were waiting near the river under a big tree. After Aadhithan came they all started to walk along the path to vadara naadu.

In the mean time shinra heard about the news that aadhirai was hiding in his own country and she left the country after nagulan's death. Now she may be in the forest. So shinra sent a group of soldiers to the forest and the group contained almost 50 soldiers. When the group found that aadhirai were with Aadhithan, they started to attack from various sides. Everyone was shocked and they couldn't hear from where they were coming as the rain was pouring down heavily. Aadhithan was frightened because the rain started to pour while nagulan was about to die and in the same way the rain is pouring down heavily. As they started to attack the group of soldiers started to fight them. Aadhirai and Aadhithan started moving aside from the group without others noticing. Aadhithan was carrying mugila and aadhirai couldn't run fast as she was pregnant. After running for a long distance aadhirai heard a sound that someone was chasing them so she asked Aadhithan to take mugila with him as fast as he could and she started moving in other direction.

Aadhirai got the pregnancy pain and she couldn't bear it. She went towards the nearby village and gave birth to the child. Unfortunately while giving birth in this heavy rain she died. While hearing a baby's crying a nearby family in the village came to check in the border of the forest and they found the child. Aadhirai's last words were Dharuni she said Dharuni and touched the baby's hands. They took the baby and left the place. Soldiers of shinra came after that and found that aadhirai was dead. They informed the same to shinra the next day.

Aadhithan took mugila and entered a village in vadara naadu. He hid himself in a cow shed until the soldiers left. Then he took the child and went to the palace. The next day he gave mugila good food and dress but he couldn't able to stop him cry. He was crying all day without food asking for his mother. Aadhithan sent a group of soldiers to the forest and asked them to find aadhirai but they couldn't find her. Shinra's soldiers threw her body in the river. Aadhithan thought that she will come back by herself but he had a doubt. He asked to check for the information from agacharim kingdom. He found that shinra didn't take aadhirai so he thought she is alive somewhere. He thought that one day he can find her or she herself may come to check on mugila. Except Aadhithan others called mugila as vikrama raja so mugila was close with Aadhithan. After crying for a day he started eating and Aadhithan confirmed mugila that aadhirai will come soon if he behaves as a good boy. Mugila started doing his works himself. He will wash his clothes and he will clean his room by himself as aadhirai thought him. He will eat the food provided by Aadhithan himself. He didn't disturb anyone for his works and he will play by himself in the garden. He obeyed whatever Aadhithan said except the works he has done. Aadhithan told him to not do the works but as aadhirai thought him that way he followed it.