What Needs To Happen

In the afternoon, everyone was waking with sleepy eyes and itchy heads. "How the hell do you sleep on this floor" Everyone turned to look at Teresa. "What, I am just saying" I shook my head and ignored her comment she must be so used to Odin's fancy beds that she became spoiled like a child. Eric was in his kitchen making something big for us while I watched him prepare "What are you looking at?" Says Eric "Whatever you're making of course" I reply. "Are you sure you're not looking at the arms that are preparing" I roll my eyes in response. Eric did have a nice physic for a wannabe nomad, which makes me realize why it was so hard to think straight in that castle. He flips some pancakes on the stove smiling with his pearly white teeth and pushing back his wild blonde hair. I blush slightly analyzing Eric's arms flexing while he cooks, I shake my head looking away. I see Odin's back facing me as he talks to Teresa while stroking her hair "Odin?"

Yes, Avalin?"

"Aren't you going to tell us"

"I will I promise, speaking on that Teresa already knows It's just you two who know very little". Eric looks over at us

"Seems reasonable since your Teresa's pet"

"Excuse me?"

"Well, you heard me Odin you seem very friendly with her lately". The atmosphere was getting tense, Teresa looked so nervous

"So, what if I am does that offend you?"

"Not really but doesn't it cause issues for someone else hmm?" Eric's face was red and Odin glared at him intensely "Both of you calm yourselves, we haven't eaten don't let your hunger get to you" I knew that wasn't the case, Eric was defending me because he knew me and Odin had unrequited feelings. Odin seems to be into Teresa more than usual which makes me feel uneasy about this morning's earlier events. "Avalin you shouldn't have to…" I cut Eric off with a kiss on his cheek and whispered "Don't touch uncharted waters, Eric, you will only drown" Odin frowned when he saw me kiss him and his face became sad. Eric stopped to look at me then nodded "I am done! everyone, please help me set the table" Teresa and Odin set the table while Eric and I set the food in place. "Thank you, now we can begin," says Eric as he takes his napkin and folds it underneath his lap. "I have a proposition," says Odin "And what would that be?" He looks at me "We should talk to the humans we have to start reuniting people". Everyone looked at each other and nodded in agreement" We should, but Eric would have to lead us again" After we finished dining, we set out once on the same route and we followed Eric into the forest once again with our hands in our pockets. "Eric it's so cold" I whispered to him; he looked at me, grabbed my hand, and held me close to his body. I was surprised by this but at least I was warm, the trees were withering as we walked through them following the trial. Seeing the same disaster, we walked past the debris following along with one another back into the city of the people. Still grabbing Eric's hand, I pull him to the side while Teresa wanders with Odin looking around for any signs of people.

"Eric do have any idea where they could be?"

"I may have some insight, there is an underground tunnel underneath the city where we would gather for safety, they could be there". "Hey! Odin come back, follow Eric"

Eric pulled me this time to the pub where we first met, he took us to a dark alley on the left side of the building "It's right here" he moved the lid on the ground revealing a ladder leading down a tunnel that was brightly lit. "I will go first," says Eric. As we follow, we make our way down.