Making peace

With each step we took down the tunnel the light shined from the outside casting a shadow as we followed Eric down the ladder. Eric waited for us to catch up. "Come and see this! "He yelled. We quickened our pace, anticipation rising with each stride. I was surprised to find a breathtaking cave illuminated by beams of natural sunlight streaming in from cracks in the rock ceiling. There was a whole other city down here, which is what it seemed. "Eric, did you know about this? He looks at me then looks back at the cave, a mix of wonder and disbelief on his face. "No," he replied, his voice filled with awe." I did but I didn't" he looked back at me again "To be honest Avalin I knew the people would go underground but not to this extent". After a few moments of stunned silence, we all ventured further into the cave, our footsteps echoing in the vast space. As we delved deeper into the depths of the underground city, the magnitude of what we had stumbled upon became increasingly evident. The once bustling metropolis above ground had been completely replicated below, with towering skyscrapers, bustling streets, and even artificial sunlight illuminating the underground. It was a testament to the incredible efforts of those who had sought refuge there, turning a seemingly impossible task into a reality. As we marveled at the underground city's achievements, a newfound hope blossomed within each of us, washing away the remnants of doubt and fear. Teresa looks over at me "Avalin what's next?" Eric looks at her.

"We have to find someone to speak to" Teresa crosses her arms "like who?". Odin gives her a side glance "The leader of the humans would be a great way to start he says sarcastically. I ignore them and start asking around, I see a nicely dressed man guarding a shop.

"Excuse me sir who is the head of this place?" The man pauses for a moment, studying us with caution. "I can't just tell anybody that, so I am sorry I can't help you". "What if I told you I am one of the mighty ones and I want to help" he squints his eyes at me then laughs with disbelief. "One of the mighty ones?" I nod, meeting his gaze with determination. "Yes," I reply calmly, "I am one of their descendants". The man laughed again, but this time there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "How can I be so sure you're not pulling my leg?". I was trying to think at the moment what would be good enough to convince him? I remembered I could make my eyes glow in the moment of anger; I purposely looked at Teresa and Odin being cuddly with each other hoping my eyes would illuminate by the anger and Jealousy I felt. Suddenly the man stared at me in awe as my eyes began to glow with an otherworldly light. The man bowed " I am sorry my mighty one, forgive me" he continued "I will take you to him". The man takes me to the rebel leaders' quarters where there are guards at every turn. " Before you enter make sure to keep everything you've seen quiet from the public". The building was vast and indifferent from the rest of the city, it also seemed outdated, sticking out like a sore thumb. The man banged on the large double doors, making a large thud that echoed beneath the pavement. Two strong men open the doors as a tall old man appears, he has a nice dress suit complemented with a black tie, nice smooth white clothes, and a gold pocket watch. "Good evening, he says giving us a sly smirk he reaches to put his hand to me "It's good to see you miss...?" I reach for his hand "It's Avalin" He snaps his fingers and his men close the door behind us. " I wasn't expecting visitors, but since it's from you it can't be helped". He walks to his desk and then sits in his tall fancy seat as his two strong men stand on both sides of him. I analyzed him more closely; he seems to have a scar on his left eye and his pupal is bleached white. "So, what brings you here?" Right when I was about to speak "We're here because we wanted to ask you-" the tall man quickly stood up from his chair "I didn't ask you!" He sat back down now you were saying miss" I pulled Eric behind me

"Excuse my friend, I am here to create an alliance with you"

"And why that?" He says slicking his sliver hair back. "The blood suckers are looking to take us down it would be best if we joined forces". The tall old man pondered while fidgeting his fingers "The surface dwellers made themselves a home here, abandoning their home for protection" he put his hands down staring at me "What makes you think they would join us. "Because I am their only hope" I stared hard into his eyes and he nodded. The man didn't even say yes or no he called his men and many more to spread the message. Once they went forth the man came close, held my hand then kneeled. " My mighty one let are alliance be true and let no man pull a sunder. He stands to his feet "We have been preparing for a while now we must get ready," he says about to leave through the double doors

"Wait you haven't told me what's going on!" The man stops and looks at me " I understand, I will tell you more once all the resistance is here" he continues" It seems to be getting late please allow my assistance to take you to one of our home sweets. He closes the door; his men guide us to a nice empty home within the city.

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of bells ringing, the city was alive filled with people busting across streets and carriages carrying people to their destinations. "Good morning miss how was your rest?" says a cheery young woman dressed in a maid outfit. "I'm doing well thank you" She takes my sheets and tucks them neatly into the bed. I assumed she was the housekeeping. I didn't think there would be any type of service at a time of war. I walk out of the bedroom and am greeted by another housekeeper fetching breakfast. "Hey Avalin good morning!" all three of them said at the same time. I was astonished that everyone seemed to be in a good mood which was uncanny, most of the day we had disagreements as a group. I decided to ignore it for now which worries me. I have been ignoring a lot of problems between my friends which makes me scared for the future. I waved at them as they were sitting at a corner table by a window showing the city. I made my way over there but before I could sit the men from yesterday came in through the doors of the home "Come with us the comity has finally assembled, they are awaiting your arrival". Eric and the rest of them got up from their seats "No none of you, we only need her" I nodded and followed them. "Who is the comity?" I ask, "The comity is the resistance made by the bottom-dwellers between the surface dwellers," they said opening the doors to the building.