Chapter 3: who or what is Volkar

After the night that Damien said the name Volkar, Cecile has been spending her free time looking through as many sources as she can to find any information about this Volkar. She couldn't find anything helpful on the web so her and Damien went to the public library to search through as many books as they could to help them find anything about this name or where it came from and yet still nothing.

"Anything yet?" asked Cecile,

"Nope still nothing." replied Damien

"Ugh, who is this Volkar?" yelled Cecile. The librarian looked over at them in suspicion and asked them.

"Did you say you were looking for, Volkar." both Damien and Cecile look over at her,

"Yeah we are." said Cecile in suspicion. The Librarian directed them to her desk as she pulled out a book from underneath her desk.

"God this book has more pages than Stephen king's IT." said Damien. On the surface of the book it read, the thirteen realms and their spirits and entities.

"What kind of book is this?" asked Cecile

"No one knows." replied the librarian, "but whatever kind of boo it is, It's one of a kind. This book does not exist anywhere else, not online, not even a single copy, or an author, publisher or release date, not even an autograph." Cecile looked closely at the book she noticed it had burn marks.

"What are those burnt marks from?" asked Cecile

"Their from us." said a boy walking out of the section Damien and Cecile were in, "by the way please clean up your research mess before you guys leave. This book has been around since the dark ages and it has cursed the lives of many of us to come, people say that we tried to return the book to the spirit realm anyway we could, it was burned, buried, shredded, shot, crushed, frozen, and even drowned but no matter what people tried the booked turned up in the same place the very next morning, and the person or people who tried to banish it died by whatever method they used. They weren't even any fire, dirt, blades, guns, rocks, ice, or water found so we just left it here hoping they would take it back."

"From the looks of it they still haven't taken it back." said Damien. The boy came over to the desk and offered to help find what they are looking for. As they flip through the pages they noticed that the cover may have looked very damaged but the pages were good as new, but the words were small.

"Do you have a magnifying glass anywhere?" asked Damien.

"A good librarian always has a magnifying glass at her desk, a great one carries one with her at all times." said the librarian as she pulled a magnifying glass out of her pocket and she handed it to Cecile. Damien looks at the magnifying glass as he takes two steps back and a black widow spider crawls out from under the book and climbs onto Damien's hand and he doesn't even notice it even when it bites his wrist. The veins in his arms that receive pain glow a light red as they quickly send signals to the brain, and as Damien receives the sense of pain his eyes glow a dark red, when he looks back at the magnifying glass, the glass shakes and then shatters into pieces.

"Well fuck, there goes all my training." says the librarian in a disappointed voice.

"How did it even break?" asked Damien,

"It's an old magnifying glass, I keep the newer ones in a box in the seller." she says as she points to the far corner of the library.

"I'll go get one." said Damien.

"They're on the top of a shelf the ladder should be right next to the entrance, be careful." the librarian replied,

"I will be don't worry." Damien said as he walked off to the corner. But as soon as Damien walked away Cecile looked at the book and the words began to grow, they were on the table of contents.

"Damien wait, oh crap he's already gone, I'll tell him when he gets back." said Cecile. She looks back at the book looking through the table of contexts looking for Volkar, and soon enough she came across in big bold letters, Volkar the tyrant of death.

"The tyrant of death?" questioned Cecile.

"The lord of death, or enforcer of death, you get it he's bad." said the boy next to her, "oh and my name is Phil."

"Nice to meet you Phil." replied Cecile while she flipped through the pages trying to get to the page of Volkar.

Damien continued to the seller, he was startled by the motion activated lights but he saw the ladder. He grabbed it and looked for the shelf with the magnifying glasses once he saw it he walked over to it with the ladder not knowing that a bolt had fallen out of one of the hinges. He set up the ladder by the shelf, he began to climb the ladder and when he reached the top of it he tried to reach the box of magnifying glasses. He only managed to grab the top of the self as the hinges of the ladder broke loose and he took the shelf down on top of him breaking each piece of glass in the box. The others heard the sounds of the crash,

"What was that?" yelled the librarian,

"Oh god I think that was some sort of crash." replied Phil.

"DAMIEN!" screamed Cecile,

"I'll go get him." shouted Phil as he ran to where the sound came from.

"Your friend will be okay, there's a first aid kit in the seller and Phil knows where it is and I'll go call for help" exclaimed the librarian as she walked over to the phone and dialed for an ambulance. Cecile hoped that her brother would be alright and she continued to look through the pages and she found the chapter on Volkar the death tyrant. She starts to read, Volkar is demon as old as time itself, a monster that is filled with the obsession that all creatures inferior to demons or god must be killed, he believes that the weak must be erased and the strong must be feasted on, he truly thinks that gods are the only things that serve any purpose and mortals are worthless. His beliefs continued to escalate and soon he thought all things that can die, must die. He rampaged through the thirteen realms taking lives of all mortals leaving only entities, he was banished from hell and had the privilege of traveling through the realms taken from him, even in the realm he was condemned to he could not take the lives of any creature. He grows more power from pain and should not be summoned unless there is one who knows and is more vulnerable to pain than others.

Phil went to seller and looked for Damien.

"Damien where are you?" Phil screamed. Damien could not hear Phil because he was trapped under a shelf with glass in his arms and back. Never before had he been in such physical pain, as he lay on the ground moaning in pain all of his pain receiving veins were glowing red especially around the parts where he's in the most pain. He looked up and his eyes were glowing dark red, and his pupils shaped into reptile eyes.

"Damien please respond!" Phil screamed once again, Damien's eyes looked in the direction of where the yell came from he quickly flipped over onto his back and threw the shelf on top of him straight into the ceiling with barely any effort at all. The shelf took out the light right above him, it scared Phil half to death but he still wanted to find Damien so he kept looking.

"Damien please tell me your there." said Phil in a scared and shaking voice.

"No more Damien, only Volkar." said a deep dark voice in the shadows, Phil starts slowly walking back to the library, he heard something moving around in the distance. The lights slowly started to break as the broken lights and the footsteps move towards Phil he starts backing up faster towards the entrance. Then the lights stopped going out and the footsteps stopped, Phil looked around for Damien or just anything and as he squints into the darkness a ladder thrusts out of the darkness like a car going over 60 mph straight into Phil. it was so powerful it stabbed Phil in the torso and carried him across the library and into the wall across. Both the librarian and Cecile jumped from the desk,

"Holy shit is that Phil?" asked a frightened Cecile. The librarian quickly called the police, but before she had a chance to speak Damien jumps out of the seller and upon his leaping entrance he knocked over each bookshelf around him and shattered the table he landed on. As he stood up Cecile looked at him closely and saw bleeding legs and pieces of glass stuck in his upper body, he had black smoke-like vapor radiating off of him and glowing red eyes.

"Damien?" Cecile asked silently,

"No Damien just Volkar." he responded.

"He grows more powerful with pain." said the librarian in fear, and Cecile sees how it makes sense considering he appears to be in a great amount of physical pain.

"Well done" it said through Damien's body, "but sadly just a little too late." it jumped from the broken table onto the desk breaking it and knocking Cecile and the librarian to the ground.

"The weak must be eradicated." it said as it started to approach the librarian, she tried to crawl away but he grabbed onto her legs and began to burn her from the inside out, she screamed as her entire head burst into flames she struggled as all of her organs and blood fell to the ground into flames then she was finally silenced. Her body or what's left of it burned down leaving a puddle of what looked like lit napalm. He then turned around to face Cecile, but then looked at the book and walked over to it, grabbed it in one hand and his other hand set on fire and he slammed it down onto the book and the book was set ablaze for a second and then disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

"How?" Cecile asked in a confused and afraid voice,

"No mortal has the power to return the book, but an entity listed within has the power to rewrite or erase it." he responded and slowly walked towards Cecile.

"Damien I know your still in there and I know it hurts but if there's one thing you taught it's that nothing lasts forever not even pain." she shouted to him and it seems to have worked his veins began to change color and the smoke-like vapor began to disappear.

"Well played, pain may not last forever but it always finds a way to return whether it's a stubbed toe or even a broken heart, pain will always find a way in and when it does I will return with it." he says as he starts gurgling and spewing blood and the red eyes and reptile pupils disappeared and Damien returned to normal but he then began to froth at the mouth and he starts shaking and he collapses to the ground. Cecile crawls over to him as the sirens and lights begin to arrive at the front of a burning library.