Chapter 7

July 11, 1989

Back in Godric's Hallow where Borgin had got me a big Victorian Gothic Revival style house. I could be free and rest. Inside the house it had two floors and basement. Everything was fashioned as if an elder Sorcerer stayed there and not nine-year-old child. The house, more like a manor, was constantly kept up by Three House elves that have strangely been undergoing changes since bonding with me a couple of days ago.

As I put my new owl down took out the things, I got from the market today, I snapped my fingers once and Three fairly human looking house elves appeared. There's not much to tell about the house elves, I got them from the black market with Mr.Borgin as thank you for bringing in so much money. And as soon as I got this place and my house elves, I order them too move my share to the manor and change the wards that protect the house.

However, the second day that I had them, I began to see changes the male house elves-Nokby and Tondy- The former began to grow Raven black hair while the latter grew blonde. The female-Visney- Already ginger her but it became fuller and more alive and she began to have a fairer complexion.

And know that I'm looking at them today they have more meat on their bones, you would never be able to tell that two days ago that they looked very sickly and starved. It was something I would have to look into latter. It isn't on the top of my list. As far I can tell the changes are a good thing

When I fished giving them their task for the night. I opened up a book that Mr. Burke had given me. It was 'Introduction to spell craft'

It was pretty simple when I got to read. It simply said that spellcraft is the bread and butter of a witch or wizard( I personally like the term sorcerer). It went on to explain how magic surrounded us and flowed through use. Spell craft is a way to gather that magic and direct it to reflect your will. But first you must feel the magic, gather it, fill it with intent, and then release it. The words that compose the spell help with intent part. Words meaning things, and pronouncing the words correctly, speaking them out loud defines the raw magic that you gather.

Magic here was pretty similar to the magic of the old world, but easier much easier.

I spent the night reading through the rest of the book to get familiar with spells and magic. By the end of the book all I could really do was make the book levitate, I want to conjure fire but baby steps, I guess.

Snapping my fingers again Nokby, Tondy, and Visney. Appeared again

"How can we help you my lord?"-Tondy

"I want you all to teach me how you use magic without a wand. How does it feel, how do you control it?"

Third POV…

The house elves began to teach their master with great vigor , for three days all Lucien practiced was telekinesis. The house elves want him to gain free reign over his magic and restricted him to telekinesis

On the third day Visney went to pick up Lucien's books and return with an average of 60 books a topic, all of them basic. But it didn't matter know because for the next 4 months, Lucien left them unread. And everything in the house remained untouched, as everything he did, he did with his telekinetic power. The first two months where brutal. After that he experienced nothing but progress. When he finally got felt good about his skill, he wrote JannaBell a letter, telling her about the latest events and made up a little tale of why he couldn't write her involving some house hoping and loan sharks.

Moving on to the next task. With telekinesis he opened and turned the pages of the first book on transfiguration and read and practiced transfiguration, followed by charms, potions, DADA, Runes, and Magical creatures.

History of magic only took a day as it wasn't anything to comprehend but merely remember which was more than easy in Lucien's case, considering his eidetic memory.

As far as magic theory went Lucien merely focused on house elves magical theory since he was learning wandless magic that seemed to be the most unexplored magic in the British world of wizards.

Months turned into a 2 years before Lucien realized. Every book was thoroughly examined. And at the end of that 2 years' time. Lucien felt he was solid in the basics of the subjects he ordered. Many things had changed, Lucien's three house elves were now indistinguishable from forest elves and even though Lucien's allowed them to wear 'Human' clothes they still faithfully served him.

Those same elves had trained with Lucien the past two year allowing everyone's combat abilities to skyrocket. Lucien had his telekinetic powers down to a science; His charms and transfiguration was at end of the second year. Will his potions a surpassed a first-year knowledge he was still lacking and need hands on experience under guidance to fix his faults, and his DADA would give third years a run for their money considering his sparing partners were elves. House elves used raw instincts for magic. However, when they properly learn magic like Nokby, Tondy, and Visney. They become forces of pure death…

Under the Dubois Manor A beautiful woman stood 5'5" with long thick curly ginger hair and pointed ears. With porcelain skin and keen sharp facial features. Ginger eyebrows and vibrant green eyes. Next to her were two male elves around 5'7" with similar features except on had bone straight raven black hair and the other Had blonde hair.

The elves were standing side by side waiting for their master to get up. From his morning meditation.

In front of the elves in a lotus potion a brown skinned youth with long, thick, silver white hair that rested down his back and touch the basement floor . He was wearing Hogwarts robes with out a house on it. When the youth finally opened his eyes, they shined a vibrant golden amber.


"Yes, master Lucien?"- The Ginger haired elf replied stepping forward

"Are my things prepared?"

"Yes, Master"

"Very well. Nokby..."

"Yes, master Lucien." Replied the Raven-haired elf

"Are all my school supplies ready for the year?"

"Yes, Master"

"Very well, Tondy..."

"Yes, Master." Replied as the blonde-haired elf

"Is Turoth(Owl) and Vega(Big Cat) ready for departure?"

"Yes, master. They are awaiting your call."

"Hmm have Nokby use his nature call…" Lucien then stood up and walked out of the basement as the three elves followed.

As the walked out of the house, Tondy began to flourish his hands in the air as the wards were brought up around the manor. At the same time Nokby began to sing(If the Narnia's Lullaby was a song it would sound like Nokby' s voice). A four-foot twin tailed Big cat sprinted to Lucien talking him to the ground to slick his face and a giant grey swoop in and land on the cats head.

"Okay Turoth go in the cage. Vega...get off" as the animals complied Lucien fixed himself up.

"Inmuto.." He muttered and transfigured his hair, Trimming the sides and the back of his head with the wave of his hand and with another wave the hair onto of his had braided into a Norse fashion

"Visney would you be a dear and take us to Ollivander's and the to Borgin and Burkes"

"Yes my lord" Said Visney as she took her place and then the group twisted in on itself in a dimensional warp before disappearing and reappearing in front of Ollivander's Wand Shop