Chapter 8

September 1st ,1991

These past 2 years have been very interesting, real groovy in fact. I've been learning magic without a wand, that insane life force that Ollivander said I have in me is real and its been affecting my former House elves, their just elves now, forest elves to be exact. At least that's what they told me.

something about bloodline memories. According to them, their people have been enslaved so long with just enough magic to survive that their legacy has eroded, and it will take some time for my life energy and magic to regenerate it.

That big mainecoon looking cat I got from madam Menagerie's. Vega, turns out she's a Wampus cat variant, she has two tales now, 4 feet tall on all fours and she has Legilimency and Occlumency, and her eyes have hypnosis powers. Groovy right.

My Great grey owl he's fully grown now, I watched him kill a dog. Very savage that Turoth.

Anyway, apparently old Lucien's birthday was May 12th, 1980. That makes me 11 years old now and as a result, I received a letter from Hogwarts a couple of months back. I have no Idea what house I want to be put in. That amazingly brilliant evil guy-Voldemort- came from Slytherin, that big hot shot Dumbledore came from Gryffindor. And with my thirst for knowledge, I'm prime Ravenclaw material.

Not to mention that Jannabell was a Gryffindor and her cousin Katie Gryffindor as well. Oh, about Katie, I think Jannabell must have said something to her. Because she's been writing to me like crazy. I write her back of course – The only people I talk to is my three elves, bookkeeper, Ollivander, and Borgin and Burke-

Oh and I can't Forget Greyback, I met him about a year ago at that shop, He's a cool guy, he just hates when people call werewolves beast and say all kinds of mean shit. It takes him to a dark place. Anyway, he stays in the Manor now from time to time, when he needs to evade the dementors.

He's all ways in some kind of trouble, he and his ragtag band of snatchers. The only good that comes from that lot is the hefty price they pay for lodging and of course Visney and Tondy whipping them into shape when they stay at the manor.

Nokby is always with me, for some reason he received better memories than the other two so he's like my lead instructor when it comes to magic. Tondy and Visney did all the shopping for the school and now all I need is my wand and whatever Mr. Borgin and Mr. Burke want to give me as a present.

That's what brings me to Ollivander's while I'm supposed to be at the train station. When I say I get lost in my studies/training, its an understatement

"Tondy, go to Borgin and Burkes and let them know I'm on my way," I say

"Yes My Lord" and like that Tondy apparates away.

"Nokby, stay with Vega while I go into Ollivander's" He gives the usual response and in the shop, I go

"Ahhh Mr.Dubois, I've been waiting for you."-Ollivander

"I know, I know. I apologize old man. I was busy. Just give me the wands and everything will groovy. I kind of running late" I tell him

Ollivander let a hearty chuckle before handing me two boxes

"Don't open them now, wait for some privacy and the instructions are in the box, Now go on before ya late. " He tells me

Leaving the shop, Visney immediately Apparated us to Borgin and Burkes

"Mr.Borgin, Mr. Burke, where are you? I'm on a schedule here"

"I know, I know. This blasted house elf of yours has been rushing us since he arrived, 5 minutes ago."-Mr.Burke

"We had to get your things together, my boy, Its good to see you. Burke is such a hard ass so he won't say. But We'll miss you and things have been better since you came along. Hogwarts is dangerous. So you don't ever leave an enemy alive and don't ever use your wand to finish them."-Mr. Borgin

"Yes, come back this summer. Word of advice, nothing is as it seems. Everyone has got secrets. Now take your presents and get going. Nokby, take him straight to the platform."- Mr. Burke

"Yes, Mr. Burke" Replied Nokby

I took the present and before I could say thank you. Nokby had already taken us away.

It was Loud on the Platform, many parents waving goodbye to their kids and friends happy to see each other. They train was about to depart so I just kept walking straight onto the train. I could feel people looking at me.

I knew that my relation to Borgin and Burke wasn't widely known, so it could only be vega and the three soldiers walking behind.

Stepping onto the train I turned around to look at the elves

"Visney, can you shrink very to about a foot and half? And after that go back to the manor and relax"

"Yes Master Lucien, Visney can shrink Vega" she turned her and Vega shrunk. And then the three house elves apparated away.

On the train, many rooms were already full. So I found one at the back of the train.

Closing the door and locking it. I put a quick silencing charm on the room

Okay, wands first. Opened both of the boxes and set them on the chair in front of me. Then opened Ollivander's Letter

Dear Mr.Dubois,

These wands are rather simple. A couple drops of blood on the wand, if they accept the runes should shine. After that, the wand should enter your soul and assimilate with you. And you should know that the Veela and Phoenix are the material that holds the wands together. And because of that, you will take on their abilities which ones have no idea. The strongest wand will eat the weakest and that would be the wand that the world sees...

Good Luck,

G. Ollivander

Well, that sounds simple enough. So that's what I do. The first wand I picked up was the 11 and ¾ inches curved tan wand. Made from Pearwood, with a Veela hair, white river monster spine, and Horned serpents horn core.

Pulling a blade from the waist. I cut my finger and squeeze a few droplets of blood on it. And set the wand on my lap

The next wand was a brown and 15 ½ inches, made from Elder wood, with a Thestral tail hair, Basilisk fang, and Phoenix feather core. Dropping my blood on this wand, I then sat it on my lap as well and waited.

After five minutes both wands began to shine and float before the shoot off into my gut.

Third POV

Lucien passed out after that. And deep inside his soul, two wands revolved around a black flame at high speed before colliding into each other exploding...

Pieces of the wands started to reform and absorbing the other when they were finished only the 15 ½ inch wand made of elder wood floated above the black flame before merging with it. I link was established between Lucien's soul and the wand. The flame had seared the wand causing smoke to be released and that smoke started to change Lucien's body.

The pheromones of a Veela were integrated with Lucien's body along with universal beauty. Together it was a weapon to lure the opposite sex. Then the regeneration of the Phoenix integrated with Lucien's body. while the Veela's temper and phoenix pride canceled each other out.

After three hours Lucien woke up with an aching body and Vega licking his face.

'Ahh, what the fuck was that' He thought the feeling of pain wracked his body and soon hunger to over. Picking up the elder wood wand. He put it and his robs and left his cabin to find some food.