Chapter 9

Lucien made his way down the train corridor looking for someplace to get some food. The hunger was causing his stomach to ache with more vigor as time went on.

After Some time walking, Lucien had come across a toad sitting in the middle of the corridor. Bending over to pick it up, Lucien knew it had to be another student's.

"Vega, breach its mind. who's its owner?"- Lucien

After awhile Vega looked up at Lucien and spoke directly to his mind

"The owner's Name is Neville Longbottom, my lord"-Vega

"Hmmm well we'll take him back after we find some food"-Lucien

Carrying the toad Lucien resumed his hunt with Vega in tow.

After a couple of more minutes, he came across a young girl with long thick wild bushy brown curly hair, already wearing her new Hogwarts robes and a rather meek looking boy standing off beside her. and the only word he could make out was 'Toad' be for she entered the cabin and shut the door behind.

Looking down at the toad Lucien smiled "maybe this won't be such hard task, making friends you know, well let's get to it toad"

"My Lord, That boy is Neville Longbottom"-Vega

"Hmm well I guess its time for you to go home toad"

"Its name is Trevor, My Lord"-

"I don't care Vega"-Lucien

Lucien then walked to the cabin door and gave three loud knocks before the door opened, and right in the doorway was the young girl with wild bushy brown hair

"Is there a Neville Longbottom here. I've found his toad?" Lucien asked

"Fantastic, where did you find him?" She asked

"Trevor!!" The meek looking boy interrupted taking the toad from Lucien's hand

" In the corridor, on my way to find something to eat," Lucien said

"Well you can join us," said another black hair boy in the cabin. "I am Harry Potter, and this Ron Weasley, you know Neville and this is Hermione Granger..."

"Pleasure, to meet you all. And while that would be really groovy. I was kind of looking for food and not junk. But I do appreciate." -Lucien

"Well you can join at least, we should be there soon"-Hermione

Lucien thought for a moment and decided a few moments wouldn't hurt.

"Sure why not, " stepping into the cabinet a foot and a half tall twin tailed cat followed behind him

"what are we all talking about?" Lucien asked pulling Vega into his lap

"Blimey, I've never seen a cat like that before," said Ron

"That's because it is a Wampus cat variant. Her name is Vega "-Lucien

"Oh my! She is ever so gorgeous can I please hold her?" Asked Hermione, as she reached out take Vega. The Wampus cat swiped her paw at Hermione's hand

"Owww she scratched me, that was ever so rude!" Hermione lashed out when that cat rejected her

"Vega! You don't have to like the girl but do not try to cut her hand off!" Reprimanded Vega

"I apologize, Vega is usually better than this. Let me heal your hand and everything will be groovy. And to make it better I'll get you a cat of your own" Lucien didn't want people to fear Vega but, he also didn't want the school to take her away so, he thought best to coax the girl into forgiveness

Pulling out his wand and gently placing his hand on Hermoine's causing her to turn beet red.

"Trust me everything will be just groovy, Renovo.." Lucien twisted his wand and Hermoine's was left without a scar or blood.

"Wow, how'd you do that?" -Hermione

"Small healing spell, it was nothing much I learned it before coming here"-Lucien

"You must be from a wizard family"-Hermione

"Oh no, I'm an orphan. No family alive to speak of, unfortunately "-Lucien

" well, I can tell you'll end up in Ravenclaw or Gryffindor for sure. You're ever so brilliant with a wand. you didn't even leave a scar. What books did you read to learn such a spell"-Hermione

The rest of the cabin was still in shock as Hermione and Lucien had their conversation, and Ron simply stared at their hands wondering if they were ever going to let each other go

"Or Slytherin of course"- Lucien

Hermione's body jerked as she pulled her hand away in a recoil

The room even more silent and the atmosphere of the cabin thickened. They all stared at Lucien as if he was the craziest boy on earth and Ron was the first to break the silence

"Why would want to be in that God awful house. You know, you-know-who came from that house, he killed many people and even tried to kill Harry. All dark wizards come from Slytherin you know?"

" Oh, you must mean Voldemort, although he was crazy, to say the least, he was the greatest wizard since Dumbledore. Plus he as nothing to fear, Voldemort has been gone for a while now. Harry Potter, I'm Sorry for your loss but, I'm here to study the essence of magic and I need a house and friends that could help me on that journey so, Slytherin is very much an option regardless of Voldemort"-Lucien

"Hermione you should think about it as well, I can tell you're a very ambitious learned woman that values knowledge and adventure, You shouldn't allow others views to hold you back and warp your reality. There is nothing wrong with coveting power"-Lucien

"Still dark wizards come from Slytherin and you really shouldn't say his name"-Hermione

"Hmmm well, I thought it would be groovy to hang with y'all. Hermione at least. But I can tell my wish to be in Slytherin has just put me on the other side your comfort zone so ill be on my way I guess" Lucien got up and went to the door. Before he left he turned to Hermione

"Just let me know the pet would like and I'll have em sent to keep you company this year. Think about what I said. if Gryffindor or Ravenclaw is accepting of his level of reasoning and ignorance than that hunger in yours will surely fade if you're placed in those houses"-Lucien

"Thank you...But, how can I find you if I do not know you're name.." - Hermione

"It's Lucien Dubois " he then left and went back to his cabin to sleep the hunger off as he couldn't find any food.

Back in the cabin...

"I think we should apologize, he doesn't seem bad. Why should his house choice matter"-Hermione

Harry sat quietly as he was conflicted about the entire situation. A man from Slytherin killed his parents, but he was never one to judge before getting to know someone. At least not until now. However, it was better safe than sorry since he was rather new to the wizarding world.

"Listen, Hermione. I'm sure you must like the guy since he used his magic on you but for all we know he could be the next dark lord, he carries around a Wampus cat that wanted to tare of your hand. And did you see the way it was looking at Scabbars?"-Ron

"Well I think your an idiot Ron Weasley, let us go Neville we should be arriving soon"-Hermione

Hermione took Neville and left the cabin leaving Harry and Ron behind

"Whatever house she's in, I hope I'm not in it. Not only does she talk too much but also sympathized with Slytherin hopefuls" Ron rambled as he shoved mouthful of candy in his mouth.

Back in his cabin Lucien was having a conversation with Vega while drifting off into a sound sleep

"Aren't you going to open, You presents from Borgin and Burke, Lucien?" Asked Vega pulling Lucien back from the edge of the dreamworld.

"I guess it seems we still have some time to kill" Said Lucien as he grabbed his wand in called for the present from his Suite case. And out popped two wrapped packages onto the train seats.

Lucien reached from the first package, which came from Mr.Burke

"The Art of Sacrifice by Alfonz Bellatunde Delgallo. Interesting, well thank you Mr.Burke"

Reaching for the Next Package. Lucien opened with haste

" ahh there is a note 'Grimoire of Tamar, Daughter of King David. She practiced Kemiya, Enjoy my boy' Haha that Mr.Borgin... to give me such a priceless grimoire"-Lucien

Lucien Opened the Grimoire of Tamar to read for the rest of the train ride while some ways away towards the front of the train a boy with white blonde hair sat in a cabin with two hefty looking young man and a girl with blonde hair and deep green eyes.

"My, father told me to watch out for this kid that he'd probably be the best talent to come from Slytherin since the dark lord"

"what are you talking about Draco, do you really think there will ever be someone as powerful as the you-know-who ever again, Besides Dumbledore of course"-

"well Greengrass, I have you know that I've seen the boy guy once or twice handle a few dark objects and I can honestly say he terrifies me more than my father"-Draco

"why was he handling dark objects?" Asked Daphne Greengrass

"Don't look so terrified he was locking them away. Mr.Borgin adopted him a couple of years ago so he works in the shop but, you can't tell anyone. My father would kill me, even the old fool Dumbledore doesn't know... Just a head up if he's sorted in our house with us don't poke the sleeping dragon"-Draco

"Well heard Harry Potter will be attending Hogwarts this year. You reckon he'll be put in Slytherin too?"

"Of course not Goyle. I seen him with the Weasleys consider him corrupted"-Draco

While Draco and Goyle had their conversation Daphne looked out the window wondering how she got stuck in a cabin with these blocks. Being from a pureblood family her parents were rather close to the Malfoys however, she really didn't like Draco much with his pureblood superiority complex. It got really tiresome after a while but, She wondered if this new guy would be just like Draco and his band of blundering idiots

In a cabin towards the middle of the train, Hermione could be seen brooding in a cabin with Lavender Brown, Parvati and Padma Patil, Nevile, and Terry Boot

"What's wrong with her?"-Parvati

"I have no Idea she came back with Neville like that a while ago."-Padma

Hermione didn't hear the talk going own around her, she was too busy beating herself up inside

"She was talking nonstop when she first arrived, now its nothing but silence. what happened to her Neville"- Terry

"Well... went something like this.."- Neville began to re-accounted the tale of looking for his toad Trevor, meeting harry potter, and the eccentric boy with silver-white hair and a weird hairstyle- Lucien Dubois-

"So you see, she's kind of in a mood about the whole thing"

"Well it sounds like Hermione almost made a friend"- Parvati

'And then the Slytherin thing spooked her"-Padma

"But that's only natural"

"Of course only natural"-Padma

"But that Weasley boy didn't help"-Parvati

"He only made it worse, and I thought Harry Potter would be more outspoken"-Padma

"But that's also understandable consider his situation"-Paravati

"Well its an easy fix Hermione, This is what you do..."-Lavender

The girls began to instruct Hermione in ways to make up with Lucien so she could finally get a friend and hopefully not talk their ears off all school year. little did the now the over efficiency of Hermione Granger and the events they would set in motion