Chapter 10

A voice echoed through the train: "We will be reaching Hogwarts in five minutes' time. Please leave your luggage on the train, it will be taken to the school separately."

The train slowed right down and finally stopped. People pushed their way toward the door and out on to a tiny, dark platform

Lucien slowly closed his book and stashed it in a charmed bag that linked to vault under the Dubois manor. Gringotts was a wonderful bank, However being that Lucien made a living still their patrons gold he thought wise to have his own vault as long as no one knew it was there.

"well I guess We've finally arrived Vega. It time to see what this Hogwarts is all about"- Lucien

As Lucien and Vega stepped off of the train all of the first years were already on the boats that would take them to Hogwarts. Seeing one boat left Lucien and Vega climb in and the boat magically set sail. Lucien assumed there was some kind of charm on the boats to account for all the first years , that's why it set sail with only one person- he was the last student off the train

"I guess everyone is excited to be here, Its such a shame friends today will be enemies tomorrow if they're as a pig head as the red head boy"-Lucien

"Pay no mind to that boy my Lord, whats an ant compared to an elephant."-Vega

"Haha thank you Vega, Look its the school. I dig it, the whole medieval feel its kind of groovy don't you think?"

"Groovy indeed, my Lord"-Vega

After sometime Lucien and Vega arrived at the shore where the rest of the boats were left, only to find them...empty.

Brushing it Lucien climbed out the boat and pulled out his wand

"Point Me!"

His wand began to act like a compass. He wasn't to word about being lost, he figured he was only a few steps behind.

Finally in the castle Lucien turned down a few corridors and the reached to enormous doors

'I guess this is it Vega' Lucien used his mind this time to speak to her

Lucien didn't even attempt to push the doors as he waved his left hand the doors swung open Causing everyone to shift their attention form kind of first year welcome ceremony


Professor McGonagall silently placed a four-legged stool in front of the first years. On top of the stool she put a pointed wizard's hat. This hat was patched and frayed and extremely dirty. Really not fit to be put on anyone's head

For a few seconds, there was complete silence. Then the hat twitched. A rip near the brim opened wide like a mouth -- and the hat began to sing:

"Oh, you may not think I'm pretty,

But don't judge on what you see,

I'll eat myself if you can find

A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black,

Your top hats sleek and tall,

For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat

And I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head

The Sorting Hat can't see,

So try me on and I will tell you

Where you ought to be.

You might belong in Gryffindor,

Where dwell the brave at heart,

Their daring, nerve, and chivalry

Set Gryffindors apart;

You might belong in Hufflepuff,

Where they are just and loyal,

Those patient Hufflepuffs are true

And unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you've a ready mind,

Where those of wit and learning,

Will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin

You'll make your real friends,

Those cunning folk use any means

To achieve their ends.

So put me on! Don't be afraid!

And don't get in a flap!

You're in safe hands (though I have none)

For I'm a Thinking Cap!"

The whole hall burst into applause as the hat finished its song. It bowed to each of the four tables and then became quite still again.

Professor McGonagall now stepped forward holding a long roll of parchment.

"When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted," she said. "Abbott, Hannah!"

A pink-faced girl with blonde pigtails stumbled out of line, put on the hat, which fell right down over her eyes, and sat down. A moments pause --

"HUFFLEPUFF!" shouted the hat.

The table on the right cheered and clapped as Hannah went to sit down at the Hufflepuff table. Harry saw the ghost of the Fat Friar waving merrily at her.

"Bones, Susan!"

"HUFFLEPUFF!" shouted the hat again, and Susan scuttled off to sit next to Hannah.

"Boot, Terry!"


The table second from the left clapped this time; several Ravenclaws stood up to shake hands with Terry as he joined them.

"Brocklehurst, Mandy" went to Ravenclaw too, but "Brown, Lavender" became the first new Gryffindor, and the table on the far left exploded with cheers;

"Bulstrode, Millicent" then became a Slytherin. "Dubois, Lucien" The hall remained silent, no one answered and not a student stepped forth

Proffesor McGonagall assumed the first year boy was just a little nervous

"Dubois, Lucien" she called out again hoping this time he would step forward but, no one did.

Everyone in the hall began to look around and whisper to one another

Turning to Hagrid "Hagrid, where is Mr.Dubois. You said that you collected all of the first years, did you not Hargid?"-Proffesor McGonagall

"Well ahh.. yea...Bu'" Hagrid tried to reply before the professor interrupted

"But, you lost a student!" Professor McGonagall always like Hagrid, she just never really felt he was responsible enough for certain task

"Its quite alright professor, as he should be here...shortly. you'll find Mr.Dubois a rather capable student" Said and older man with glass and long white hair with beard equally as long sitting in the middle of a table behind the Sorting hat, yet over looking the entire great hall

Then suddenly a loud bang could be heard as everyone redirected their attention to the doors of the great hall. There stood a brown skinned boy, with shining Golden amber eyes, and white silver Hair only at the top of his head in a braided Norse hairstyle withe sides shave off. Next to home was a twined tailed whit and black cat the stood a foot and a half tall while the boys wand floated in front of him

He looked around for a moment when his eyes finally settled on Professor McGonagall and her dusty old hat

"I apologize for being late, its entirely my fault I got lost and this really groovy book the was recently gifted to me" said the boy

And one thought went through everyone's mind 'Ravenclaw'

"Dubois, Lucien. Please step forward to be sort into a school house. Ravenclaw, Gryiffindor, Hufflepuff, Or Slytherin" -Professor McGonagall

"So that old thing is supposed to tell me who I am and where I belong..." The students shifted there attention to the professor, but their attention instantly recaptured by Lucien " Well that's kind of groovy. I like it"

Lucien soon walk to the stool guided buy his wand the parted the crowd for him. taking his wand back and putting it away Lucien sat on the stool and Professor McGonagall gently placed the sorting hat on his head.

"You're a rather odd one. Hufflepuff isn't even in the game of houses with you... Hmm while Gryffindor would stop you from fulfilling your true potential, However it would still allow you to become a great Sorcerer of your generation. Oh what is this. A memory like no others in Hogwarts , you would be treated as royalty in Ravenclaw coupled with your hunger for knowledge. And then there's Slytherin, Your house doesn't determine your friends my boy, However with that special ability of yours slytherin is just place for you to have free reign to experiment as you please... ahhh its like that ayyee...well"

"Slytherin!" the sorting hat shouted as the Slytherin table burst into applause and Lucien put the hat on the stool and walked away as the ceremony continued

"Finch-Fletchley, Justin!"


"Granger, Hermione!"

Hermione almost ran to the stool and jammed the hat eagerly on her head.

'Hmmm rather conflicted are we Ms. Granger?'-Hat

'I really want to be in Gryiffindor however does the house make the wizard, or does the Wizard make the house. If someone like Harry Potter is put into Slytherin would the wizarding world stop idolizing him?'- Hermione

'Ahh worried about friend are we....You've never had a friend but, he's a possibility. Gryiffondor will nurture that kind heart of yours but Slytherin with that boy, will take you to new heights. So does the wizard make the house or does the house make the wizard?'-Hat

'I guess we'll just have to find out'-Hermione

"Slytherin!" the hat called out and Hermione left the stool and walked to Slytherin table with her chin up, everything she thought school would be in its golden house had just been turned up side in a matter of seconds. She was going of script for the first time in her life.

walk directly to Lucien

"Why, I'm ever so sorry about what happened on the train, I never meant to ostracize you. can you forgive me" She asked

"Its not up to me, you'll have to ask vega"-Lucien

at the wampus cat that wanted to tare her hand off not that long ago Hermione felt that its was going to be impossible to make up with Lucien but, she kept trucking on

"Well, can I have another chance Vega, I'm really ever so sorry for treating Lucien that way" Hermione the held out her hand to Vega, Vega looked at Lucien and then back at Hermione before licking her hand to let her know she was forgiven.

Excited, Hermione sat next to Lucien as they watched the rest of the ceremony together.

There weren't many people left now. "Moon"..., "Nott"..., "Parkinson"..., then a pair of twin girls, "Patil" and "Patil"..., then "Perks, Sally-Anne"..., and then, at last --

"Potter, Harry!"

As Harry stepped forward, whispers suddenly broke out like little hissing fires all over the hall.

"Potter, did she say?"

"The Harry Potter?"

The last thing Harry saw before the hat dropped over his eyes was the hall full of people craning to get a good look at him. Next second he was looking at the black inside of the hat. He waited.

"Hmm," said a small voice in his ear. "Difficult. Very difficult. Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind either. There's talent, A my goodness, yes -- and a nice thirst to prove yourself, now that's interesting... So where shall I put you?"

Harry gripped the edges of the stool and thought, Not Slytherin, not Slytherin.

"Not Slytherin, eh?" said the small voice. "Are you sure? You could be great, you know, it's all here in your head, and Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, no doubt about that -- no? Well, if you're sure -- better be GRYFFINDOR!"

Harry heard the hat shout the last word to the whole hall. He took off the hat and walked shakily toward the Gryffindor table. He was so relieved to have been chosen and not put in Slytherin, he hardly noticed that he was getting the loudest cheer yet. Percy the Prefect got up and shook his hand vigorously, while the Weasley twins yelled, "We got Potter! We got Potter!"

The wizarding world was in love with Harry Potter while Lucien looked at him like a test subject. Reading the account of Harry's survival of the Kadavera curse. Lucien was curious about the kind of magic that could stop curse so deadly that its outlawed. He just wasn't sure if Harry possessed the magic or some external element was at play

The night carried on without a hitch, the ceremony ended and then the feast began. Lucien was beyond hungry as he ate meal the could have satisfied 6 people.

If the professors weren't so busy focusing on potter they would noticed signs of the outlawed soul magic that Lucien had used on the train earlier. However they didn't pay the slytherin house a second thought.