Chapter 12

That Friday afternoon Lucien had played the Piano for the slytherin common room, everything changed. He was regarded with a new level of respect. That afternoon he not only taught that fourth year that she was just a frog in a well but he had planted a seed of admiration in the students that had been present

unknown to Lucien at the time his connection to his father had spilled into his music and while lost in the musical notes the Slytherin student had went through a crossroads trail to battle their heart demons. and all of them had come out with success bringing benefits with them and every accomplishment from that point on was do to Luiciens gift. It had become some what like tradition for Lucien to play music every Friday afternoon in the common room to alleviate the stress of the school.

The days went on Lucien had kept to himself studying the the art Kemiya from Tamar's grimiore. so lost in his learning he had Optd out from attending the flying courses on Tuesdays, and he really didn't care to have class with Gryfiindor either.

And his choice to do so was later confirmed when Hermione and Daphne returned re-accounting the tale of how Malfoy was being a dick and harry potter went to save the day and was taken away by professor McGonagall. But later it was discovered that instead of explosion he was put of his houses quidditch team.

The bullshit methods of Hogwarts elders were clearly seen through. they wanted to nurture a poster boy for a reason, that Lucien didn't quite understand yet. with other things to worry about he put those thoughts to the side.

Lucien's main concern was understand the art of Kemiya. Kemiya is an Arabian form of Witchcraft that allows a witch to physically destroy elemental foundation of an object in order to create another or to magically imbue said-creation with harmful, supernatural properties, thus creating a Dark Object

It crosses the boundary between magic and science, utilizing aspects of both and on the chemistry and connection between witches. Thus, it is able to physically and magically alter the properties of object.

For the past weeks Lucien had read the Tamar's grimoire cover to cover, yet there were still things that didn't add up. Like where the power came from to go around the laws of alchemy and change the properties of materiel .

Lucien had spent days in the library trying to research Arabian magic and the methods used in their alchemy and transfiguration. Nothing came up . that is until eve of Halloween. Lucien was in the Library all buy him self, but he was being watched by 2nd year for the pass couple of days. She had been researching crystals and gems as magical conductors to aid and rituals and everyday application.

"Excuse me... you're Lucien Dubois right?" She asked

not even turn to look at her "Yupp, that my name what's up?"

"Ummm. a couple of my friends are from slytherin and they tell me you're rather smart when it comes to magical theory , and magic application..." wait for a reply that never came "My name is Matilda Atkins, I'm a 2nd year Ravenclaw."

"Nice to meet you, So, what do you want from me?"Lucien asked

"Well I've been researching Crystal and gems as magical storage and i just cant seem to get the formula right I was wondering"

"That's it a gem, it will at like a magnifying glass and battery... Matilda I think your idea is groovy and Id love to help you, come on sit down" -Lucien

Matilda and Lucien spoke all night. He even introduced her Kemiya. excluding all the dark magic facts of course. and she instantly fell in love with. And for the first Lucien had a found some one that he clicked with around his age. Hermione was cool and all but her heart was to big, it made her fragile for the ideas that he thought

Matilda on the other relished in the possibilities of what Kemiya could accomplish

"Do you see now why I said a gem of some kind might be the missing link?"-Lucien

"Lucien, you're brilliant, you really are but, where are we supposed to experiment on such things?"

"I don't know but first we need to find a gem capable contain enough power to be used for our experiments."

"Well I'm sure one of my books can help us. but you should find a safer place than the Library for use to use. I'm sure researching dark magic isn't allowed in Hogwarts"

"Haha how'd you know?"-Lucien

"Because this kind of magic unnatural. but I don't care about that. You'd be surprised how many Ravenclaw students have an affinity for the darker arts. its like an unquenchable thirst. it's a knowledge that Hogwarts wont allow us to touch. But, I'm fortunate enough to met some one like you"- Matilda

"Hhaha groovy, well lets meet her tomorrow and plan our first experiment"

After leaving the library Lucien was ecstatic that he had met someone he could finally study the darker arts with. walking down the hallways back to the Slytherin common room. Lucien had heard the sound of low coerce voices whispering to each other

Vega had crouched down into pouncing stance, ready to attack at any moment until a very familiar stench had hit their noses. look at each other with curious eyes

"Vega, prob" Lucien had sent the order directly to her mind and she instantly used her power Legilimency to search the mind of the person whispering.

Bomb, she had hit a break wall however...

"What is it vega?"

"My Lord, something extremely unnatural. even for your taste in magic."

"Groovy, what is it?"

"Two soul housed in one vessel..."

"Whos the vessel Vega?"

"Professor Quirrell..."

When this revelation was revealed Professor Quirrell began to flee. He felt his mind probed and anyone strong enough to prob his mind was strong enough to Kill

Lucien heard the frantic movements of the professor and waved his hand towards Vega


Vega grew to her original size as Lucien jumped her back and they began pursuit.

"Vega, you cant let him escape"

"Yes, my lord"

in the throws of pursuit Lucien didn't notice that he was being led into the forbidden forest.

after about 10 minutes the school could no longer be seen as the professor suddenly stopped and hurled some kind of crude curse at Lucien

pulling out his and pointing at the incoming curse

"Protego Repercutio!"

A blue shield wrapped around Lucien and Vega. like a trampoline, the curse hit and was shot directly back at the professor who took and dumb down version of the curse head on causing him to collapse

Jumping off of Vega, Lucien kept his wand at the ready as he approached the professor.

"Are you okay professor?"-Lucien

"You little shit. Your professor is on the brink of death and if you wish to save him , you must do as I say" It sound as if a snake was talking. Lucien knew it had to the second soul.

"Whats your name and what if i don't want to save him?" Lucien

"Ahhh. but if you do. I can promise you the world boy.. For i am Lord Voldemort and the world is mine to give...." said Voldemort

"Hahah groovy, I thought you were dead, how about we make a deal, you teach me magic and I save this thing you call a life. and you cant be the cause of my death"

"Haha deal.."

"Swear on it. an unbreakable vow"

Voldemort thought about it for a moment. he had nothing to lose and if everything went according to plan, he would get a new talented Death Eater. Unable to move his body, Lucien took the lead to conjure up runes to act as a contract. with both of their blood added willingly. the contract etched itself on their souls. from this point on, failure of the contract on any end meant death

"So what do I do?"Lucien

"Bring us to the body of a unicorn. Use the imperius curse...'Imperio'."

Lucien didn't ask anymore questions as time was short. he climbed on Vega, and waved his hand in Voldemort direction "Imperio.." make the professors body float and follow him, they sprinted of into the darkness

Voldemort however felt a little dejected. If he had known the boy was so adept in wandless magic he would have allowed himself to be put under his control. He thought if the curse was recorded onto his wand Lucien would eventually be caught and need Voldemort's help

Coming up on a lake side. A fully grown Unicorn could be seen drinking water under the moon.

climbing off of Vega, Lucien raised a finger to point at the unicorn

"Petrificus totalus.."

The Unicorns body went rigid before it fell over on the lake side. Slowly walking towards the body with Voldemort in tow an arrow shot from the penetrated Lucien's shoulder knocking him back a foot unto his backside