Chapter 13

"Get up boy, Get up before those fucking half-breeds kill you and we both die!"Voldemort shouted

"No, Stay low..." Rolling to one shoulder, Lucien reached for the unicorn pulling on it with his telekinesis he shout " Accio!"

The Unicorn came towards them at high speed before stopping in front of Lucien and Voldemort, acting as a shield

"Perfect, boy!" Voldemort bit down on the unicorn to drink its blood directly from his body

"So sad, to see a great wizard fall so low." Taking the Arrow from his shoulder, it took a matter of seconds for it to completely heal.

Arrows could be heard coming in their direction

"Protego!" Lucien cast his spell so that Voldemort could recover. Unfortunately he took awhile allowing a group of centaurs converge on their location

"Are you fucking ready yet. This shit not groovy and I refuse to die here!" Lucien

"Bombarda!" Professor hand swung his wand over the unicorns body hitting two centaurs making them exploded

"Stay here Lucien, and let your professor save your life.." the professor had turned into a cloud of black smoke before shooting of into the group of centaurs.

Maintaining a protego charm with his left hand, he killed the half breeds with his right hand that held his wand. Lucien watched on amazement. the professor who hasn't taught shit about DADA since the year started was battling like a fucking pro.

After killing them all, Professor Quirrell grabbed Lucien and Vega disappearing in cloud of black smoke.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Lucien where were you last night? "Daphne

"He probably found a new girlfriends, isn't that right Dubois?"

"Shut up Zabini, Not everyone is as young lecher like you"-Hermione

"haha How about you all shut up, and Zabini is right in away. I met girl in the library and I might be able to call her a friend"-Lucien

"haha, I think you ladies owe me an apology"-Zabini

"Bug off, Zabini"-Daphne

"Well what about us, don't you like spending time wit us?"-Hermione

"Well, you and Daphne have your things and that's great. But, when you two are of doing your thing without me , Reading and playing music for the common room just isnt enough"-Lucien

"Aww Lucien, Im ever so sorry if you feel left out...we..."-Hermione

"Its okay Hermione... Im not asking for an apology . Im just saying its good to have different friends to different things with"-Lucien

"Well who is this new friend of yours Dubois, will they you still be able to play music after class in the common room"-Parkinson

"Of course, Parkinson. The Quidditch season will be starting soon. And potions and Transfiguration is becoming increasingly difficult for some. So i will keep playing to keep you all relaxed. And if you must know. My friends name Matilda Atkins"-Lucien

"Matilda Atkins? That's my sister's roommate why would she ever be friends with a slytherin."-Parvati

"This conversation doesn't concern you Parvati. Now bug off!"-Hermione

Lucien hearing the annoyance in Hermione's voice looked on curiously as he knew he had missed something.

Turning around Lucien saw Parvti stop in front of Parkinson as the Gryffindor golden trio stopped behind. Lavender Brown, Ron Weasley, and Harry Potter. Lucien could feel the tension between Daphne, Hermione, and the group. Something he would have to ask about later.

However, he liked the tension. I cause that big heart of Hermione's to momentarily shrink. But for now he had saw some he recognized

"Your name is Lavender right? I remember you from the bookstore with that bitch you call a cousin"-Lucien

"You're the boy who called her twat?"-Lavender

'Twat' made everyone in the group look at him in shook, while Zabini was overcome by an unstoppable laugh.

" yeah she deserved it , But if you all don't mind leaving. this was kind of private conversation."-Lucien

"No one wants to talk to a block like you anyway, Come on harry its not good to associate with slytherins"-Ron

Lavender let out slight giggle of amusement and excitement , Ron and his jealous tendencies while she had finally been recognized by Lucien after months of being in the same potions class

"Come on Patil, we can always talk to padma later" Said lavender as Patil stood worried about her sister being roommates with a girl who called snakes, friends

"Ahah so you called her cousin a twat? Makes sense, lavenders a bit of twat herself"-Zabini

"Haha must run in the family"- Daphne

The group laughed as they got up from the hallway bench to head back to the common room for a free period.


"Have you found a gem strong enough yet"-Lucien

"Have you found a safe place to practice?"-Matilda

"Yes have, Professor Quirrell has agreed to let us use his classroom"

"You're close with professor Quirrell? And are sure? his room smells like rotten garlic"

"Its okay, thats an easy fix come on, he's expecting us"

Matilda and Lucien used professor Quirrells classroom for the night, after a small charm that caused foul scents to smell sweet. Matilda carried on throughout night without a fuss.

"Okay we've prepared everything and went through steps all night. Can we do it now Lucien?"

"haha yeah, lets do it. Hand over the diamond"

Matilda handed him a 20 carat paragon diamond.

"Holy shit"

"What is it , the diamond okay"

"Its perfect , its just that in the muggle world, this worth a fortune."

Regaining his composure. he placed the diamond on the table with materials they planed to use for their first dark object. starting fire to heat the materials.

Once heated it was all put into one bowl

pulling a locket from his pocket. Matilda and lucien dipped in the melted material and held it over the open flame. in their left hand the help the paragon diamond together. taking a deep breath

they started the incantation

"tusbih jadidat , taghyir , taedil , tahwil , naql , naqlu. sijn al'ahlam" They repeated this over and over as the magic began to act on their will but before anything happen. The diamond shattered

"we were so close. what happened I felt it working.?"- Matilda

"to much magic for the diamond and not enough to even break the material down so that we can remake it. what ever. its getting late lets head to dinner"-Lucien

Leaving the classroom after cleaning. Matilda and Lucien walked in silence. for most of the way

"Well, Ill keep looking for a stronger conductor. but, its late would mind walking me to the girls lavatory before we go to the great hall?"

"Sure, we're already late. whats a couple more minutes?"-Lucien


A few moments ago.....

Professor Quirrell came sprinting into the hall, his turban askew and terror on his face. Everyone stared as he reached Professor Dumbledore's chair, slumped against the table, and gasped, "Troll -- in the dungeons -- thought you ought to know."

He then sank to the floor in a dead faint.

There was an uproar. It took several purple firecrackers exploding from the end of Professor Dumbledore's wand to bring silence.

"Prefects," he rumbled, "lead your Houses back to the dormitories immediately!"