Chapter 15

Dubios Manor

"So you are all telling me that you guys used to work for that fuck-useless tosser Voldemort?"-Lucien

"Yes!" They all answered in unison

Lucien had just gotten home and called over Borgin and Burke , while Greyback and his band of snatchers were already present getting a talking to by Nokby... which was very unusual. Apparently one of his snatcher lackeys thought it would be okay to lounge in Lucien's study with a whore...Infuriated

Nokby killed him. And lectured the rest about the does and don't of staying the Dubois manor while Lucien was away.

Calming down Nokby, Lucien had sent Nokby to deliver a message resulting in this little council that was slowly getting bigger overtime

"Where the fuck did these people come from?"-Lucien

"Oh oh I know, its a lot but greyback couldn't resist."-Borgin

"Greyback, pull some shit likes this again and Ill hand over to my elves...Are we clear?"-Lucien

"Yes, Lucien b..b.but"

"No buts! I like you greyback I really do. but werewolf parts are hard to come by in potion making, so don't push me." Lucien was thoroughly infuriated "Now introduce yourselves.."

A tall blonde hair main stepped forward and bowed

"Corban Yaxley, of House Yaxley" he bowed

"Like Maximo Yaxley? 3rd year of Hogwarts?" Lucien asked

"Ahh young master knows of my son? What an honor it is. rest assured I will advice him on proper etiquette when in your presences later"

" I am Lucious.."

"Shut up Malfoy. I know who you are. You're son nearly got one of my friends killed, I'll have words with him. Do you object? Malfoy?"-Lucien

"Not at all young lord" Lucious gave bow and backed away in silence

A tall blonde hair woman with emerald eyes stepped forward with her husband

"Young lord, Im Ester Greengrass and this is my Husband Charlus"

"Pleasure to meet you"

"Okay ill meet the rest of you lot later. But im sure as you've all heard, by way of Greyback. Voldemort has returned. although in a very pathetic state, he has returned. He will be here shortly but before that, I want to know who runs the British black market.?" Lucien

"That would be me, My name is Theodore Nott my lord"

"Good, pick whoever you want and start expanding. I want all of Europe under our control in three years. Since you all showed up to offer service you will work." Lucien declared

"Yes my lord, But my I ask for four years. expansion will be rather long process"

"As you wish, I just have toys that I think the underworlds would love to play with"-Lucien

Lucien thought it would be best to make use of his connection to Voldemort to its fullest potential. Once he created the dark objects with Kemiya, He would need a place to sell them and Borgin and Burke was just too small scale. After talking over the details. Yaxley took care of Magical law enforcement, Snatchers did acquisition of products, Greengrass handled inventory, Malfoy's took care of Customs to curry favor for Dracos mistake.

A couple of months back, Draco had staged a fake duel meeting. To set up Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. However that night, some slytherin decided to pull a prank on Hermione as well for being Muggle-born. This resulted in her being looked outside of the dormitories. Looking for another way in she ran into Weasley and Pottor heading to some duel. Not wanting to be caught she followed them in hopes that Draco would have enough scenes to let her back in the dormitories.

However, when the arrived there, there was no one but a massive Three-headed dog. This pissed Lucien off. for punishment the ones that pulled a prank Hermione were chained to their beds and fed an invisibility potion left for three days until the potion wore off.

As for Draco, he need to correct idiocy and had to think something special. and remembered one of the dark objects his father sold to Borgin and Burke....

After the talks about expansion, The guest of 'honor' arrived. Everyone except Lucien and elves bowed to welcome Voldemort. Taken aback by seeing some of his followers-Death eaters they call themselves- Voldemort rejoiced but was still curious of the how.

Lucien went on to explain how he discover both his parents were Wizards and how how found his way to Borgin and Burke, them taking him in and the operation the ran to purchase this lovely manor, that soon became stow away in for criminals on the run. as long as the followed the rules of course. Then he went on to tell Voldemort of the small meeting that turned into a gathering of death eaters by way of Greyback.

"Flipendo.." Voldemort struck Greyback and sent him flying into a mirror breaking it.

enraged Visney stepped foward in all her beauty, snapped her finger and sent voldemort crashing into the sealing.

"Rule number one: No one uses magic in this manor without the masters permission!"

"Rule number 2: You break it, we can buy it. But there will be punishment..."

"Enough, Visney! Mercy...?"-Lucien

"as you wish my lord" Visney dropped Voldemort after that allowing him to fall face first in the ground.

The scene cause the words of the three elves to echo in their minds when they first were allowed to enter the Dubois manner

"Silence(Tondy), subservience(Visney) , Observance(Nokby)"

The death eaters watched, with a cold sweat and looked over at Lucien who looked unfazed by entire situation. He control

they remained silent, had been subservient, and what the observed was the weakened state of the dark lord. and the fearlessness of the boy.

"My apologize Voldemort all she knows is house rules."-Lucien

Straitening himself up "No one can blame a dog for barking" Voldemort replied

After the Incident. They had a small lecture from Voldemort, who assured them he would be at full power soon. And to prepare for his return.

After the small reunion. The Death eaters left and return with their children as Nobles. For a banquet at Dubois Manor.

There Jenny Campbell and Maximo Yaxley, reintroduced them selves in a 'Proper' Manner and then force to secrecy by Lucien. Although he made a move to expand the black market to make money. In no way was he ready to take on the world to usher in the new era like anti-Christ....yet. Although , Many Slytherin students attending because they were from Pure-blood or Noble families.

Seeing Lucien Dubois as the host changed his status alot in their mind.

"Hello, Lord Dubois..." Said a beautiful Brunette

"Haha you can call me Lucien...But what should I call you"-Lucien

"I guess you never did get my name....Navarra Avery"

"Well Navarra, How did the the professor like your assignment after my lesson?"

"He treats me like a star student now, However I owe you everything for that"-Navarra

"And how does your boyfriend feel about this debt.?" -Lucien

"Well at first livid and then he heard of the punishment you inflicted on the boys who pranked that Granger girl. and he eventually calmed down. hehee"-

Navarra began to blush a little as she twiddled her fingers. Lucien picked up on this and didn't surprise him in the least. every since he started Hogwarts, the female attention had been gradually raising

Lucien just thought it amusing for the moment

"P..p..ppardon me me.. MM..M..Ms Avery. M..M...May I have a word .www.wwith D...D...Dubois?"-Professor Quirrell

"Of course Professor... Well I'll see you in school then.." Navarra gave a small smile as she pushed her hair behind her ear before turning a away to leave.

"We have a lot to discuss boy."-Voldemort

"Then lets go some place private"- Lucien then lead the way to the basement.