Chapter 16

The night was bustling in the Dubois Manor as many Pure blood and Noble families mingled. Greyback and the snatchers provided Security under the cover of masks to hide their Identities.

Not part of the Auroras forces, the Dubois Manor gave the appearance of a well manned private army. Which allowed all the guest to feel safe. and let loose. Through the eyes of amateurs this was just a party, but to the trained eyes. Moves were being made under table. With weird and unfamiliar state the death eaters were in right now they thought it best to move accordingly, by serving two masters. or in this the master and his apprentice.

Without wasting time the Notts were securing product, that they would send snatchers at a latter time to pick up. While the Malfoys were lining the pockets of Custom agents. Yaxley was handing out order and recruiting law enforcement for a special project. Everything was going smoothly .

Down stairs in the basement Lucien and Voldemort were having a buttered beer.

"You drink as if you done this before"-Voldemort

"You be surprised by what Ive experienced before. Im no expert at life but I know"-Lucien

"I can see that much. So why send my followers to expand some worthless black market when we will rule the world soon?"

"Hahah because we dont rule the world yet...I've been practicing Kemiya and need a bigger platform to sell my goods when they're ready. Im tired of being a petty thief so, i must plan accordingly"

"Hmm, then I'll allow it"

"Thank you my lord, However I may need a little more of your help"


"I need a crystal of Gem the is string enough to be a conductor to perform Kemiya Successfully. Do you know anything about it?"

"Hmmm Yes, I dabbled in Kemiya ages ago, In order to make some belongings of mine indestructible. However I failed. Kemiya in ancient times was merely a theory until some time around Circa 1000..."-Voldemort

Voldemort went on tell Lucien a story of how a Chinese wizard escaped persecution from a small kingdom, because he held the only stable alchemical formula to produce a stone so powerful that even death was afraid to touch its holder.

He told Lucien how that was had stumbled into the territory of King named David and in order to gain asylum he had promised the king and his family immortality. And immortality is what he gave them. Time passed and until the King had fathered a daughter, Her name would Tamar. An rivaled beauty that stood on top of the world as the strongest witch of her generation. in time when there were no wands. wandless and wordless magic was practiced to perfection then

Unfortunately, everyone wanted a taste of the young maiden, even her half brother Amnon. overcome by jealousy and lust, he tricked his sister to get her alone and the he raped his sister and threw the side like a whore. Over come with grief and rage, thirsty for revenge Tamar retaliated.

Convincing her brother, Absalom, to speak to her father. even though it would bare no fruit.

Absalom left the castle in blackening Rage cursing his brother to death in front of many.

That night Tamar used her magic to assassinate , Amnon's guards, maids, whores, and wives. she didnt even spare his children. Finally she relieved Amnon of his cock and balls. and placed weeks long death curse on.

a week passed by and then two, three, and four. By this Time Absalom was executed for the crime of slaughtering Amnons house, But Tamar was still in rage as Amnon was still alive. meaning her filial brother Absalom died in vain.

Later she discovered that a foreign alchemist/wizard lived in the castle providing immortality and cure all medicines to King David(her father) and his chosen children.

Tamar. Infiltrated the castle once more and this time slaughtered the alchemist and burned his laboratory, Stealing his Grimoire/Cookbook she fled into the night.

Later in her life Tamar managed to recreate the all powerful stone to give herself immortality . Living a peaceful life researching magic in all its glory. She discovered Kemiya. using the Powerful stone as a conductor for magic to create things deemed impossible through orthodox alchemy. Unortunately after every 13 uses the stone would shatter,

"Wait the how did other people practice Kemyia?"-Lucien

"Tamar had taught many people during the uprising. and created a weaker version of Immortal stone. It allowed for one time uses and couldn't grant immortality. to create powerful swords to topple her brother King Solomon after she heard rumors that he had raped the Queen of Sheba during her visit to pay respect to the High King"-Voldemort

"So I assumed she died and most of her grimoires we're lost?"-Lucien

"Exactlly after the uprising Solomon the more powerful sorcerer ended his sister and only took one Grimoire the Alchemist's cookbook. and on the last page was the formula to create The Kemiya Diamond.

Solomon went on to have the Diamonds produced but kept the immortal stone to himself until he was assassinated"- Voldemort

"Then what happened to the Alchemist's Cookbook."-Lucien

"Lost in time until the end of the muggle crusades 1300's. A man named Claude Belmont, Had discovered the a cavern that lead to a crypt and rediscovered the Alchemist's cookbook. but he never made it home alive gifting the book to a young boy, Gaurin, who would later become the first husband of a woman we now call Perenelle Flamel.

She was young and ambitious at the time. while he in his late 50's was courting death. It was recipe for betrayal and murder. Leaving behind all his wealth."-Voldemort

Lucien looked on in awe, the stone he need was the philosopher's stone, and the Book he needed to mass produced cursed objects was in the hands of Nicholas Flamel. Assuming that book was found by Nicholas after he married Parenelle. Thats why she didn't mind bringing her wealth into the marriage, she probably had no idea the alchemist's cookbook was even there. and that means...he's a fraud.