Chapter 17

"So will you help me find get the stone from Flamel"-Lucien

"Hahah In do time my boy. First allow me to uphold my end of the deal. And teach you the magic you wish to know."- Taking out out 8,12x12x6 inch, all black leather bound books Voldemort dropped them on the table

"And what the fuck are these" Lucien asked

"Its all my work from my time in Hogwarts. and the years after up to my disappearance"-Voldemort

Trying hard to hide his excitement "Well that not what i meant so ill take the books and the vow is still valid until my mastery over all eight books"

Voldemort's face slightly twitched in annoyance "fine now, do follow me anymore and no more favors at school. if you really need a place to study , Im sure Hogwarts will provide something. "

After his parting words, Voldemort apparated away.

Appearing from the corner of the room "You should allow me to kill him My lord"-Tondy

"No, he knows something and now that im in Hogwarts its time to set some additional goals beside enjoying the school life. How about we take everything he has and show him how pathetic of dark lord he his. Obviously he could have killed potter this year yet he's still living after that quidditch match. "

"What does that mean my lord?"-Tondy

"That Voldemort is becoming incompetent. and he's lashing out with no goal in mind. But regardless of that Im a late player in old game. So lets feel things out for awhile. I leave the management of the Black market to you."

"Yes my lord" Tondy apparated after that.

sitting back at the table . Lucien finished his second beer in one go

"This young body tiresome some. I guess I can just enjoy it while it lasts"-Lucien then Pulled out a paper and quill to write Ollivander a letter. And a list of gifts Visney would have to send to various people. before Diving into the books that Voldemort left. Attached to the cover of the very first book. was letter from Voldemort

" This doesn't mean I like you but word of advice. you Should practice Legilimency and Occlumency. You cant depend on the demon you call a cat forever. You'll find what you need in book 5." -Voldemort

Following his instruction he skipped to book five and started to practice with help of Vega.

The Christmas break passed in a flash, unfortunately Lucien didn't receive any letter back from Ollivander leaving him to his own devices,.

Back at school thing had gotten a little faced paced being the second half of the year. The upper clansmen were stressed out about Newts and OWLs. While Lucien just didnt give a hoot. He kept playing music on Fridays, and studying with Matilda without mentioning his discovery about the need for the Philosopher's stone. he kept a secret for weeks.

"What have you found out?"-Lucien

"That Flamel, created the stone and hid nothing about it, all it properties discovered to date was published by him for us all to read. It dosent just make you immortal. but heals all wound physically, mentally , and spiritually." Inform Jenny

"So it heals the soul?"-Lucien

"Yes, It heals the soul. all the person needs is a fragment of their soul and it will be completed healed and at full strength after drinking an elixir made from the stone"-Maximo

'That fucking bastard' Lucien had realized that Voldemort wanted stone for himself to heal his soul. and Lucien couldn't let that happen ,not yet, he wasn't ready for the half man to take the throne

In deep thought he hadnt realized that Malfoy had walked.

"And where have you been?"-Maximo

"I had detention. I..I.I had to go in to the forbidden Forrest... The was a half breeds. Just wait until my father hears about this."-Malfoy

"You wont tell your father a thing and call your debt paid in full for that stunt you pulled that almost got Hermione killed"-Lucien

Malfoys face lost another shade of color before he tried to walk off

"Wait! I didn't say leave. Vega...Probe"

Vega stood up and her eyes began to swirl and she replied the nights events as Malfoy saw and heard them. Malfoy received a sharp pain in his head before he fell unconscious. Maximo got up and carried him to his room.

"Show me Vega.."

The images flashed in Lucien's mind as he saw the scene and heard the conversations. Acouple things caught his attention, small moments that were extremely helpful. When Draco would pick his fights Lavender, Ron, and Harry ta times would be discussing the trap door under the massive dog, and another time Draco over heard them talking about Nicholas Flamel.

"Vega, fined Potter tomorrow I want to know what he knows"

"Yes, My lord"

The Next night Vega had came back to Lucien while he was studying with Matilda. Received the entire story of this years events . Lucien was once again late to the game. And he silently punched himself for not seeing it. That weirdo Voldemort had a think about playing with his food. So of course potter would be in the middle of his schemes.

Lucien started to make a scheme of his own. And it all started with Matilda

"Matilda , we know enough to prove a versatile magical application for crystals and gems. However I dont see our research on Kemiya going any where. I thinks its we focus on our final exams for now and start again in the summer."- Lucien

She was down for moment until she got herself back up.

"Deal, After we finish the school year. We started research again. Together right?"

"Of course, I couldn't have made it this far with out you. come on its getting late we should head back"-Lucien

Going there separate ways, Lucien had put his plane in motion


Some time during the next day, Lucien had place tracking spell on the Gryffindor three. there moves were pretty regular for weeks until the day of the Final Exams.