Chapter 18

Lucien's POV

Well, Its the end of the school year already. Its alright considering the limited fun I could actually have as an 11year old child.

A couple of amazing things did happen this year , I meet Voldemort. He's tremendously overrated. Smart and powerful he is. But something tells me this guy will never make it back to the top. I believe this for one reason only. I think he has some type of fetish toying with harry potter. Anyway I'll explain that one another day

Today all my efforts are starting to pay. The final exams are tomorrow and voldemort has been pretty busy if you ask. Ive been tailing him personally while tracking the gryffindor three with a spell.

You see since Christmas when Voldemort and I had our little chat, Ive been plotting on stealing the entire Alchemist's cookbook from Nicholas Flamel sometime in the not so distant future. But, it turns out that the school has its very own Philosopher's stone somewhere around here.

So that's what brings me to playing stalker. I already knew Voldemort was half a man and I assumed he was just here to kill Potter before he grew into anything special. And I always thought that the trouble the Potter, Weasley, and Brown got themselves into was because they were just dunderheads simple as that.

Turns out , there is order to this chaos. For some reason the all powerful dark lord cant steal a stone, so he needs Potter, And Potter needs his two dunderheaded friends and that's why I'm tracking all four of them. and I'll be stealing the stone right under their noses.

A couple of weeks ago...

"Goodbye Lucien."-Matilda

"See ya later Matilda"- Lucien

'Vega send a message to Jenny and Maximo, I also want Zabini and Pansy there. Tell them to meet me at the summoners training field tomorrow at sunrise'

'Would that be all my lord?'

'For now yes'

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Okay so you're all here good. How would you like getting rich?"-Lucien

"Or like to live forever?"-Lucien

Pansy, Zabini, Maximo, and jenny all looked at each and back at Lucien

"What are you talking about Lucien"-Pansy

"well if every thing goes right, than I'll let you know. But, first I need you two to get hair from both Lavender Brown and Ron Weasley, Can you both do that?"

"Look whatever you need, I got you. Especially if pulling one over on those tossers."-Zabini

Lucien was pleased with this answer, He knew Zabini would keep Pansy in check so he let them go after telling them to bring the Hairs back to Maximo and Jenny. After they left the real scheming began

"Okay I need one of you to steal McGonagall's hair, or something for a polyjuice potion."_lucien

"And how the hell are we supposed to do that "-Maximo

"Simple... But first you two need to find new wands."- Lucien

That week Lucien, had made a sleeping draft in the boy's Lavatory. That he used spike two first years so that Jenny and Maximo could take their wands.

Sometime after that Pansy and Zabini had become Slytherin's most hated pair, losing house point by pulling 'Pranks on Gryffindor to get hair samples from Brown and Weasley. Finally in potions class with one bad mixture of ingredients the whole class went up in black smoke allowing them to pluck hair from their targets with the help of the Hand of Glory, Compliments of Borgin and Burkes

Now with just one sample to get. Jenny and Maximo came into play.

Jenny had went first.

Matilda was coming from a late study session at the library when she turned the corner that led to the ravenclaw dormitories


And like that jenny had full control over Matilda. She then used Matilda take control of Padma, Who took control of Parvati. Obliviating Matilda and Padma.

Parvati was than used to steal the cloak of invisibility and leave it at a drop sight. Maximo picked it up and used it to break into McGonagal's Office and collect the last sample. The cloak was put back like it never was gone. And Parvati was later Obliviated.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Day of the Exams

"Jenny , maximo. I think its time. Dont fuck this up"-lucien

Jenny and maximo then drunk a potion that would turn Jenny into McGonagall and Maximo into Lavender.


"I don't understand... is the Stone inside the mirror? Should I break it?"

Harry's mind was racing.

What I want more than anything else in the world at the moment, he thought, is to find the Stone before Quirrell does. So if I look in the mirror, I should see myself finding it -- which means I'll see where it's hidden! But how can I look without Quirrell realizing what I'm up to?

He tried to edge to the left, to get in front of the glass without Quirrell noticing, but the ropes around his ankles were too tight: he tripped and fell over. Quirrell ignored him. He was still talking to himself.

"What does this mirror do? How does it work? Help me, Master!"

And to Harry's horror, a voice answered, and the voice seemed to come from Quirrell himself.

"Use the boy... Use the boy..."

Quirrell rounded on Harry.

"Yes -- Potter -- come here."

He clapped his hands once, and the ropes binding Harry fell off. Harry got slowly to his feet.

"Come here," Quirrell repeated. "Look in the mirror and tell me what you see."

Harry walked toward him.

I must lie, he thought desperately . I must look and lie about what I see, that's all.

Quirrell moved close behind him. Harry breathed in the funny smell that seemed to come from Quirrell's turban. He closed his eyes, stepped in front of the mirror, and opened them again.

He saw his reflection, pale and scared-looking at first. But a moment later, the reflection smiled at him. It put its hand into its pocket and pulled out a blood-red stone. It winked and put the Stone back in its pocket -- and as it did so, Harry felt something heavy drop into his real pocket. Somehow -- incredibly -- he'd gotten the Stone.

"Well?" said Quirrell impatiently. "What do you see?"

Harry screwed up his courage.

"I see myself shaking hands with Dumbledore," he invented. "I -- I've won the house cup for Gryffindor."

Quirrell cursed again.

"Get out of the way," he said. As Harry moved aside, he felt the Sorcerer's Stone against his leg. Dare he make a break for it?

But he hadn't walked five paces before a high voice spoke, though Quirrell wasn't moving his lips.

"He lies... He lies..."

"Potter, come back here!" Quirrell shouted. "Tell me the truth! What did you just see?"

The high voice spoke again.

"Let me speak to him... face-to-face..."

"Master, you are not strong enough!"

"I have strength enough... for this..."

Harry felt as if Devil's Snare was rooting him to the spot. He couldn't move a muscle. Petrified, he watched as Quirrell reached up and began to unwrap his turban. What was going on? The turban fell away. Quirrell's head looked strangely small without it. Then he turned slowly on the spot.

Harry would have screamed, but he couldn't make a sound. Where there should have been a back to Quirrell's head, there was a face, the most terrible face Harry had ever seen. It was chalk white with glaring red eyes and slits for nostrils, like a snake.

"Harry Potter... " it whispered.

Harry tried to take a step backward but his legs wouldn't move.

"See what I have become?" the face said. "Mere shadow and vapor... I have form only when I can share another's body... but there have always been those willing to let me into their hearts and minds... Unicorn blood has strengthened me, these past weeks... you saw faithful Quirrell drinking it for me in the forest... and once I have the Elixir of Life, I will be able to create a body of my own... Now... why don't you give me that Stone in your pocket?"

So he knew. The feeling suddenly surged back into Harry's legs. He stumbled backward.

"Don't be a fool," snarled the face. "Better save your own life and join me... or you'll meet the same end as your parents... They died begging me for mercy..."

"LIAR!" Harry shouted suddenly.

Quirrell was walking backward at him, so that Voldemort could still see him. The evil face was now smiling.

"How touching... " it hissed. "I always value bravery... Yes, boy, your parents were brave... I killed your father first; and he put up a courageous fight... but your mother needn't have died... she was trying to protect you... Now give me the Stone, unless you want her to have died in vain."

At that very moment Jenny had entered the room and with a floursh of wand she sent charm to subdue Quirrell by surprise

"Petrificus Totalus!" Quirrell's body flashed blue as he hit the ground like a statute

looking behind him he saw a Tall woman dressed in green with a long pointy hat

"Professor McGona...." Harrys body soon hit the floor

"What the hell was that for?" asked Jenny

"Vega sent a message, Dumbledore is back" He said as he checked the Harry's Pocket

"Ahh this is it. Lets go.. Now" Said Maximo, they then made there way out of the room

a very short while after the pair left. McGonagall, Snape, and Dumbledore entered the room to find a Petrified Quirrell with Voldemort's face attached to his head and a sleeping Potter on the floor


"Im aware Albus, Leave Quirrell to me. take the boy and secure the stone." Replied snape as he walked over to Voldemort place a hand on him before Aparating away.

"McGonagall check his condition" Dumbledore ordered as he went to check the Mirror in the center of the room for the stone

"Hmm its gone, Is the stone on the boy" He asked McGonagall

"No, The stone isnt here. Who could have taken it Albus?" She asked. Dumbledore then pointed his wand at harry

"Legilimens!" Dumbledore's spell allowed him to look through Harry's mind and what he saw shocked him.

"It seem that's another player in this game" -Dumbledore


That night Lucien received the stone and Obliviated Jenny and Maximo. And then he did the same to Pansy and Zabini.

The stolen wands had already been returned to their owners and potion ingredients incinerated. Days after the Incident Dumbledore investigated the mystery of the McGonagall impostor. he discovered that someone used some kind of Invisibility potion...or cloak to break into Mcgonagall's office. which led to him questioning the moving pictures in the gryffindor common room who told him that Parvati Patili had stolen the cloak and returned it.

Searching Parvati's memories, Dumbledore found that her memory of that entire week was thoroughly and crudely erased. leaving him with an unknown player still at large in his school. The only solace he got out of the whole ordeal was that it wasn't in Voldemort's hands. As the third party attacked Voldemort. Leaving him to be captured.