Chapter 19

Lucien didn't bother studying the Philosopher's stone at the school, he opened up his enchanted bag and sent the stone straight to the vault at the Dubois Manor.

Watching the Dumbledore move the days after the fight for the stone, Lucien realized that Dumbledore knew more than he let on. He worked hard to control the status qoue of the game. The biggest problem was that Lucien wasn't quite sure what they we're playing for, but he knew if Voldemort some how escaped and Dumbledore kept the entire situation under wraps then there were more games to be played.

After Snape took Quirrell away. Voldemort escaped. although Quirrell's body was petrified the souls within the body were not. This allowed Voldemort to flee leaving Quirrell to be killed at the hands of Snape.

The Third day after the Incident, Potter woke up, and was informed of the happenings that took place after losing consciousness. all except the fake McGonagall and missing stone as far as Potter was concerned the stone was now destroyed and McGonagall became his new favorite professor putting transfiguration as his top career choice.

During the end of the year banquet, the most insane shit happened. Gryffindor won the House cup. At first Slytherin had it in a bag, then Dumbledore stood up and started dropping points from no where. Neville, Patil, Lavender, Harry, Hell even Ron. It was total horse shit. and before you now it the hall changed to Gryffindor colors and Slytherin House was heavily contemplating mass murder at this point. And the worst part, Snape said nothing.

But regardless of all of that, Lucien still won. On the train ride back home Lucien chose to sit in his own cabin. Snap.

"You called master?"-Visney

"I dont plan to ride all the way to the station. Take me home"-Lucien

Lucien Collected his thing and they apparated to the Manor

"Welcome home Master" Tondy and Nokby bowed and greeted Lucien in tandem

"It's good to be back. Ive got a task for you Nokby. The new item added to the vault conduct experiments. Life extension, Cure all, and Soul refinement. "-Lucien

"I'll get it done Master" Nokby then left to handle his task.

"Tondy update me on the expansion"

Tondy explained how Eastern Europe wasn't quite on board, due to Koldovstoretz Headmasters Rejection.

"And who is this Headmaster of Koldovstoretz?" Lucien asked

"Sir his name Anatoly Ivanshkin"-Tondy

"Have some one replace him. Have no time for such games. And then I want the east under control by the end of the summer, I'll be heading to heading to Uganda this summer. So you'll to personally bring my mail to me."-Lucien

Lucien then collected the book on Sacrificial Magick By Alphonz Bellatunde Delgallo. and Voldemorts books on his first and second year at Hogwarts. He was then Apparated to Uganda with Vega.

'Well Vega, we have a couple goals this summer, Sacrificial Magick, Legilimency &Occlumency, and becoming Animgai.'

'Ill do my best to help in your task master, However would you allow me to roam the lands to experience the local magical beast?'

'Of course you can, But first let's get our selves a summer home'

Lucien and Vega went to a local Realtor to find the homes ridiculously unreasonable. So Lucien decided to travel to the Budongo Forest and build a house, that would sit on on Lake Albert with transfiguration.

"Nokby, Visney!" Lucien called out for his two elves and the appeared in an instant

"You called master" The two elves asked in tandem

"Help me, Show me the way the elves of old built their homes to blend with their environment"

Visney and Nokby begin to moves their arms in the air as the amount of magic they put out cause the forest to quake and the air around them to ripple. Because of being in the Forrest the amount of magic they could use Quadrupled. More Trees sprouted from the earth, However ten time bigger than the surrounding ones. Those trees began to warp creating archways over now forged pathways

The giant trees transfigured into a tree Castle Hybrid fit Elven nobility. and the Ground in a ten mile radius of the newly formed Castle rose up 5 Miles into the air taking on the appearance of a naturally formed platform Lined with vegetation and a waterfall that dropped into the lake to camouflage itself

"haha groovy, Now place wards around the place to repel humans allow the beast in along with magical folk I want to meet my neighbors."- Lucien

Visney and Nokby did as they were told before going inside to prepare the house for Lucien's summer.


"Headmaster there seems to be an Unregistered youth that apparated past the Ugandan border. We have people on him. It seems he's set up shop in the Budongo forest."

"Hmm leave him be for now, Watch him closely though alert me of any changes"-Headmaster


In the Budongo Forest a browned skin you sat and a Lotus position in front of 5 foot tall Twined tailed big cat. They were currently training in mental arts. Legilimency and Occlumency. At the being stages of witchcraft these arts seemed at the bottom of the totem pole, however win Sorcerers and Witches become experienced in battle, more adept in magic. Mental arts becomes the first method of attack. If you lose your mind, you lose the battle.

The twined tailed cat was variant of wampus cat making her mental arts countless time stronger than an ordinary wampus cat, making her the most suitable teacher at this moment, for the boy.

'Good my lord, now that you have created your mental fort. you must create a method to mantain its integrity. It is natural for me. However it is good for Sorcerers and witches to focus on a song or poem to keep your thoughts from leaking. and to create methods to fend of assaults. lets go again'

after the wampus cat finished her instructions, She attacked the boys mind again, and they both appeared in a dark space.

'Like using Telekenis, gather that mental force to attack and defend and what ever you do. never let your mind wander'

as soon as she finished the boy launched an attack , in the mindscape anything was possible. moving his arms conjured up world of fire and the fire formed a heard of magical creatures. a Veela, Phoenix, Thestrial, Basilisk, Horned Serpent, White river monster, And they were led by an all black Lion with golden amber eyes and silver streaks running through its mane.

The herd was formed almost instantly, and the boy threw his hands forward launching the first attack

'Cries of the war beast'

The Lion roared and the Phoenix cried. the serpents hissed and the white river monster and Veela let out a wail that was a mixture between a banshee and nails to a chalk board.

The mental force was so strong it cause the mindscape to ripple but the Wampus cat rolled the attack and laughed it off

'hahah good my lord. Now take mine' The big cats face contorted as she showed her fangs and she gave a deep low growl. and raising her paw a foot of the ground before stamping her back against the ground putting out the boys fire like a candle flame and destroying his defenses resulting inn him falling unconscious....