Chapter 20

its been three days since Lucien arrived in Uganda. Tired from getting trampled on by Vega, he sent her off to explore while he takes a break from the mental arts for awhile. Picking up the first and second year books that Voldemort left him, he quickly read through them. With the help of his photographic memory he soaked up all the content from both books with out missing a word or image.

Besides new spells and different ways to make potions there wasn't really much to take from the two books, which Lucien found rather disappointing. Tired of sitting around he got up to go explore himself.

Not that far away in the city f Hoima, Lucien wandered around to explore the non magical side of the city until night fall came. Taking out his wand he pictured and desired a magical market like diagon alley

"Point me.."

Following his, he to a church near the center of the city . inside the church was was a grand alter with no religious images at all walking to the alter Lucien placed his hand on it. and was instantly taken away in a dimensional warp. He had found a port key..

On the other side. was a market bigger and more lively than Diagon alley. And more free than anything. Sorcerers and witches of all kinds walked around buying and selling. caged beast were up for sell and the House elf trade was bigger than ever...

walking around in awe. Lucien noticed a group of kinds running away from a shop keeper before turning into animals and disappearing in the crowed.

That atmosphere was amazing. further into the market music could be heard everywhere and the smell of food was overwhelming the air .

The market was more of village than anything. Spotting a book store. Lucien figured it was good idea to read up on his new environment.

"Welcome to the Library of Timbuktu." Bookkeeper

"Thank you, I was wondering if you had something that could help me out?" Lucien said

"And what is that you are looking for?"

"I need books on the schools, history, different Wizard cultures of Africa."

"Ahhh I think i have just what you need, Would like a book with endless pages ?"

"what do yo mean endless pages?"

"An enchantment from the Library of Alexandria , It allows you to put multiple books in one without running out of pages or making the book to big. its like an extension charm on your pouch but, in this case its a book."

"Genius, ill take it"

"It will be 500 Galleons"-Bookkeeper

"Oh thats all." Lucien then put 500 Galleons in the bookkeepers and and gave him a 10 galleon tip

"That tip is to collect all my books, 5 minutes ago."

Lucien left the shop soon after that and made his way to observe the rest of the Market. He stopped at many place to taste food and drink. for a couple of hours before he moved on with a good buzz going.

Not far from the market center he seen a clothing shop with a big banner that read 'Adeola's Modern and traditional wears'

Looking around the store for a while, Lucien Purchased enough outfits for the entire summer. Mostly comprise of 3 piece Agbada sets. wearing a black and gold pattern out of the shop

Arriving at the Market center , there was a giant arena buzzing with people and families trying to but tickets to enter the arena. The smell of blood was thick in the air. But wasn't just Human blood, but blood of magical beast as well.

"Stop that thief!"

Turning to the sound of the voice, Lucien saw what seemed to be twin brothers running from a shopkeeper. With everyone ignoring his words he began to form a series of hand gestures in the air and fired of a spell.

Infuriated , with his left hand Lucien stopped the kids mid sprint. twisting his hands upwards pulled the twin brothers to his side at full speed.

Not used to sorcerers in back home using wandless magic unless they were experts. Lucien didn't want to take the chances of death so he launched a full powered mental attack at the shopkeeper.

Dragging him into a mindscape world, the shopkeeper looked around at an unfamiliar realm

'w--w-what is thi.."

"Die" Lucien flexed his hand and a horned serpent wrapped around the shopkeeper like a boa and a Basilisk appeared behind him biting down on his head ending the shopkeeper. With a broken mind the shopkeeper collapsed into a seizure.

No one stopped to help. This let Lucien know that he was now in the cruel side of the magical world, Death was a given here.

Looking at the two boys.

"Whay didnt you use magic?"

"We dont know magic. Not everyone can be accepted into wizarding school in Africa. Like India, Its to big. "- One of the boys answered

"Hmm thats understandable." Lucien looked at the twins . They seemed to be around a year or two older than him, However they wouldn't be able tell considering Lucien's height and demeanor. They were a shade lighter than Lucien with big brown eyes and thick brown untamed hair. Looking at their physical constitution Lucien had an Idea

"Well I saved your Lives, You know what that means"

"Yes, Sir."

"Well, Stay close to me. And tell me about this arena."-Lucien

"This is the battle arena, And beneath it is the slave auction. Summoners and duelist battle here for money. Some nobles even bring their slaves here to fight and earn them money. Below you can purchase Contracted beast and House elves along with criminals with life sentences"- the other twin answered this time

"Well thats where we are going, What are your names?" Lucien asked

The boy were a little frightened when they heard that Lucien was taking them to the slave auction/ Battle arena.

"Relax. we are going to watch them fight"

the boys shoulders relaxed and they ran to catch up with Lucien. The one with longer hair introduced himself as 'Arsu' and the short haired boy's name was 'Azizos'

"Wait, yall cant come with looking like that." Lucien turnned around and went back to Adeola's and fit the twins with new outfits and Transfigured Arsu's hair into long dreads and Azizu's was similar to luciens as the side were bald and he had given Azizu dread on the top of his head and pulled the back into ponytail touching the back of his neck.

Scourgifying both of the boys, Lucien led them into the battle arena Like a million buck