Chapter 25

Nina had started to settle into her new life at the Budongo Dubois Manor. It wasn't as cruel as her previous master's homestead. She was allowed freedoms at the Dubois manor that she had forgot she even had. And most importantly she could finish raising the twin boys that she had come to love as if they were her own flesh and blood.

One night while she was training by the lake side, Visney, one of the manor's caretakers came to her.

"Nina, I'll be gone for a few days. I made a list of thing around the manor that needs doing. I'd like you to give it to them along with some training you would like them to do." Visney

"Will I be leaving as well?" Nina asked

"Yes, Nokby wants to speak to you in his study...Just be yourself and respectful and you'll have nothing to worry about" Said Visney

However Nina still looked a little nervous. Even around Visney she knew that it was something more to that beautiful woman that met the eye. She was fast and her combat skills were superb even without the use of magic. And when magic was involved Visney's control over magic was uncanny

And if Nina were to speak her true thought, she'll say the entire situation of having a new master that she only met once, leave her to live a nice life was kind of unsettling. It was like bad happenings was just waiting for her to drop her guard.

In the study Nokby stood by Lucien's chair as Nina walked in and shut the door behind herself.

"Welcome Nina, Have you settled in okay?" Nokby asked

"Yes, Sir" She replied

"Haa no need for the honorifics. I serve Lord Lucien just like you, However..." Nokby looked to the side, eyes saturated with enlightenment. he had new view of the world "Nokby is a free elf"

Hearing Nokby's words, Nina was taken aback 'Free elf?' she thought. She had many questions but didn't ask any of them.

"Well I have a task for on the behalf of House Dubois. I want you to go to the Slave auction and catalog all their inventory for the next auction and everything else in their cages . With your Phantom walk it should be easy enough. You leave tonight and please do not get caught" Nokby informed her

When Nina left the study she left a note for the boys and took off into the night, Apparating in front of the arena. It was silent, one could hear a pin drop. Taking a phantom form Nina went through the front door and down to the slave cages.

Assuming it would be easy to catalog the cage and then cross check it once she got the next auctions logs

Down in the cages she stated with Items, and moved on to Potions then magical creatures. In the middle of magical creatures a guard walked in for a routine checks. Not wanting to get caught she took on a phantom form again and blended with a shadow in the corner of the room. the guard walked to the furthest end and then back to Nina's side.

Walking close to Nina's position a knife came flying at her gut. Catching it with her hand, Nina could feel the poison soak into her wound.

"I've every fight in this arena for 15 years. you think I do not know your presence necromancer?" the Guard

"Then you should know what I can do, and yet you stayed...Brave but, stupid" Nina replied as a shadow emerged behind the guard forming a person. It was wizard that she had killed for her master during her first year in the arena. His specialty was throwing cursed knifes and using body ruins to enhance himself.

After Nina finished her sentence, a quick slash came from behind the guard relieving him of his head and as the body dropped the soul vanished.

Nina walked out the shadows and then burned the body to ash. Turing phantom she left the cages and appeared in the office of the auction house master.

'Fuck it' she thought. Going to his desk she found and took a couple of files . The next auction in a months time and the inventory of the cages. before vanishing once again.

Near the edge of Hoima she dropped out of apparation . The poison was slowly cutting of her magic. so she had to hike back home before any other effects of the poison start to take affect.


Back at the Dubois Manor

The three elves had felt Nina's presences. All apparating at once. Tondy and Visney appeared by her side and Nokby had went to the Manor in Godric's Hollow to pull a potion from the Vault and appararted back to the manor in Budongo

"She's been poisoned Nokby, It's slowly shutting down her organs. what do we do" Visney asked

"Perfectly fine, Here drink this " Nokby uncorked a bottle and put it to Nina's lips and tiled it upwards to pour the liquid in her mouth.

The magic had a sweet refined taste and it didn't just heal Nina, It caused her magic to go wild and gave her a short burst of energy. and she passed out.

"What the fuck was that Nokby?" Visney

"A new healing potion that we will be selling" Nokby replied as reached over to Nina and searched her pouch and found a half written list and then two full slave/Auction house inventories.

Tondy took Nina to her room. While Visney and Nokby looked over the listed.

"Nokby, whats a yumboe?"

"African house elves. there are 208 of them. and 414 European house elves. For now, that'll be enough. Buy them and send Tondy to shut down operations and 'restructure' things. all have master sign the contracts and you take the lead in gathering information. And I want everything on that inventory list back at the Dubois Manor in Godric's Hollow."

Nokby then set out to purchase the books that Lucien asked for and to take the Grootslang to the Nott's and instructed them to keep it safe until they reopened the market. Although Nokby was free. Lucien still gave him an order, and being a loyal servant Nokby still followed the order.

After handling everything that Lucien had instructed him to do. Nokby went home to rest some more before appearing in front of Lucien on the third day

"Master, Nokby has returned. And he needs your immediate attention, if you will?" Nokby gave a deep bow and held out a two enchanted books. One with contracts and the other filled with informatioon on the grootslang.