Chapter 26

During Lucien's three days of studying. He had found similarities in the way Alphonz Bellatunde Delgallo Conduct his sacrfical rituals and the way sacrifice/offerings are given to the Loa back on his plane. And Lucien being the person he is, knew their was a connection between the marks that Alphonz had used and the VeVe's that voodist used to contact the Loas.

Just before Lucien could start to compile theories he heard a pop in the air and Nokby's voice follow

"Master, Nokby has returned. And he needs your immediate attention, if you will?" Nokby gave a deep bow and held out two enchanted books. One with contracts and the other filled with information on the grootslang.

Lucien then opened his eyes and looked at the postured Nokby. and gave a slight smile.

"Hmm Nokby you look well rested, However I can tell yous been plottin.. Now if if I dont like it you gone make me come out of dis posh British decorum that ive been working so hard on, we straight?" Lucien asked after seeing the anticipation in Nokbys face.

"Yes, we are straight. My lord" Nokby replied.

"Alright, Now what that is there?" Lucien motioned to the two books in Nokby's hands

"Contracts for House elves and Yumboes my lord. The other is all the information I could find on the rare Grootslang."

"Hmm why is it rare?" Lucien asked

"Because it is not a creature thats supposed to be in the Congo my lord but, in parts of South Africa"

"Intresting, Now what about them contracts."

"Well my lord Nokby has done a great thing for the House Dubois" Nokby proclaimed with his chest and a voice laced with pride.

Lucien was amuzed and proud of the sight, as Nokby told him of the events during the last three days. and Lucien then happily signed the contracts closing the magic deal. he could now feel strings attaching to his soul and magick.

"Now Nokby has a theroy. When Master Lucien bought Nokby and his siblings it was only three, and now there are 622. We took nearly two years to get to this state, of health, magic, and most importantly the state where we can relearn bloodline legacy. But as master knows even that hasn't fully returned yet. It should take about four to five years until the new elves are like Nokby and his siblings"

"Its alright, for now. Lets.I want you to train me. I have to be better with the double bladed polearm. And my magick has to be applied without words to cut down attack time " Lucien

"Yes, Nokby can do this!"

That day Lucien had read over the books Nokby had brought and learnt quite a few interesting things

that night however was the start of hellish training. In the dark of night Nokby's voice carried.

"Master has learned 8 forms and for now 8 forms is all we remember. But what we do know is that the senses are at the core of the combat style and is why we use magic better than any being alive. Are exceptional sense ran so deep that it still aloud us to excel as handicapped slaves"

Lucien tried to lock on to the Nokby's location but he relocated himself after every word, with great speed.

"In order to use wandless and wordless magic with great efficiency, you must see the world for what it is.. Magic. And master will not take of the blind fold until he can run ,spare , and use magic in the forest with just his senses. My people called this 'Tástáil chonaic'."

Nokby appeared in front of Lucien at top speed, and land a blow to his gut.

"You think to much, magic is the equivalent of matter, expand your consciousness and perceive the world through your mind's eye"

Poww, Nokby landed another blow this time to Luciens jaw

"Sit down, and expand your consciousness. See the world, feel it, and then connect with it. Don't be scared master. you will become stronger after this" Nokby

Days turned into weeks as Nokby trained Lucien. Sparing and running through the forest. Lucien's senses started to become stronger. Not just seeing and feeling, also hearing. and he perceived everything, using it to fight, run , walk. overtime his eyes became unnecessary in a 20 mile radius. During this time he was constantly improving his healing abilities.

Nokby didn't allow Lucien to wear shoes to his feet was constantly blistered and blooded. every cut, scrap, and bruise was healed. While sparing Nokby broke many of Lucien's bones, In the beginning it took a hour, now a mere 35 minutes. Lucien's skills ere constantly improving

His movements with the polearm became more fluent. almost like second nature. It was the middle of July when Lucien had his first break through

"Are you ready master Lucien" Nokby asked

"As ready as I'll ever be"

"Good, feel the back when you make your weapon, its the same stuff around us. If you can create a metal weapon from dirt you can create whatever you put your mind to. Now prepare yourself" Nokby stepped of like missile towards Lucien, Lucien blocked and countered his attack.

Lucien sent a kick to Nokby's head, which was dodged and countered. The Master and servant went back in forth creating a war dance, every move was blocked and countered. but each move was launched with extreme efficiency not a waste movement to be seen.

They fell into a flow until Nokby caused a boulder to fly towards Lucien before darting into the Congo.

Lucien felt the boulder, it wasn't a surprise at all. Feeling the magic in the ground below himself. Lucien swirls his hand and transfigured a solid metal wall to intercept the boulder. Wordless it was, Lucien filled with more confidence turn to give chase after Nokby.

Weaving through the forest with easy. Lucien found Nokby waiting for him by a tree. Applying wind to his body, the master and servant started another round this time incorporating transfigured projectiles and defense charms while on the move

Stoppping before a small pool of water.

"You've passed the Tástáil chonaic, My lord. you can take off the blindfold now"

Luciens removed his blindfold and the entire world was fuzzy, but even then he saw the world as clear as day with in a 20 mile radius.

"Thank you Nokby. I really wouldn't be here now if it weren't for you and your siblings" Lucien gave deep bow to Nokby but was quickly picked up.

With enough skill to fight, or at least successfully evade a beast now, Lucien sent Nokby back to continue his plan for House Dubois, While Lucien Lucien went deeper into the Congo to find the tribe of animagi. Along the way, Lucien was going over what he learned about sacrificial magic.

He quickly summoned Nokby and sent him away to purchase what he would need for the ritual , while he caught a 15 ft Python.

Not far from Lucien a Leopard sat in a tree watched.

Carrying the petrified python Lucien cleared a spot in the forest big enough to complete his initial ritual. The purpose of this ritual was to create his mark. just like the Loas Veve. Lucien will use his Veve as mark to channel the power from his sacrifices into him. Making his make stronger. Later in the art the sorcerer could even take the sacrifices physique as long as it a magical beast XXXX and up. But Lucien was no where near that level of magick yet.

When Nokby returned with the materials. Lucien started to prepare Drawing a circle of salt and then a Symbol that represent the Universe , As he didn't know if this world had gods or not. Next was the bones of beast and human to set the standard of sacrificial offerings. and the came the candles set at all four cardinal points.

With a bundle of burning sage. Lucien cleansed the area of any magic or energy that wasn't his own. Causing that lazy leopard in the tree to run of in fright.

Lucien waved his hand and the candle lit, each flame burning two inches tall. Lucien was ready to start his first sacrificial Ritual

Deep in the Congo, A leopard could be seen running at top speed into a village. Growling and hissing. stopping in the middle of the village the Leopard let out deep Roar. Moments later two leopards, a panther, and Cheetah came running. Seeing this the first leopard turned around to lead the danger