Chapter 28

"no you can not" Babajide Akingbade replied to Lucien

As Jide reached out to grab Lucien. Lucien threw up his hand "Wait!"

"Lets walk out of the Congo , we can talk privately and i have something else here that I need to find , If it actually exist of course

Jide raised his eyebrow, but quickly agreed. 'What could this boy possibly do to endanger me' he thought to himself

"Good, now lets walk this way" Lucien began to lead Jide in the exact same direction he had traveled to get there

there was nothing but silence the first 30 minutes as Lucien was slightly stubborn, he had things he wanted but he had already prostrated himself and refused to do that twice for one person. arranging his thoughts, Lucien finally broke the stiff atmosphere

"Why do you want me to visit Uagadou so bad?"

"haha I don't, I just wanted to meet and I didn't feel like leaving the school"

Lucien was dumbstruck, Babajide Akingbade, so powerful yet-Lazy.

"well, okay. you've met me . what now?"

"We will walk to the edge of the Congo and when we get there you are free to go."Jide

"Deal, so why did you want to meet me?" Lucien modified his question

"I just wanted to know why a 2nd year Hogwarts students, mental arts is so strong you made one of my professors sweat?"

"Wampus cat, my turn.. How do you become an animagi with out potions?"

"Patronas charm..." Jide gave a quick brief answer, mimicking Lucien

"Really?" Lucien asked

"You started it boy"

"All right keep it coming "

"Fine, How'd you apparate through the Ugandan wards?"

"House elves, How'd you get so much control over magic?"

"Emerald tablets..What.."

before jide could finish Lucien cut him off. they were playing a game of intuition. they would later have to take the key term and form their own theory to get the answer the wished. However, Lucien needed and explanation for this

"what emerald tablets. the one the muggles found? Bullshit"

"The muggles found a page from a book. that they believe is some ancient mystery. while the magical community has found the entire book. but they brush it aside because they believe its the ramblings of a mad man" Jide explained

Lucien stopped remembering the content of the emerald tablet in his world. He thought it be worth a try to read the entire text in this world

"where do the sell the book?"

"The last known copy that I know of, is in the hands of Pandora Lovegood. Fortunately, for you. she died, which means that here husband or daughter has it. Giving you a chance to actually acquire it" Jide explained

"Whats so good about this book anyway?"Lucien

"Nothing, and absolutely everything. for now let me give you some advice. You are strong for your age but not that strong. In this world every Sorcerer and witch must go through 13 baptisms and each baptism has 3 trails except for the last 3 baptisms. you are nearing the first so I suggest you find that book soon"

Lucien was quite for while after receiving that new information. It was nice to know and maybe after getting the book it could lead him to finding out why goods don't exist in this world any more.

A light went on in Lucien's head. he had one more question for the headmaster as they approached the site where Lucien fought the Grootslang

"During the sacrificial ritual. your brother wrote that you sacrifice to the higher ups but, what god does your people give their offerings to?"

"haha no gods, We give our offerings to the ancestors. they are our higher ups" Jide explained

"I thought ancestral magic was deemed dark magic?"

"Haha like you care. and that's only in Britain. the Japanese and Chinese, along with many people in north and south america practice ancestral magic like us. And so you know sacrificial magic is dark magic everywhere so keep the tattoo you received covered at all times"

Lucien looked at his already covered arm. and then rolled his sleeves up to see a small arcane tattoo covering everything from the top of his hand and around his wrist.

"You conducted the ritual, In our tribes rituals. that is only meant for the high priest and priestess. and that tattoo means that you are now on the path of priest hood. the bigger the tattoo the further you are along the path of sacrifice as far as knowledge and power."

Standing in the middle of the Lucien's old battle ground, Jide took in a deep breath and exhaled

"This place stinks of your magic, what are we doing here?" he asked

Lucien said," I need your help, do you know what a grootslang is?"

Jide raised his eyebrow again "Of course, the are the beast of south Africa"

"Well, I Killed one here. so you must know what should be close?" Lucien prepared himself for death at this point. Jide came of as humble , down to earth man but then again perception is everything, who knows what hiding behind the persona.

"I was wondering if you could help me locate the cave for a decent cut of the findings" Lucien added

"Hahaha a cave of gem, minerals , and herbs. You are lucky boy. Yes ill help you but i only want thee herbs" Jide negotiated

"Deal" Lucien excepted as Jide closed his eyes and the magic in the air fluctuated.

"Your scent is very strong boy, but I have found the grootslangs scent" Jide replied as grabbed Lucien and apparated to a cave entrance "It should be its home"

"Okay what know?" Lucien wasn't stopped. He remembered that Vega had said that Grootslang was the weakest Beast stalking them and if that was true who knows what kind of beast was in that cave.

"You killed its child, but it has three more. and the Mother is no fucking joke. Allow me to take the lead" said Jide

"I thought you'd never ask" Said Lucien as he gesture toward the cave entrance

Jide just shook his muttering "Shameless" as he entered the cave

Lucien and Jide held out their hands and said "Lumen" and conjured a ball of light to see in the tunnel Lucien then thought about his wand and it materialized in his hand from his soul region.

with better control over magic, Lucien wondered what he could now do with a wand. It took around 10 minutes to get to the end of the entrance tunnel and when Lucien and Jide arrived the laid eyes on what seemed like a bottomless pit. Lucien couldn't see the bottom with his senses but Jide could see everything.

"We have to jump, do you trust me?" asked Jide

"You could have killed me on the surface" Lucien replied walking next to jide

after Jide had a hand on him , Jide jumped, falling at break neck speed. but, eventually they began to slow down landing softly on the ground surprising Lucien

"Haha the spell is ' Arresto momentum ' with a wand it is a wave. to apply it to oneself is a slight tap on the body" Jide explained when he saw the amazement on Lucien's face "Don't worry. I will explain some more things to you after we finish our business here.. do stay close"

Jide began to walk off with Lucien in tow. The cave was dark and moist. the humidity made Lucien's clothes stick to his skin and the air was to thick to breath ease. but, the longer he stayed the easier it got.

Now at the bottom of the cave Lucien spread his consciousness as far as it could go

"What are you doing/" Jide asked

"a technique I learned , it expands the consciousness to see the surroundings"

"I can also see the magic around me. but what are are doing is very different. and if I didn't know you id think a sorcerer at the 13th baptism was in this cave. Keep it up for now, we'll finish this later also." Jide told Lucien

Deeper in the cave an 100 foot long Grootslang began to shiver something it had felt deep in the earth long ago when it resided in south Africa. It was feeling again. This Grootslang was different though. It had four limbs and a tail of serpent, with the head of cobra while the one Lucien had fought, had the head of a cobra and two doubled wings, no limbs and a serpents body

As Lucien got closer the chill it felt when his consciousness brushed up against it became more unbearable

"S-Ssstoopp" the Grootslang hisssed and it's words were heard by Lucien and Jide causing them to take pause

Looking around at the edge of his consciousness Lucien found the grootslang

"Why should we?"

"Pleeassse. it hurtsss" the grootslang began to walk closer to lucien before bowing its head

"The power of your mind isss enouughh to ssubjigate thisss loowly onee."

Jide was the first to understand. and turned to lucien "retract your conciousness"

Lucien did as he was told and the grootslangs body visibly relaxed

Seeing this Lucien took advantage "bring your children forth..' he said

"Yeesss" and after a couple of seconds three grootslangs that looked like the one Lucien had fought slithered forward next to its mother

when the Children slithered forward before Lucien could even suggest anything, Jide vanished and appeared before the mother grootslang "Titaanpunksie!" Jide's entire arm and hand went silver, forming a knife hand he stuck through the skull of the grootslang mother. Clutching the brain stem Jide pulled back ripping her brain out instantly killing her.

The three grootslang children hissed and Lucien waved his wand forming a full circle conjuring three blades and sent them off to bisect the children before they could retaliate.

"What the fuck Jide!"

"You can have the bodies, like I said , I only want the herbs" Jide replide as he walked deepe into the cave.

"Haa fuck it" Lucien snapped his finger and Nokby, Tondy and Visney appeared

"Take the four Grootslangs bodies. we're selling them whole like Nokdy said. drain their blood into jars. that can be sold separately. The one with four limbs is the strongest, her starting price should be three times that of the others."

"Yes, master" the replied in unison and went over to the bodies

"Oh Nokby prepare some help and be ready for my call" Lucien shouted as he went in the same direction as Jide