Chapter 29

Lucien caught up to Jide and found him standing in the middle of an open area surrounded by herbs with an intoxicating fragrance and gems sparkling so bright the jide put down the lumens charms. at the end of the herb filled was a bank the lined a big lake that gave a crisp fresh air smell.

Jide waved his hand around and pushed up towards the ceiling of the cave and the entire herb garden was pulled from the ground, he then snapped his fingers and ten house elves and a Yumboe wearing the Uagadou school of magic crest appeared and bowed to Jide.

"You called headmaster?" The head Yumboe stepped forward

'Take this to my estate and await my return" Jide ordered handing over the chunk of floating land

"Yes, Head master" The yumboe and House elves carried the chunk of land together with telekinesis and apparated away .

"I guess its your turn now" Jide said

Lucien then stepped forward calling his House elves lead by Nokby "Take every gem here and collect the water"

"Yes my lord," The house elves and Yumboe got to work as Nokby vanished and reappeared with more help and gorges to collect the water

"Why the water?" Jide asked

"Its what the grootslang drank, its what nourished the soil and kept the herbs and plants alive. Untouched by man for who knows how long. I'll run test on it and make potions with it. You can have half if you want." Thinking about Lucien's word... Jide called back more house elves to collect water as well

Withe both groups of elves working, Jide apparated Lucien and himself back to the surface

"So that man is a house elf?" Jide asked curios about Nokby's appearance

"He's a rare variant of house elf. Coasted a lot of money and is not for sale" Lucien replied as he started walking to the End of the Congo

"So are we going talk about what happened in the cave?" Asked Lucien

"Little boy if I could keep you at Uagadou I would. If it wasn't for the Worrisome Dumbledore. Remember I told you about the 13 baptisms?" Jide

"Yes what about them?" Lucien

"Well the baptisms from 1-7 are all arbitrary when it comes to power and knowledge. 7th baptism at the 3rd trial to the 10th baptism is were thing star to change. How? I don't really understand myself yet as I'm only at the 6th. which ids the requirement to become a head master. However people at the 10th baptism at the the 1st trial to the 13th baptism have the power to expand consciousness and drain the magic from whatever comes in contact with their consciousness" Jide explained

"So youve meet someone above the 10th baptism?" Lucien

"Once, a native american man. was at the 11th close to the 12th . he disappeared a couple of years ago. presumed dead." Jide

"Well what level is Dumbledore at?" Lucien asked

"7th nearing the 8th, Most magical folk dont ever make it past the 5th. "

"What about school professors?" Lucien

" Usually early 6th baptism, 3rd trial 5th baptism"

"So, what exactly is a baptism, and how man trial are in the last three baptisms" Lucien

"When your magic reserve reach a certain capacity and your magical comprehension reaches a certain level. the World laws will be bestowed upon you. but it doesn't really make a difference until the higher baptisms"

"So you mean. somebody at the 2nd baptism can kill a person at the 5th baptism?" Lucien

"In theory yes. It actually happens allot to be honest. well this is the end of the Congo. if you want to know more you need to read the emerald tablets. and don't got spreading the knowledge its already been deemed heresy by the magical ministries" Those were jide's last words before apparating.

*Snap* "Yes master?" Visney bowed

"Take me home " Lucien said


A tired Lucien went straight to bed after arriving at the Budongo manor.

The next morning he pulled out all the the letters Tondy had given him and called to Tondy to bring anymore mail he had got sense they last saw each other.

With a stack of mail on the desk, Lucien sorted everything buy name and date. everything with a personal name was on the left side of the desk while everything with a house name represented business and was put on the right side of his desk.

Clapping his hands a yumboe appeared with Lucien's breakfast. Transfiguring a radio Lucien turned on some reggae and started opening letters. Handling the business letters first.

They all talked about the brutal actions of the house elves and their handling of the Market business. Lucien simply replied that it was under his control and sent the letters off. The next letters were about inventory and money needed to maintain certain product and salaries. Lucien wrote about his personal restructuring and invited everyone to the Budongo manor and wrote a letter to Mr.Kerlaag requesting his attendance and the goblins head blacksmith to open a a business deal to have some equipment crafted. Then sent it off

While taking care of business Lucien remembered the most important business of all.

*snap* "You called my lord?" Tondy bowed

"Haha Tondy my friend , I want you to personally deliver a message to the Lovegoods for me and then return to brief me about the current status of our business. You got me?" Said Lucien

"I have you my lord" Said Tondy before he vanished with the letter given to him by Lucien.

With all the business matters handled for the time being, Lucien looked into the personal business.

He answered the Bell women's letters first. Katie was simply , she told Lucien of the happenings of the summer. whatever Navarra had for Lucien Katie didn't. at least not yet. and even though she had sent many letters that went unanswered she maintain a constant stream of mail as if she was Lucien had became her own personal dairy, Lucien had taken notice to this and just replied to each one with sincerity . the first one being an apology and and the rest being about his time and Africa and all the cool things he had learn, of course excluding some experiences.

Jannabell on the other hand was was furious, she had took her test and passed to become an auror and wanted to celebrate with Lucien.

After talking to Yaxley , Lucien found out the she was his daughter from an affair with a bell woman and the had very stranded relationship. after her mother died Yaxley hadn't found out about jannabell until she was nearly finished with school. At this point Jannabell had went through 5 years at Hogwarts. making her feel more like an orphan even after discovering that Corban Yaxley was her father.

So seeing Lucien caused her remember the struggles and cling to him since their first meeting. Lucien however never abused the situation and simply gave her as much attention as she needed coming from a similar situation himself.

To make up for his neglect Lucien sent her a gift to say congratulation and replied to all of her letters and Invited her and Katie to spend next summer with him. if there was one person that was more a victim of Jannabell's emotions it was Katie . so spending a summer paid for by Lucien , with Katie also attending was like wet dream. If Lucien wasn't spiritually/mentally 17 this year he might not have known how to handle the situation.

Next was pansy and Zabini. Lucien found these the most hilarious. Zabini had been writing him about his crush on pansy and Pansy had been writing Lucien about the things Zabini might be interested in. Lucien just forwarded Zabini's letters to Pansy and Pansy's Letters to Zabini, with a cover letter attached to both of them. telling them to just write each other and a few galleons to Zabini to take Pansy out for Ice cream in Diagon Ally.

Navarra Avery, Daphane Grengrass, and Hermione Granger all wrote about their summers and Lucien replied to them accordingly with apology gifts of course. Although Hermione's Letter started to vary. She begun to ask about Matilda Atkins and their experiments. The next letter was than about the research that she was doing and was the topic of many letters until the most recent when she asked Lucien To buy her some more books and magical creatures, Potions and ancient runes.

Lucien was beyond interested, the year she had spent in Slytherin had changed her quite a bit. she talked less but spoke more. Her heart shrunk but the quality of her feelings doubled for anyone who was worthy enough to receive them as she was now comfortable not being like by everyone. but cherished the friends she did have.

Lucien called in a Yumboe and told him to to buy the book Hermione needed and deliver them along with his letters to Hermione.

Jenny Campbell and Maximo Yaxley were having problems again. so naturally being good friends with Lucien he got the worst of the situation. the play by plays of arguments and the unspoken insults, compliments and desires. Jenny was a beautiful woman , enough for any other man to twist the situation to his benefit. However, Lucien had his limits or more so morals.

So he replied to their letters with solutions that might be able to help, as maximo loved the girl as much as she tried to love him. Maximo didn't understand how terrifying yet equally alluring it was to be loved by a young master of a Noble/death eater family. It played a major part in Jenny's decision to stick around. And now with the the dark lord back (as far as she knew) and his apprentice (Lucien) directly involved she was even more stuck in limbo than ever before. But maximo had failed to see the stress and emotional afflictions within her.

Lucien didn't get any letter from Matilda Atkins as he thought it to risky for to remember that they were friends so he altered her memory,All she knew was that they spoke in the library a few time s and that was the extant of their relationship.

The last letter was a long awaited letter that Lucien had been hoping for. It was from Garrick Ollivander.