Chapter 31

Lucien had shocked everyone with that kill order, but the followed the order regardless and Nokby was silently proud of him.

After that meeting was adjourned every order was executed immediately and the only elves that remained were the ones working on sending letters for Lucien.

Lucien then Grabbed Vega and the twins and went to explore the rest of Africa. South Africa was the first stop, The explored the magical beast around and the markets that were their. Johannesburg, cape town, and Durban were all nice places.

after 2 weeks of travelling they went up to north and west Africa to experience a little life in those regions. The culture differed from place to place but it was all rich experiences that he wouldn't forget. Especially know that he had fallen in love with the magic carpet withe the African continent stitched on it, with every place he had been marked with a symbol, of a key event that happened at the location.

They the spent another week experiencing the north and west. Until they returned home.

It was August 13th 1992 at this point and Veela trafficking and France was stamped out with a big thank you gift from the French Minister of Magic. Two out of the eight Chinese crime families was slaughter under the cover of night and sent to the rest as warnings. Men, women, and children regardless of age was put down. That marked the end of their offenses, And the elves sent to America went dark as ordered, gathering information.

After the elves that were sent to the grootslang cave returned with the Diamonds and other precious gems, they were counted and priced. Once finished, reparations were sent to European families that Lucien had put out of business. and the majority of them forgot that Lucien ever slapped them in the first place and moved on. while some needed a little extra incentive- Handle by boss Tondy of course- and in the end, Lucien ordered his gifts to be repossessed 'Due to their ungratefulness '.

Time went by smoothly as Lucien practice warping the magic around him with a wand or words. During his practices he could feel his wand connect more with his soul, and his body became slightly better at handling magic.

Besides that he started training with Vega again, only this time they practiced while Lucien had his consciousness expanded so that he could become better at using multiple mental arts in tandem. his goal was to attack, defend, and keep an eye on his surroundings all at once. But the training wasn't that intense.

August 18th, 1992. all the pure blood and noble families had arrived to the Dubois Manor in Budongo. Seen the sight left many families speechless. Such a Great Manor held by a family that weren't even nobles, Many of the shocked families weren't present at Lucien's last party as this one was different and needed more attendees considering the subject of celebration-Pandora Loovegood.

It turns out that she was star of the British wizarding world and contributed lost of new spells to the Auror armory for defensive and offensive measures against Civil and foreign threats. So, when many received a letter from House Dubois they didn't hesitate to accept. Pandora was loved by many. and brought life to which ever room she entered and when she left that life endured. From her kind heart and generous nature to Talent and ingenious creativity, the woman was someone a throne was made for.

Lucien became more and more interested the more he learned about the Lovegoods. And the impact they had on the wizarding world. Pandora had came from some unknown family, people didn't know if she was Muggle born or had wizard parents. but with a talent like hers no one bothered to ask. However when she married Xenophilius many people wondered why until they saw the happiness they shared together until Xenophilius started to slow deteriorate. Pandora left her job at the ministry to look after her daughter Luna as she was worried that Xenophilius could slip away at any moment and she wanted to be their for both her husband and daughter when it happened.

This was when Luna Lovegood was eight years old. a year later Pandora was announced dead. Now, according to black market information, She was working on some type of true death spell for some classified reason. The problem was that it was contracted by Hogwarts and the Ministry. Another problem was the spell backfired but her wand was intact. The final issue that bugged Lucien the most in his dig for information. was how Luna witnessed her mothers death but her mothers death is all she remembers. nothing before or after. Trauma right? but no, she shows no sign of trauma and re-accounts the death without emotions, yet the girls heart is so big according to family friends.

So, to solve this Mystery Lucien invited everyone, even the Weasleys-they lived in the same village as the lovegoods-

Many families were there mingling and have a good time still awaiting Xenophilius and Luna Lovegood to start the commemoration. Unknown to Lucien. Dumbledore, Cornelius fudge(Minister of Magic), and Amelia Bones(Head of the Department of Law Enforcement) had all prepared gifts to honor the late Pandora.

The night kept getting better for Lucien. Those three had indirectly helped Lucien make this celebration a solid as iron. There was no room for doubt.

However Dumbledore still had his questions.

"Ahh Mr.Dubois, what a wonderful party you've put together"

"Well thank you headmaster, Last year I found myself reading about Mrs. Lovegood and only after talking to a friend I've met recently did I find out, that she passed away" Lucien feigned sorrow as if he hoped to meet her some day and all chances of fantasied encounters were ripped away by the lose of this great person.

"Well its nice thing you've done here, but may i ask how you came to know so many people" Dumbledore

Lucien's eyes went wide with shock as if he had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Lucien leaned over to Dumbledore "Can you keep a secret head master?"

"Of course my boy" Dumbledore followed suit and leaned in as well

"I don't know any of them , I just invited a lot of people hoping someone would celebrate Mrs.Lovegood's life with me. I honestly think I'm her biggest fan. She was my inspiration in school to be the best" Lucien whispered causing Dumbledore to raise and eyebrow

"Well many people certainly admired her, rest assured my boy she will get the credit she is due" Dumbledore took a second look at Lucien noticing he was fast approaching the first baptism which was uncommon at least to the 2nd year students

'Master Lucien You must be wary of that man' Vega sent a mental message

' I understand Vega. That's why Mr. Kerlaag is here. He's our savior of the night.' Lucien replied

'Then you should go get it done now before the guest of Honor arrives' Vega informed him

' I got it, start sending messages to the 'team' and have them wait for me in the study. make sure they are discrete please' Lucien sent his last message as he walked off to the lower floors

Before reaching the lower floor Mr. Kerlaag and an older goblin appeared from thin air

"Welcome gentlemen, lets get down to business" Lucien then lead them into a room with a thick dungeon door that had Runes carved into it forming a seal.

"Ahh Lord Dubois, I never knew you were so adept in ancient runes" Mr. Kerlaag

"I know enough, Please have a seat" Lucien motioned to the chairs around the table and the flicked his wrist activating the seal on the door to protect against any unwanted guest

"First things first. I wish for the the Goblins to craft me a Sacrificial dagger and four Double bladed Polearms at the quality at or above the famous blade of Godric Gryffindor. Can it be done?" Lucien inquired

The old goblin became excited "Yes my lord, It can be done for the right cost"

Pulling out a five rolls of parchment, Lucien handed them all to the old goblin "Now if you excuse Mr.Kerlaag and I . we have official bank business to discuss"

The old goblin tried to apparate and couldn't

"That doesn't work here. please use the door" Having his hand the door opened and the old goblin took his leave

"what is it that you want Mr. Dubois?" Mr.Kerlaag

"A couple of things, a list of land that has overdue taxes and can i acquire them? I want to know if there is anyway to see if my parents were wizards. I remember you asked Jannabell if she was at gringotts that day, to claim her inheritance. and finally if I deposit a large sum of money into gringotts, how much can I deposit at once and who else would know about this deposit beside you and I?" Lucien asked with a serious face. this night could make or break his market

Mr.kerlaag smiled and assumed that Lucien was was getting ready to move a lot of weight considering the fact that he knew the Lucien's vault hadn't received any additional currency since the day he opened and it went untouched after the first week of it opening. Meaning everything that House Dubois had, was bought with untracked money. And the Goblin community was finding this very unbearable .

"Mr.Doubis this is easy work for us at gringotts as we control everything in the wizarding world, simply because we control the money..." Mr Kerlaag twisted his hand upward in a fast motion conjuring a list of names ,places, dates, and Acres/Galleon

"The list you requested. Simply pay the debt and it is your land from that point on. All contracts will be delivered and land deed will be updated at the signing of the contract, instantaneously. All unauthorized residents will be booted from the property unless you say otherwise and items on the property at the moment of signing will fall under your ownership and House Dubois"

Lucien took the the parchment and pulled out a map and begin to asses his options.

"As for the second inquiry, It is called a Ancestry test. Because Gringotts is the official bank of the wizarding world we offer such services. However if it turns out you have ancestors that held a vault with us, all i can grant you is what they left in the vault. any deeds and legacy items not in the vault and family land which has a missing deed but is under your families name. must be acquired through the ministry and they will handle international affairs if need be. Once there, they will issue a test of their own and officially give you lordship of said house and any titles that are inheritable as the head of said house"

Lucien just nodded in acknowledgement as all that was completely reasonable. If he didn't put all his money in gringotts, how is supposed to expect any possible ancestors to do such things.

Mr. Kerlaag then continued as he saw Lucien was following

"and for your third and finally Inquiry, You can deposit as much as you want whenever you want to. That information stays between the bank and you. However, any titles, land deeds and anything that requires official authorization will be submitted to the ministry for approval, the bank is merely a third party to make the lives of wizards easier. this is a list of everything requiring authorization from a ministry department" Mr. Kerlaag then handed Lucien a second list, that he happily took.

If you ever meet a criminal that says fuck the rules he's a complete idiot. a real criminal loves the rules. knows them better than the lawyers and judges. Because when the time comes those rules will protect and cover the criminals ass better than any person of the fucking earth ever could. and it helps avoid detection

'Diamonds and gems need the ministries approval?" Lucien asked

"Yes, it has no worth anything for wizards but muggles value them however, wizards have more diamonds then the muggles know what to do with . so to keep the muggle economy from hurting due to our greed, the ministry keeps an eye own anything that translates to muggle money but not wizard money. That why its hand by muggle affairs and not the treasury" Mr. Kerlaag answered

That also mad sense to Lucien considering the statue of secrecy and shit

"Okay can we do the test here?" Lucien asked

"Yes we can" Mr.Kerlaag pulled a black pad that looked like a tablet from his pouch that had runes carved in to it. Taking a roll parchment the length of a 12 inches, he set it on a rack and connected the parchment with the black pad and set it in front of Lucien "Blood please"