Chapter 32

Lucien looked at Mr.kerlaag for awhile and then produced a some blood - just a drop, enough to complete the test- when the blood hit the tablet it began to turn white and the runes lit up green, blue, and yellow

the parchment roll started to turn as it was being pulled through the tablet like a printer and then it stopped. After a while ts started to move again and came out on Lucien's end with the first house name and a list of people who inherited the vault since its opening. it was about 5 minutes until a new house name appeared and printed a new list of people, it took around another 5 minutes and the a third appeared this house was the longest and printed for around 10 minutes

when it finally stopped Mr.Kerlaag looked on with a frown "Why cant you ever be simple boy?"

"well i'm paying you by the hour so just explain" Lucien replied

"Well the first house, House Dubois of France, Noble Pure blood family. Their line ended when it was converged into an american branch. Inheritance have gone untouched since the forming of the French Louisiana in 1682, That brings us to the second House, House Dubois of America, Noble, Tainted blood. vault has went untouched since 1821 and that brings us to the last House, House Bennett, Noble, Ancient more ancient than any British house claims to be. They were founded when every witch and sorcerer was born from non magical folk."

Lucien forehead contorted

"Haha Mr. Dubois, it seems you are related to royalty. sadly they have legacies out there that I neither the ministries can give. As they were around before the founding of any magical government and Gringotts, plus they were always an unruly bunch, that couldn't ever put down the 'Dark magic'. But the Goblins like them, they help us a bit in the Goblin rebellion."

"Okay, So whats complicated about all of this?" asked Lucien

"Well no one has had contact with MACUSA for the past thirty years. So you can claim everything but anything you want not in the vaults of gringotts. which will be a lot considering the age of these houses. you will have to go directly to MACUSA to handle it" Informed Mr.Kerlaag

Lucien just scratched his head and and said fuck it

"I claim everything, send the paperwork to the French and I'll handle the MACUSA matter later. " Lucien then spent the next few minutes signing documents and paying land taxes that i have went undue for many years. Taking full ownership of the land, He then took all the deeds from the three vaults and placed them in his own personal vault.

Across american southern state a commotion was happening, Many vampires were being thrown of land and some even burned to death because land Lucien had acquired was so big. Louisiana, Mississippi, Virginia, Massachusetts, and Georgia. Unknown to Lucien he had saved many of his distant relatives this night. and only the older witches had any inclination of what just happened.

Lucien then called house elves, To take everything from the vaults by way of the gringotts pouches to transfer to his new vault in gringotts for the time being. It was the only way because he had no idea what the hell was going on in MACUSA, so he decided to just wait for his House elves reports, rather than going in blind.

Lucien then went on to to purchase forgotten lands from the Guants, Sayre, Shafiq, Rosier, and Prince.

"Everything is now yours. Although I suggest reaching out to the Malfoys and Tonks. as they are related to the Rosiers and will be losing land they long forgotten of, However it is still law for the ministry to notify them. You also contact the Snapes for the same reason.

After the french Ministry processes your paperwork, you will be Lord Lucien Dubois of the Noble House Dubois. at that time you will be summoned to France for ceremony and all titles will be reinstated to your house. And most likely take on a diplomatic status to stay in Great Britain. and Your house will now take on a pure-blood status henceforth, considering your lineage. All paperwork has been submitted for that and land transactions as well. Will that be all, Lord Dubois?" Mr.Kerlaag took a deep and steady breath as he finished

"ahh and you may be getting a letter from a rather fiery Great granddaughter of Vinda Rosier , Just another day in the game I supposed, Lord Dubois." Mr.Kerlaag added

"Haha thank you Mr.Kerlaag . You've done my house a great favor tonight. i know the Goblins of Britain haven't commissioned any real weapons contracts for a long while. As a thank you , I want to make the goblins our official weapons makers, when the time calls for it." Lucien said

"Money is good, but I always envied the British wand Lord Dubois" Mr.Kerlaag insinuated

"haha perhaps a topic for the next business meeting?" Lucien then held out his hand that was quickly taking by Mr. Kerlaag signifying the end of the deal.

Returning to the party, the guests of honors had finally arrived. Calling Vega to his side along with Visney and Nokdy, Lucien transfigured a podium, grabbing the attention of everyone in the room.

Some were shocked and other impressed by the young talent. With the room silent waiting to see what the house had planned for the evening , Lucien took a swallow of water and decided to gamble tonight. After all he was the lord of three houses. Even if it wasn't updated in the ministry files yet

"Welcome, Ladies and gentleman. I am Lord Lucien Bennett Dubois. Head of the Houses Dubios in France and America and the Ancient House of Bennett now in America" The room began to clamor and many of the elder witches and sorcerers began to feel intrigue and dread. They wondered if he had sized his assets yet, The minister wanted to apparate to the ministry immediate to authenticate the boys claim.

Dumbledore lip twitched,He knew if the french, not worried about america due to their recent behavior, claimed him that he would receive diplomatic immunity and his status at Hogwarts would have to change. It was something about Lucien that made Dumbledore nervous

Lucien had expected this reaction, How many of these nobles were using land they did not own? But claimed it as their own for centuries. And they knew the laws of the knew the laws of the land. Anything on that land at the time of requisition was now the property of Lord Lucien Bennett- Dubois

Lucien smiled and then Continued "Im honored to have all of you here tonight to celebrate the life of Pandora Lovegood. When I entered Hogwarts for the first time. An orphan trapped in the muggle world. I had no idea what to expect. So I hid myself away at the Library and stumbled upon the great work of Pandora Lovegood, She gave me life, Inspiration to be a wizard just as great as her. Connecting with the work she left behind allowed me to excel in Hogwarts so that someday i can get the chance to finish her work and perhaps take it to new heights. while under her tutelage"

Lucien stared of into the distance as if he was imagining a world were he was the young apprentice of the beloved Pandora Lovegood

"It wasnt until recently while talking to my new friend ,Babajide Akingbade," Lucien gestured to the Uagadou headmaster. once again swing his weight. Although it was all an illusion in the end, but that didn't matter because the eyesight of the British magical community was beyond narrow to distinguish fact from fiction

In the minds of fudge and Dumbledore that said the thiing 'Where the bloody hell did this kid come from?'

'Ties to Uagadou, how troublesome indeed'

" that I found out about her recent passing. So to commemorate her lives achievements, and pay our respects for her great contribution to our world. I have invited you to spend this evening with and her beloved family" added Lucien, and the entire room turned to look at Xenophelius and Luna Lovegood. To their surprise they look beyond presentable. as some would say, they looked like a proper pure blood family- Visney had cleaned them up before they entered the manor-

Xenophilus gave a slight nod to gesture his thanks. And Nokby clapped his hands and food appeared "Please enjoy yourselves and dont forget to browse the memorial" Lucien waved his hand and an entire area dedicated to Pandora Lovegood appeared

The rest of the night Lucien's House elves and Yumboe attentively listened to the conversations of the guest to gather information. And a small sized Vega cuddled up to Luna and slowly sifted through her memories taking care not to hurt the girl.

The weasleys spent a lot of time packing up food. As Molly and Arthur Weasley paraded Harry Potter around the party. Lucien had to let every death eater there know, to let the boy be. Especially the Notts.

Dumbldore and Fudge later presented their gifts . Luna was given a full ride scholarship to Hogwarts and Fudge Commissioned a sculpture of Pandora for the MoM.

Lucien Took care of the Pure blood families that worked on the black market for him. Simply paying them their salaries with a one time 5% increase. every other bonuses will have to be owned by good merit. This left the purebloods with a monthly salary of 3000 Galleons until the Market was back up and running.

The night ended with Amelia Bones, giving an Auror spot to Luna if she wished to to take after her mother


Tondy appeard some times after the party

"How'd the task go Tondy" Lucien asked

"Too easy my Lord. The book was right next to the wand" Tondy then pulled them both out

"Good put the wand in the vault at Godrics Hallow and lets see who starts to sweats first" Lucien ordered

"Yes, My Lord" Tondy than vanished leaving Lucien with a copy of the 'emerald Tablets'


After that night the french confirmed Lucien's status, and he received diplomatic immunity, changing his status at Hogwarts.

A ceremony was held for Lucien at the french Ministry of magic on August 23 1992. and he became an official French Nobleman.

Paperwork was sent to MACUSA but as everyone expect they didn't receive any reply. Prompting action from the Supreme Mugwump (Dumbledore) To contact their ambassador. He had sent a lengthy letter but all Dumbledore received in return was a pack of deeds and Titles that were on record for the Dubois(american) and Bennett families along with Nobility tiles. nothing more and nothing less. With Dumbledore's Nosey tendencies he had indirectly helped Lucien receive what was previously unattainable

Lucien had received all of the documents and was reintroduced to wizarding world officially as Lucien Bennett-Dubois, Lordship of House Dubois (French and American) and The Ancient House of Bennett. on August 30, 1992



"What the fuck do you mean you never owned the land? You humans walk around here like yo shit dont stink and come time find out the witches have had you mutherfuckas by the balls the entire time!"

"Witches founded most of Louisiana, they have some type of special land deeds that keep land in the family for generations. But, it doesn't really matter to us as we dont need permission to step on private property or take it.. Like you blood sucking abominations"

Similar events where happening across a couple different states. As some witches were holding up in their homes doing locator spells to find out who now owned their land . One witch that was deeply connected to her her ancestral spirits decided to take another route.

"Abby come her now! Grab those candles and place them around the circle. A whole lot of shit going down right now and you want go to some burger bar" said the older woman

"Come on momma , im sure its not that serious. you said that war with MACUSA ended 30 years ago. and they live behind some magical barrier" Abby said

"Thats not what im talking about child! now sit down and shut up... When the MACUSA was up in running in the south they had an official bank for witches. Our family has been around for a long time and allot of our land deeds and legacies were kept there. Now it seems that someone from the Bennett line has claimed their birth right and we need to find him or her"

"My cousin called and she's surrounded by vampires. that was kicked off of Bennett land, breaking the deal they had set up with the vampires in Athens, Georgia and a couple of them died. so who ever this witch is, probably has the magic witches of the south used to have. and can probably save her. But times is running out"

The Woman grabbed her daughter's hand and the pair started saying their spell to contact their family spirits

"Phasmatos Tribum, vocationem nostram, Non opus est loqui ad maiorum.Omnes nos postulo ut consuleret omnes"

they chanted in unison The flames erupted from the candles like geysers and and the went out . after a few moment the candles lit again and the room was full of witches dressed across the centuries

"What do you want want sheila Bennett?" A brown skinned woman asked

"I just want to know who's child took Lordship over the Bennett family and where can i find em?" Sheila asked

All the witches turned their heads to one woman, She was wearing a yellow sundress

"My son, Lucien Bennett-Dubois" The woman in the yellow dress said

That woman was Marie-ann Bennett. Lucien's mother on this plane