Chapter 33

At the Dubois Manor in Godric's Hallow Lucien sat down reading the emerald tablets and suddenly sneezed "Ahh i guess someones probably talking shit" he said as he rubbed the snot from his nose

the emerald tablets was rather interesting. It talked about ascension through universal knowledge. that there was no way to become a god unless you can control this world down to it very mechanics that kept it functioning

It talked about the theory of magic and rituals to put a sorcerer on the path of transcendence.

The path of transcendence was when the world laws would be bestowed upon the magician and once that magician reaches the apex of the transcendent path he or she could step into godhood becoming living gods.

But it was that easy, one had to go through 13 baptisms of the mind, body and soul.

The mind was pretty self explanatory, obviously it was mental arts, the body could be both physique and magic. and the soul was a complete mystery to Lucien, closing his books his owl had flown through the window.

It was a letter from Mr.Borgin

Lucien my boy, I bared the Malfoys from the shop, But Lucius came in today with a rather interesting item. He tried to sell me some stuff but I refused, telling him the reason why, he then stormed out of the shop like a child. But you should really get here as soon as possible, I think I Understand the reason for the Malfoys actions and it has something to do with interesting item and rather bumbling teacher of yours

-Mr Borgin

'Bumbling teacher' Lucien thought and he knew exactly who Borgin was speaking of. That Tosser Voldemort was back for round two .

"this should be a fun year. Nokby!" Lucien shouted

*Pop* "Yes my lord?"

"Go to Borgin and Burkes, they have message for me and it's urgent" Lucien directed

"Right away, my lord" Nokby vanished and then a Yumboe replace

"My Lord urgent news from a america. There is a threat to the House... Vampires" The Yumboe said

"What is your name Yumboe?" Lucien asked

"My name is Anja my lord" she replied

"Well Anja relax, i like to think of my self as a reasonable and kind master. So tell me about this threat and please have a seat" Lucien pulled a chair from the corner of the room with his telekinesis

Anja took a seat and began to explain the oddities of america and how the MACUSA is only operational in the northern states as the southern witches rebelled 30 years ago. the statue of secrecy is still in play however, its very relaxed.

Vampires, wolfs, witches, and goblins all mingle freely with humans they deem worthy.The witches there aren't as powerful, they use spirit and ancestral magic and their wandless magic is crude and unrefined unlike the witches who reside in magical governments.

She then went on tell Lucien that How many vampires in here region burned to death and others were kicked of land without any warning causing a commotion. and when she received word of Lucien's new lord ship. she began to hear names similar to Lucien's new house name -Bennett- causing her to contact the other elves in american to check on any Bennetts in their regions

they all reported the same thing, a treaty broken in Georgia, Massachusetts is under MACUSA control so the incidents there were quickly contained. Louisiana had problems and the elves learned it was all on land once publicly owned by the Dubois familiy.

'Okay i get , its a shit show right now in southern USA. All I can say is collect any Bennetts in trouble and bring them to the manor. Any non Bennett witches on my land that's stuck between a rock and hard place leave them. they shouldn't have been on my land making deals they couldn't keep.

"as you wish my lord" Anja vanished right after that and then somebody else replaced her but this time was different.

To black women appeared. the tallest one was a little older then the shorter one. but bared an uncanny resembles. Mother and daughter Lucien thought

*pop* *pop* *Pop* Tondy , Visney, and Nina appeared and through the mother daughter duo against the wall.

knocking the wind from their bodies. the two intruding witches never felt power like that before. the knew they were in the right place. and while this was happening Lucien felt a deep sensational tingle down his spine "Stop.." Lucien said

"Who are you people. and don't you know apparating into peoples house can get get you killed?"

Letting out continuous coughs Abby and sheila got up and tried to regain themselves and Abby spoke first. " Im Abby Bennett and this is my momma Sheila Bennett. Your mother told us where to find you and taught us the new magic and we couldn't control it. we meant to show up at the front door honest to God"

"Haha haven't you heard there ain't no Gods here. But I believe you, call it a feeling. Can you feel it too?" Lucien asked

"It what you feel when you're in the presences of another Bennett witch , boy" Shelia answered and Lucien quickly threw his hand up to stop the elves

"Its okay you two, its just family talking. and if she was part of MACUSA she would be sitting in my seat, isn't that right Sheila?"

"Yes, it is. but i have no wish to be part of any magical government." said Sheila

"Good, neither do i , but when your weak you need a little extra help. and that's why your here. when i took over.. i caused a lot of trouble and you want me to fix it" Said Lucien

"Yes, I do . My cousin is in danger and the Bennetts are a dying breed. so, can you please help your family?" Sheila told Lucien

Lucien thought for a moment . and the back of his mind he know what ever fate befell this boys family he had to iron it out

"I just want to speak with my momma . I want to know why I was left in a British orphanage" Lucien said

"I can make that happen" replied sheila "Good,, our cousin is down stairs. I sent my house elves to save them before you showed up" Lucien pointed at the door and swung open letting them know to leave room

Lucien took a deep breath and had sense of accomplishment in his heart. he couldn't save his mother or him self in his old life but he could save his family here. walking out of the study he saw many beautiful colored women hugging each other with tears in their eyes. Lucien found it weird that their were no men in this family. But he just brushed it off, he had a few non related brothers to make up for it.

Lucien loudly cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

"So I didn't plan looking for family until after I finished school. But sense shit happens. I guess i just gotta go with the flow. If you want to go back to america that's find leave your name and address so that I can always find you. As Sheila told me the Bennetts are a dying breed. Ill send you basic magic books to help you better defend yourselves. and those who want to stay . I can get you house here in Godric's Hallow and my elves can bring over your belongings. I just want you all to be safe. as family is all we have in this cruel world"

everyone look towards three older women Sheila, Pauline, and Joanna Bennett

"Well im going back home, I have class to teach in the morning and Abby gotta husband back home"Sheila said "But Ill happily leave my addressees and comply with your rules"

Joanna stepped forward, she was a woman in her mid forties. she wall still breathtaking, she had long dark brown curly hair that touch her back "Lucy and I are staying here. She got mixed up in vampire business with wrong vampires. plus Leanna here his 17 and I want her to leave a full life, she isn't a Bennett but she is mine"

Pauline was the last to step forward with her four daughters "We'll, stay here also. Our family has been cursed with vampire bullshit and we all know why. but I got a feeling her will give us a chance to to rest and rebuild."

The three older woman then look over to elderly woman in a wheel chair.

"Dorothea, this is the time when you speak your mind our your family line will remain here whether you like it or not" Sheila said

"Whats here malfunction" asked Lucien

They young girl next to Dorothea, looked to be in her 20's stood up and spoke " She has dementia, we give her tonics to help but she's slowly declining"

'Dementia? that's it?" Lucien asked , he then reached into his pouch that connected to the home vault under the Dubois Manor and pulled out a cure all elixir and tossed to his older cousin.

"Give that to aunty, it will help. If Im lord Bennett-Dubois, then no one my family withers and dies unless i allow it" Lucien said,

all the women looked at him like he was crazy but the girl next to Dorothea would try anything to bring her grandmama back. Feeding her the potion. Dorothea's magic began to become wild and robust. and Dorothea decreased in age by about 10 years and she opened her eyes as life came back to her and she began to cough

"Girl! I should slap the hell out you! pouring that got dam gas down my throat!" Dorothea hollered

All the Bennett woman were shocked . Dorothea had been in and out for 6 years now and they thought she would be heading to the other side soon. but now, Dorothea looked like she was ready for for at least 30 more years

"So what will it be Dorothea?" Asked Lucien with a smirk

"hahah you act just like yo momma, Marie-Ann. Smart, talented and Cunning as ever." Dorothea began to laugh again

"She was one of my favorite grandbabies! Nita, stop looking at me like im stupid. and introduce yourself to your nephew. That's marie-Ann and Charles' boy. They must have had him when they were on the run."

the other four women next to Nita and Dorothea all looked over and shock.

"What yalls sucking all the air up for? he got Marie-Ann's eyes and Charles' hair. Yall could've guessed that even if you didn't know Charles' surname." Dorothea spoke again

" Help me out this chair, Sheila you go on back home. and thank you for getting help baby"

"Yes ma'am" Sheila replied as she grabbed Abby and apparated back home to Mystic falls, Virginia.