Chapter 34

The Bennett Family spent the day getting situated in the Dubois manor


Visney and Tondy had to expand the manor a bit and add few extra rooms for the Bennett ladies. They choose to stay at the manor to get accustomed to the wizarding. Lucien didn't have a problem with this assigned them some house elves until he went back to Hogwarts and the y would have all the house elves in the manor.

Lucien didn't really feel like explain the magic basics, so he gave the ladies access to his library, however, Pauline, Joanna, Mama Thea(Dorothea) were quite familiar with it. They just couldn't use wandless magic that well , so they decided just to stick to spirit magic and the little psychic abilities that they knew.

Lucien heavily debated whether or not he should get the ladies wands. But while talking to Mama Thea he found out that most of the conventional wands had trackers and the only wands Mama Thea would allow her family to use was wands made by Bennett for Bennett's, promoting Lucien to dive back into landlord.

However, if the family wasn't going to us wands then they need a way to protect themselves. Lucien assigned house elves to teach them how to better control their magic. And Nina taught them how to use magic combat. After they were all settled in the Library had doubled in size, due to the Bennett grimoires that the ladies brought and the lost grimoires that were in the Bennett vault.

"Lucien how'd you survive so long and become so well of with the Bennett name all by yourself?" Nita asked

"Funny story actually. I raised a human with no magic. One day everything just hit me, like someone was sending me a message, I found Diagon ally and met two men name Mr.Borgin and Mr.Burke. never bothered to learn their full names. But they sell enchanted objects, from there I stole money for a couple of months until I bought this manor. Everything else, is inheritance." Lucien explained

"Bahaha he's a thief.. Just like Charles and Marie-Ann. You know that's why..." Nita was interrupted by mama Thea.

"Enough of that, he knows how to talk to Marie-Ann. He'll learn when he's ready" said man Thea

"Besides, that's nothing compared to what Bennetts have done over the centuries, Hell your mother was the most well mannered." Added Mama Thea

" That's good to know mama Thea, okay I start school in two days. The world can't know that all the Bennett's are in one place. Wards will be placed on the house and house elves will take care of all of you for the year. Especially because there is a pest out there that refuses to die. I hope all of you can just practice magic for the time being and relax. If you wish to vacation, apparition is the safest way." Lucien told the family

"Okay okay, safety, consolidation,strengthen, and expansion. We get it. You've got some business to run so run it. We'll do our best to not drag you down." It was Lucy who spoke this time

"Ahh you're the one that runs with vamps?" Lucien asked

"Yupp and everything would have been just groovy if somebody would have just helped with a simple spell.." Lucy looked at her mother

"Groovy my ass, girl you didn't know what you was doing hanging with that Katherine bitch" replied Joanna

"I'm grown , I can handle my own life. Everything would be.."

"JUST GROOVYY" the Bennett ladies said in unison and started to laugh at Lucy while Lucien was gobsmacked. When the ladies finally calmed down Zhura Bennett looked over at Lucien

"What? Don't tell me you picked up that weird ass Bennett verbal tick.?" Asked Zhura

"Master Lucien hasn't been able to shake it yet, although he's been hiding it well with what he calls a 'a posh ass British decorum'." Nokby had returned from Borgin and Burke just in time to catch the end of the conversation.

"Ppfftahahahaha!" The ladies started to laugh at Lucien's 'cuteness' after all he was now the youngest of the family.

"Nokby, go some where else" Said Lucien

"Yes, my lord" Nokby replied as he winked at lady Zhura. After all Nokby is a free elf.

"Ooh somebody got a little boyfriend.." The girls poked fun at Zhura and the just laughed it out, talking shit to each other.

Lucien sat back and just smiled, enjoying the atmosphere. Lucien was no stranger to an environment full of women. His mother was Mambo and one of her duties was to train other young women to be Mambo.

Lucien left after awhile and let the women enjoy the peace and quiet of the world with out magical warfare. And his study, Nokby waited to inform Lucien of Borgin's message.

"Nokby, you're more then welcome. You've been my family since the beginning. You serve me but you are no slave. And with your elvish feature I think she's taken a liking to you as well, just make sure you keep her laughing. A good woman once told me, strong women like to be weak some times. Just keep her laughing and relaxed, so she knows she doesn't have to be so tough around you. Oh and never look down her." Lucien decided to speak his mind,

Lucien owed a lot to Nokby and if he finally felt comfortable to step out, Lucien didn't want to hinder that progress. As he knew Visney and Toney had secret feeling of their own for each other.

"T-tthank you master Lucien"Nokby bowed

"Get up Nokby, no need to bow behind closed doors anymore. So tell me what did Borgin say?" Lucien inquired

"He said that Lucius Malfoy maybe in contact with Lord Voldemort and is helping him return to power in secret. Mr. Borgin said that he saw the diary of Voldemort in the hands of Malfoy and there was powerful dark magic around it. After sending a house elf to follow Malfoy, the House elf says that Malfoy slipped it in to the cauldron of a young weasley girl" Nokby re-accounted Borgins tale

"What the fuck, That fucking Voldemort. Weak and pathetic. but I shall break him for weaseling around our deal. Dropping books on my table and telling story doesn't cut it as teaching me DADA and dark magic. and he planned to double cross me. Whatever his plan is this year, I shall be two steps ahead. he made a fatal flaw this year." Lucien rambled to himself

"And what is that flaw master Lucien?" Nokby asked

"He sent a coward like Malfoy to start the game , revealing a part of his hand. And Malfoys have big mouths. Looks like Draco and I will be having another talk this"

"Do you really think Lucius would share the dark lords plan with his son?" Nokby asked

"No, but im sure he said just enough for me to enter the game as well. Im sure that old bat Dumbledore has things planed as well." Lucien started to walk towards the Library as Nokby followed. Pulling books from the shelf Lucien began to read the family grimoires

"Leave me Nokby, I have a lot to think about" Lucien ordered. He spent the rest of the night reading Grimoires filled with spells and rituals involving Spirits, sacrifice, ancestors, elements, talismans, and even Ghost

The best part of about the spells in the books were that most of them were warfare Practical. The Bennetts had been at war since the beginning of the families founding, but so far not one Grimoire told Lucien why.

Lucien then turned to the books on the furthest shelf. They were all the books Voldemort had left him. Lucien made its his mission to read every book before sunrise. After the first two the books grew in size. If he wanted to win whatever game Voldemort was playing, he had to get into his mind. Lucien used telekinesis to grab the 3rd book of the 8 and started reading.