Chapter 35

Department of Land and Resources: British Ministry

"It seem Lord Lucien Bennett-Dubois has purchased the lands of Gaunt, Prince, Rosier,Sayre, and Shafiq. He has paid the overdue taxes totaling in 70,000,000 Galleons. and has paid the going rate for Galleons per Acre. All 5 properties for total at 20,948,11 Galleons 13 Sickles and 28 Knuts for 600,345.7 Acres of land. Is there anyone who wishes to dispute the fact presented to this court today?" A spokes woman presented

A long line of nays followed her question signalling her to carry one.

"This qualifies Lucien Bennett Dubois, as Duke and permits him a seat on the Wizengamont and Her majesty's house of Lords" the spokeswoman finished and the wizengamont became talk amongst each other

"Silence!" Dumbledore shouted and the chatter died down.

Albus Dumbledore was also the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamont

"The boy is too young. Like the young Harry potter he can inherit the British titles on the date of his 17th Birthday, with that be..."

Dumbledore was then cut of by the Spokes woman "My apologize Chief warlock it seems that Lord Bennett Dubois, wishes to succeed the title to his Grandmother Dorothea Bennett, The letter arrived this morning" the spokes woman held the letter up and it flew to Dumbledore's hands

Later that day on August 31st 1992 Dorothea Bennett was given the title of Duchess and a seat on the wizengamont and Her Majesty's House of Lords. It sent waves the great Britain wizarding world and the Uk in the Muggle world. Dorothea Bennett's entire Backgrounds was altered over night to explain her sudden ascension to her majesty's House of Lords.


Lucien had finished reading the books left by Voldemort. He didnt really pay attention merely looked over them so the contents would be forever in his mind. So, when the time came he could move accordingly against Voldemort.

Lucien didn't do much for his last days at the manor besides, get to know his new family and Started a family tree so that he could track the rest of his relatives at a later date.

Pauline, Sheila, and Joanna Bennett were all sisters

Mama Thea is their cousin. their mothers were sisters giving them the same grandparents

Mama Thea had two kids the first is the mother of Marie-Ann(Lucien's mother) and Nita Bennett. making mama Thea Lucien's Great-Grandmother

the second was the father of Zhura, Isabelle,Olivia, and Ava Bennett

Sheila had one daughter Abby

Joanna had a daughter Lucy and a adoptive daughter Leanna

While Pauline had Four daughters Mia, Sophia, Emma, And Charlotte.


September 1st 1992

Lucien spent the better half of the day at home with the family and then he was apparated to Hogwarts just in time to ride the last carriages to the school. While on the Carriage Lucien was surrounded by a lot of strangers, Some had seen his picture in the daily prophet as a French-American Noble. although he had attended Hogwarts the year before not many people knew him outside of Slytherin.

"Is there something you bunch wish to say?"Lucien asked while not bothering to look up from his book

"no not all" a boy answerd.

The ride went smoothly, when Lucien finally reached the school the place seemed different, or he was different. It must of be his rising anticipation for this years happenings that made the air smell different. Lucien didn't know nor did he care. He simply walked through the great doors and took a seat at the Slytherin table and went back to his book, as he didn't really care much for the sorting ceremony.

Being the last one in . it didnt take long for the first years to start rolling in . Names were colled and the students were sorted into houses

"Weasley, Ginevra"Mcgonagall called out grabbing Lucien's attention

'Girl weasley' he thought as he watched her walk to the stage and put on the hat. It barley touched her head when it shouted "Gryffindor!!"

'I guess Potters the target again, Voldemort and his fetishes' Lucien

'My lord what interests you about that girl, frankly im more fond of Granger's potential and the boldness of Avery. However the only Gryfinndor worthy of your attention is Katie Bell' Vega sent a mental message

'Shut up Vega, I don't like the red headed girl. especially if shes anything like that Ron. Shes to be Voldemort's play thing, Disgusting really, but i must allow it if I wish to win' Lucien replied

"forgive me my lord' Vega curled up in Lucien's lap and went back to sleep

the rest of the ceremony was pure Bordem and at the end Dumbledore rose to his feet to address the student body. About the dangerous of the forgotten forest and the Black lake and then he introduced the new DADA teacher, Gilidroy Lockhart.

"Mr.Dubois..The headmaster would like to speak to you in his office.. Follow me" professor Snape


"aahh Mr..Dubois. Please sit .." Dumbledore motioned to the chair in front of his desk

"Caaaaaahh" the Phoenix cried before it flapped its wings and landed on Lucien's head

Dumbledore just raised an eyebrow at the scene and continued on with the meeting

"We're here today to speak about your now special status. as lord of three houses and the grandson of a Duchess. So I must offer you private sleeping quarters. would you like them?" Dumbledore asked

"Really?" Luciens

"Mr.Dubois, do not make the headmaster repeat himself..."Professor Snape.

"Haha Groovy, yeah , Id like my own quarters, thank you" Lucien replied

"Well Professor Snape would you mind showing a young Lucien to his new quarters" Dumbledure directed Snape.