Chapter 36

Snape took Lucien to his new private quarters and when they arrived Snape said " A great wizard once held these quarters. you will do well to uphold its grandeur. Goodnight Mr. Dubois"

Professor Snape then turned and disappeared into the darkness of the castle. Walking inside his new room all of his bags were waiting on him. The two trunks for clothing and another trunk for books he planned to read during the school year. Lucien had realized read the 2nd year textbook last that he had read them all and after a few exchanges with Katie Bell, he realized thing will not change for the 3rd year either beside the introduction to summoning. A course he was actually pretty excited for and held off from reading up on it so he could thoroughly enjoy his third year at Hogwarts.

Lucien then pulled out his wand to get accustomed to it after a summer of neglect. But oddly he felt more connected with his wand now than he ever did in his first year. He then made a mental note to write another letter to Ollivander to inquiry about the oddity and request more advanced books on wand lore.

Waving his wand. He said a simple spell that he uses to transfigure just about everything unless he has a specific modification in mind "Immuto.." Lucien muttered. and with a couple of flourishes, he transfigured a stone bookshelf with carvings depicting the clash of gods and titans. and then Lucien forms an oak desk with carvings of magical beast and chair that mimicked the same design as the chair in Dumbledore's office. for some reason, Lucien had taken a liking to the style of the chair

He continued to red do his room to his standards and then unpacked all of his belongs for the year. When he was finished it was almost exactly like his room at home and a king size bed centered against the wall. and for descent measure, Lucien expanded the furthest wall by the wind and added a bathroom. Because who wants to walk a country mile at night to take a piss.

Lucien slept well that night after a hot shower and woke up fully refreshed and ready for the year. his first class was Herbology with Gryffindor, Lucien's next class was Transfiguration with Gryffindor and the next was class was very disappointing. DADA with Gryffindor

After Lunch on the way to class, Lucien had been walking with Zabini and Daphne and came across a very stupid scene

"It seems like potter and Malfoy are making another fuss" Zabini

"I honestly don't know how a boy whose family is on the verge of losing everything is arrogant" Daphne added

"What do mean?" Asked Lucien

"Haven't you heard. I mean you're the cause of the problem. Many people had forgotten the Draco's mother was a Rosier and had inherited some land for her dowry. However, since the Rosiers are on the decline and Lucius Malfoy couldn't afford the property taxes the let it fall to the shadow. and the Rosiers did the same. and just allowed the minister to use it as the ministry saw fit" Daphne

"But when you paid the taxes and took the land everyone found out, that besides the land, the Malfoys and the Rosiers had little money to maintain their lands. forcing Lucius to try and pawn of dark objects for the past month to keep up with the taxes." Zabini added

'What about his job at the ministry?" Lucien asked

"It only pays enough to cover the property his family home is on" Daphne answered him

"And yet he still has the gall?" Lucien just shook his head as they kept on their way to the classroom

finding their seat in the classroom Daphne and Zabini saved a spot for Pansy and Hermione who had gone to the girl's lavatory after lunch.

"Oh Lucien, Pansy wants to know, if you'll still be playing music on Fridays in the common room, now that you have your own living quarters," Zabini asked

"Of course Zabini, I happen to really enjoy being a Slytherin and if my music helps I don't mind playing to for the family" Lucien answered Zabini in a sincere tone

The three talked about how Lucien had been busy and left details out of his letters that would of be very enjoyable to read, rather than waiting for the daily prophet.

Then Daphne asked about Zabini and Pansy who were spending more time with each other than they were last year. Zabini just slightly nodded towards Lucien as if saying thank you and Lucien just smirk.

Harmless puppy love was still love. Besides knowing those two, Lucien knew that even if they hated each other today they would be best friends again tomorrow so setting them up wasn't really a hard decision for Lucien to make.

After a while, everyone began to slowly trickle into the class until all the seat were full. and when Hermione and Pansy walked in, it was obvious where Pansy was going to be sitting so Hermione took a seat next to Lucien.

"Hello Lucien, aren't you excited about this class. To be taught by the fabulous Gilderoy Lockhart?" She asked

"Not at all." Lucien fired back without a thought, and added "It doesn't look like he's been in battle a day in his life"

"Absurd, How could he write such amazing accounts of his battle his he was never in battle Lucien?" She tried to convince him. but Lucien knew his shit

"Your muggle born darling. Stop acting like there isn't a genre called fiction. " and before Hermione could retort

Lockhart cleared his throat loudly and silence fell. He reached forward, picked up Neville Longbottom's copy of Travels with Trolls, and held it up to show his own, winking portrait on the front.

"Me," he said, pointing at it and winking as well.

"Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense

League, and five-time winner of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile Award - but I don't talk about that. I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at her!"

He waited for them to laugh; a few people smiled weakly.

"I see you've all bought a complete set of my books -well done. I thought we'd start today with a little quiz. Nothing to worry about just to check how well you've read them, how much you've taken in -"

When he had handed out the test papers he returned to the front of the class and said, "You have thirty minutes - start - now!"

Lucien and the rest of Slytherin looked at the test and then looked around

"This is complete Horse shit," Said Lucien. Raising his hand, Lockhart acknowledged him.

"It seems you do know your place. Can I be dismissed professor/" Lucien asked and everyone's face express different reacts as they looked back at Lockhart for his answer? to allow a student to leave class early for no reason what so ever was never acceptable.

Lockhart knew exactly who Lucien was and this put him between a rock and a hard place. It wouldn't be as bad if the number of Dukes and Duchess weren't steadily falling and the Bennett-Dubois' weren't such raging flames ready to engulf them all. The last tab he ready in daily prophet was first about Potter and the flying car and before he's about to throw it away he caught a glimpse of the young lord who was actually holding all of his lordships and managing with great success.

while old dogs like the Weasleys, Malfoys, and Rosiers were holding on by a thread.

"Only for this class Lucien as.."

"Excuse me!?" Lucien proclaimed with a firm voice and an arrogance that trumped the Slytherins with the purest of blood

Lockhart cleared his throat again but was quite the struggle this time " I mean Lord Lucien. you can only leave class today lord Lucien as it is just an introduction and nothing really important"

"Spineless.." Lucien left his 'Textbooks' on the table and sent a flying letter to Lockhart as he left

when Lucien walked out the door . all eyes were on Lockhart as he read Lucien's letter and began to sweat.

Dear Professor Lockhart,

I write this letter in the scenario that I feel you are a total fraud. I give you this letter in the event when I feel without a doubt you are a total fraud. However, We all have our trades and to each his own. But you will issue books on the required curriculum-Yes, you will pay for them- and teach DADA to the Hogwarts standard or my Grandmother should hear about this and inquire about your 'Heroic Exploits' and weigh their legitimacy. I hope to see you next class with an actual teaching plan in effect. After all, this is the lives of young wizards you playing with.

-Lord Lucien Bennett-Dubois

Lord of House Bennet-Dubois

The heir apparent to the Dutchy of Bennett-Dubois


Lockhart put down the letter and took a deep breath. That sad part of the entire incident was that Gilderoy Lockhart knew he could take the letter to the headmaster for various reason. and Handling Lucien could never be an option for various and quite obvious reasons.

Lockhart had no choice but to comply and send for proper DADA textbooks and plan a teaching schedule for the year. Returning back to the class Lockhart continued his lesson. and Introduced the class to Cornish pixies. However, his demeanor had rapidly changed to Professor serious about his potion.

Lucien had smelt the bullshit miles away, days ago when he saw the list of books needed for Lockhart's class. and was infuriated that, the old hermit would hire such a man at that standard. a Professor at that standard should be an insult to all the years the headmaster had spent teaching young minds. Lucien just couldn't understand the game Dumbledore was playing this year.

with the free time that Lucien now had, he went to relax in the Slytherin common room so relief stress. And when he walked in, in the middle of the room was the piano he had transfigured last year. taking a seat at the piano. everyone there knows what was about to happen. and prepared to be taken for a ride.

However, Navarra Avery had stood up and walked over to Lucien and placed sheet music in front of him.

"It isn't finished, I expected you to be her Friday and thought I had time." She said

Looking over the music Lucien knew the purpose of that song. it was to...

"Entrap the heart... Navarra? did you write this for me or the study of Magical music?" Lucien asked her

"I kind of wrote for both of us. You said the music need rhythm, to come from the heart so that people feel what I feel. Well this is how your music makes me feel and I want everyone to feel the same way" Replied Navarra

"Haha That real groovy, I like it" Lucien read the sheet and then closed his eyes as his hands drifted of the piano keys. he played the music in his head to get a feel for it and oddly it had created a world that told Narvarra's story.

Lucien smiled and let out a little chuckle and said his introduction

"This is from a good friend of mine, Today she wants you all to experience the inner working of her heart, so don't be selfish and just let her lead the way"

Lucien then went in played steady soft notes. he eased the room into warm feeling and yearning stepped into their hearts and red roses began to fall in the common room. Nothing remained but a room of red with an apple tree in the center.

Lucien then becomes more fluid in his motions as he picked up the tempo . in a powerful onset of lust and euphoria, that sent shivers down the spines of the upperclassmen in the room. they had felt this sensation before.. was a temptation.

The note switch into a different arrangement as the hiss of a snake was heard and a naked woman appeared dancing around the tree. the music made everyone's heart thump and beat faster. they began to sweat and move their bodies. but it wasn't discomfort. it was more of need for release.

The woman dances fast and the room spent and the roses turned from red to white and the woman's body hit the ground. and the music stopped. Lucien became to plays notes of loneliness and confusion. it made the Slytherins feel as if the thought they knew themselves until they heard the hiss of the serpent and laid eyes on the fruit of the tree that forbidden.

Lucien's movements became erratic but the music he produces was sublime and induce emotional cause and then bang. the world changed again and a Black lion with golden eyes rested at the foot of the apple tree and a white snake with amber eyes wrapped around the tree.

The music fell back to peace and understanding. the Slytherins knew who they were but they soon realized that they wanted to be how they felt in the presence of the beasts. and then the music stopped